2 becas Croacia para emprendedor@s sociales


Participa en estas 2 becas Croacia en junio 2018 con el Programa Erasmus+ para jóvenes que quieran aprender a crear o gestionar mejor empresas sociales. Viaja, disfruta y aprende con todos los gastos pagados.

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BECAS CERRADAS, pero tienes más aquí.

Fechas y lugar becas Croacia

“Social Entrepreneurship Engagement for Youth (SEE 4 Youth)”

Training course

11 Monday June (9.30 am, starts) – 16 Saturday (7.30 pm, finishes) June 2018

Split Croatia

Deadline to send participation forms is 10/February/2018

Deadline to book tickets (Klub mladih Split needs to confirm the flights before participants proceed with the booking): 25/February/2018

The international training course ‘SEE 4 Youth’ will be hosted in Split from 10/6/2018 until 17/6/2018.
Each partner organization will be represented by 2 participants and the partner from Cyprus will be represented by 2 participants and 1 trainer.

Sobre el organizador

It is a youth non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Split, Croatia that addresses youth empowerment, youth employment and social inclusion. It envisions high quality of life of young people in our community and we see our purpose in activating young people in all areas of social life, creating great opportunities, disseminating important and valuable information on their rights, and
promoting and protecting their rights.

It aims at the development of non-formal educational and empowering programmes, providing a space for leisure and fun activities, organizing projects and happenings focused on youth, connecting and motivating youth leaders and organizations, and other different activities aimed at enabling the fulfillment of youth potential. Since 2012 it managed to connect with local University and leading faculties, local authorities, as well as student entrepreneurship incubator, NGO’s, local entrepreneurs and start-up experts.

Collaboration with partners and expanding our network constantly enables us to develop projects and educational programmes and materials regarding areas stated above. It retains a valuable network of educational experts, trainers and youth workers experienced with formal and non-formal education.

 Metodología becas Croacia

 The training will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved.
 Ice-breakers, energizers, group-building games
 Simulations

Role plays
 Intercultural and experiential learning
 Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary
 Inputs from experts




Participantes becas Croacia

Youth workers
 Young people interested at the objectives of this project and they are willing to share what they will learn in their respective organizations

Becas Croacia de viaje

275€ return ticket

Split Airport – is the biggest and only airport, closest to the venue. Cheap flights by Easyjet, Wizz Air, Vueling Airlines and others. Participants from Slovenia and Macedonia are advised to book the bus tickets.

There are several transport options to go from Airport to the City. The cheapest one is by city bus (Promet Split) number 37. The buses leave every 20 minutes and the bus station is next to the airport parking. The trip in one direction takes aproximately 45 minuter to 1 hour. One-way ticket is 17 HRK1

. Bus tickets can be purchased from the bus driver.
Please keep your recipts and your bus tickets because your travel budgets includes domestic travel.
How to come to hotel?
After you come from airport to the main bus station, go across the main street to the local bus station. You should take bus number 9. Buy one-way ticket in bus, it will cost you 11 HRK. Get off the bus at third station. Across the station, on west is Hostel Dujam. Remember to ask, Split is a small place, everyone knows the hotel and the bus drivers are very friendly.



Please bear in mind that according to the guidelines of our National Agency the travel dates can be plus or minus 2 days (the cost for the extra travel dates is not covered, for example accommodation, food and transportation). You can either a) arrive one day earlier and leave one day later or b)arrive two days earlier and leave on time c)or arrive on time and leave 2 days later d) or arrive on time and leave one day later or e)
arrive one day earlier and leave on time. All these options will be accepted only if they have the same or lower value with the actual travel dates of the training course (start day and last day of the training).

Irrespective of the means of the transport used, participants will be reimbursed on the basis of the least expensive route between their place of residence and the town in which the course is held.
Please don’t book any tickets before receiving our written confirmation.

All your principal costs during the training are taken in charge by the Erasmus + program (food, accommodation, training, etc.). About the travel cost from your home to our place, Erasmus+ program is taking a part of the cost. You can do a simulation on this website: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm

You have to buy your tickets and the reimbursement will be done a month or two after the end of the activities. Taxis will not be reimbursed.

We need your travel documents (boarding pass, tickets, invoices) to be able to reimburse you, so MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL YOUR TICKET RECEIPTS!

