Becas cursos en Italia para profesor@s, educadores y formador@s


Participa en estas 3 becas cursos en Italia en mayo 2018 con el Programa Erasmus+ para profesor@s, educador@s y/ o formador@s que quieran aprender a crear o gestionar mejor técnicas de la educación no formal. Viaja, disfruta y aprende con todos los gastos pagados.

Tienes más becas Erasmus en Italia a tu disposición en nuestra web.

Becas completas!. Por favor mira vacantes aquí


Fechas y lugar becas cursos en Italia

“ESL&NFE Non formal education to fight early school leaving”

KA1 Training Course – Erasmus+ – Youth
Italy, 14th – 19th May 2018

Deadline to send participation forms is 11/April/2018

First of all we are very glad and enthusiast, knowing that you’ll participate in this Training Course focusing specifically on how non formal education can support young people at risk of drop out. In particular with this TC we wish to equip youth workers, youth leaders and educators with tools and methodologies concerning career guidance and making responsible choices, that can stimulate the person to start a process of change.

We are looking forward to welcome you on this Training Course and to work with you on the topics of this.

This pack contains all the important topics and information which regards you as participant. Having read, understood and agreed upon all of this will allow you fully to enjoy and involve.

Please read carefully next chapters. We have tried to include all possible information in this pack, even the apparently obvious topics. Don’t hesitate to contact us in case something might not to be clear. At later stage (after the selection procedure) you will receive further practical information in relation to your stay, how to reach the location, the training …


Sobre el organizador

It is a young non profit organization, run by young people. It was founded in 2002 by friends with various specializations and social cultural economic skills. We work in the social and cultural field both at local and international level, specially with projects dedicated to young people.

Its aims are to:
1) promote interaction between different cultures;
2) promote international cooperation;
3) spread peace and the highest human values.

Metodología becas cursos en Italia

The programme of the activities is built through a set of methods and activities that are as varied as possible to meet the different profiles of the participants such as: work group, dicussions and exchange of opinions and good practices with other colleagues, esxperts in the youth fields in a stimulating international context; storytelling, methodologies and tools based on narrative career guidance; workshop in a high school, intercultural learning, project drafting, excursions in the
territory. All the activities will be supported by trainer and a staff specialized in non formal education.

The Team and this TC will be run by the experienced trainer
Italian living in Milan, project manager, trainer and facilitator. She has an university degree in educational sciences and a specialization in human rights and development cooperation. When she discovered non formal education, it was love at first sight so she started to collaborate with different associations, institutions and groups, both at national and international level, on training for youth workers, teachers and educators.

There is a coordinator of the project, has experience in international youth projects and works regularly for it.



Programa becas cursos en Italia

becas cursos en italia programa

Detalles prácticos sobre las becas

About your country/ region/ town
During this training course we plan to organize the “Intercultural Evening”. So we invite you to bring posters, postcards, leaflets etc.
We also wish to invite you to bring gastronomic specialities from your region or country: food (attention: it’s not possible to heat food or to cook light dishes in the training centre) and drinks for this “Intercultural Evening”.

Materials and documents about the projects and the work of your organization.
– Music, video and newspaper or magazine from your Country.
– An alarm clock.
– Clothes, instruments, etc from your culture or social background.
– Typical food and drinks from your culture to be shared during the intercultural evening and coffee breaks.
– Comfortable clothes to work outdoor.
– Enthusiasm and Energy!

Youth Pass
Youthpass is a developed instrument of validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the Erasmus+ Programme. Participants in the TC will have the chance to receive a Youthpass Certificate.

Accomodation and Travel Information
Board and lodging will be provided and paid for by the Organisation of the Training Course.
More info will be available soon.

Participantes becas cursos en Italia

– All actors in the youth field (youth leaders, youth workers, teachers, educators…)
– Youth workers and youth leaders coming from Italy, Romania, Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Cyprus,
– Participants should be at least 18 years old, and should have a good level of english

And “to do what” more concretely?

– to offer a solid framework of the phenomenon on the early school leaving at European level: what reasons determined it, the consequences, how it manifests itself in Europe, and the knowledge of the main stakeholders involved.
– To acquire tools and methodologies on career guidance, the process through which the person develops competences and reaches tools, that facilitate a critical position on the reality that surrounds Young people, to be able to make more responsible choices.
– To fight school failure, without understimating the issues such as self marginalization, a sense of rejection from others, disapproval by family and teachers;
– To offer participants a space to build networks and synergies at European level to realize new projects in the framework of Erasmus + and last but not least to build further opportunities to work.

Becas de viaje Italia

275€ return ticket

Please note that the venue is far away from Rome and there will be no free time to visit the City during the Training days. Participants that want to visit Rome, can book their tickets maximum 2 days before and/or after the Training dates. In those dates board and lodging will be NOT covered by the Organizers.



As the project is co- funded by Erasmus + – Youth in Action- so food and accomodation are provided by hosting organization. The travel tickets will be refunded up to the maximum established by Erasmus + Programme, and after the submission of all receipts about them.

Please, remember that only the participants who attend the entire training course can be reimbursed.
The reimbursement will be done only for travel expenses incurred according to the following rules:
– Your travel expenses will be reimbursed only upon presentation of documentary evidence of the sum actually paid: original invoice or/and a copy of credit card slip. We will do a photocopy of the tickets you still will need to return and will keep the originals of ones you have already used.
– Electronic tickets will only be reimbursed on receipt proof of payment (invoice, paper of booking/purchase printed from internet, copy of credit card-slip showing the transfer of the money for the ticket, payment confirmation from internet) and on presentation of the boarding pass for the outward journey. No boarding passes, no reimbursement!
– Note, that the booking paper alone is not enough to prove your travel expenses. You should present as well a bill, a slip of payment or print-out from your bank account to confirm the sum paid for your ticket.
– Keep all travel documents you get during your trip: boarding passes, bills, slips, tickets, etc., because we completely need them!
– Return tickets must be purchased before the start of the journey.
– Taxi fares cannot be reimbursed.

– If you purchase the tickets through a travel agency, for the reimbursement we need an account statement including the following items: name of participants; Itinerary; costs; date of travel.
The reimbursement will be made by bank transfer only after receiving the return tickets only to the Partner Association. No bank transfer will be made to the individual participants.
Please bring with you all the bank details (IBAN; SWIFT; CODE…)
Please note, that we cannot reimburse any accommodation or boarding costs other than at the venue during the training course.


Seguros becas cursos en Italia

The hosting organization does not cover travel and health insurance. Each participant should have valid health insurance (for example European Health Card) and travel insurance during the whole participantion in the project. We reccommend

Also, you should have during the exchange travel documents: identity card / passport.


Board and lodging will be provided and paid for by the Organisation of the Training Course.
More info will be available soon.
Please note that the venue is far away from Rome and there will be no free time to visit the City during the Training days. Participants that want to visit Rome, can book their tickets maximum 2 days before and/or after the Training dates. In those dates board and lodging will be NOT covered by the Organizers.


Proceso selección para las becas cursos en Italia

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «TC Italy Antonella.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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