NOTE that NO electronic tickets will be reimbursed if the original invoice is not provided. The reimbursement will be done via bank transfer within 45 days, after the receipt of all travel documents including boarding passes.
 Travel refund to the participants will be paid by bank transfer to organizational account/personal account for the whole group after all travel documents will be received by us.
Before the execution of the reimbursement, participants need to fill a questionnaire that is generated from the mobility tool (organizers will inform you accordingly).

Without the originals, we can’t reimburse the travel costs. Please print out all your flights tickets, even if you sent them to us before, we need them in paper for the reimbursement!!!!!

If you wish to travel on other dates than the dates of the exchange, please take contact with the organizers before purchasing your tickets! Please plan your trip carefully.

Early arrivals or late departures will be the own responsibility of the participants.

According to the NA the arrival and travel back must be realized by participants within maximum of 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travel (holiday travel, etc) there is no chance of reimbursement. Also, if you want to stay one or two days longer, before or after the training course, we will not be able to host you at the training course’s location and you will have to find a place to stay at your own. If you have difficulties with it, contact us. Please note that the organizers will not provide any additional accommodation outside the dates of the exchange!

Coordinator organization will transfer travel expenses to your sending organization and they are the ones who will give you your travel expenses back. Travel expenses will be reimbursed the latest one month after the submission of the final report and to get them you will have to do all participants tasks, including ones before and after mobility as stated under participants’ tasks .Every participant is obligated to actively participate in all activities. In a case of missing out more than 10% of activities participants travel expenses won’t be reimbursed and participant is risking getting expelled from the project and sent back home on their own expenses.


Seguros becas Croacia

The hosting organization does not cover travel and health insurance. Each participant should have valid health insurance (for example European Health Card) and travel insurance during the whole participantion in the project. We reccommend www.seguroserasmus.com

Also, you should have during the exchange travel documents: identity card / passport.

Alojamiento becas Croacia

The venue of the training course is Hotel Dujam (Velebitska 27, Split, Croatia). All participants will stay in Youth hostel Dujam in triple rooms with shared bathrooms.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included. Whole programme will be held in conference room in hostel.
The rooms are triple, fully equipped with everything you may need. Towels are changed every 2-3 days, bed sheets every 3 days. The rooms are two floors above the conference room. We might combine people from different countries in the same room so as all the participants to have the opportunity to get to know each other.

Please let us know if you want different arrangement e.t.c.

What to bring:
Please bring any medicine you might need. We don’t have all the medicines you might need in Croatia (brand, ingredients etc).


You are strongly advised to bring your laptop (if you have one) because we will work on freeware and programs that you can use for dissemination of your activities, project management etc. Please try to bring one laptop per country to use it in some of the sessions.

We will have free internet access in the whole hotel. You can connect with your laptops. There is WI-FI in all the areas of the hotel.

Information regarding extra Facilities
Please contact in advance the hotel if you want to make a booking for your extra stay in Croatia. Prefer to arrange your stay with other participants in double or triple rooms because single rooms are very expensive.

Food and Participation fee/ cost (apart from Building Bridges fee)

Food and accommodation are FREE. There is a participation fee of 35 euros which the participants are required to pay in cash during the TC. Please, pay special attention to this point as we will not be able to keep this amount from the money you will get back for your travel expenses.
The participation fee among other organizational expenses covers the cost of farewell party near the beach. It covers also a trip to Klis Fortress.

The food will be prepared by the hotel. Breakfast, dinner and lunch included. If you are a vegetarian, vegan or you have any allergy problems, please inform us as soon as possible.

Dinner is also arranged for the day of arrival and lunch for the departure day.

Participants can have their meals at local restaurants but you are to inform us on time so that we don’t waste food. We also don’t cover the cost of your outside dining, since you will have all your meals arranged specially for you at the hotel restaurant.

Split is a fairly safe city and the streets of the old town are usually full of people, day and night. Street violence is rare and there’s no particular problem with pickpocketing, but you should employ common sense regardless.

Proceso selección para las becas Croacia

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV and motivation letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject «TC Split.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

[button color=»pink» link=»https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sEpHegPKZ1roBby8kUlhVCgj44FnvnnMVjrTAi4O77s/edit?usp=sharing» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Application form[/button]

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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