2 becas Erasmus+ para curso en Polonia sobre danza y kinestesia


2 becas Erasmus+ para un curso de formación en Polonia sobre danza y kinestesia con todos los gastos pagados de transporte, alojamiento y manutención


Move´em all!

Dates and location

11-19 April 2016

The location will be Sępólno Krajeńskie, POLAND

Arrival to TC venue: APRIL 11, 2016 Departure from TC venue: APRIL 19, 2016

Sępólno Krajeńskie it is a small town located in Kujavian-Pomeranian voivodship, about 350 km from the capital of Poland – Warsaw, with the population of about 10 000 inhabitants. Cozy, quiet, friendly place with the lake in the centre, surrounded by beautiful nature will be perfect place for successful learning process.

curso erasmus+ en polonia

Background of course

The general idea of this training course is to provide a chance for people that work with youth (youth workers, youth leaders, educators that work with young people outside formal education settings) to experience and discover elements of various movement exercises and contemporary dance that could be used as a valuable tool for providing new non-formal learning opportunities for youth. Kinesthetic or bodily learning is often one of the most neglected ways of learning, so, discovering the power of it and developing skills on how it could be used in the youth work would provide a great quality improvement and innovation to the field.

The training course will be based on Experiential Learning approach and will include:

– Practical part: Experiencing series of exercises with movement and contemporary dance, discovering own body opportunities, developing creative way of expression and developing personal motivation to use kinesthetic learning

– Analyzing the experience: Becoming more aware about the power of kinesthetic expression and learning

– learning from own emotions and also discovering it from theoretical point of view

– Conceptualizing: Exploring opportunities for including more elements of kinesthetic learning and contemporary dance in youth work

– Developing skills on designing and implementing non-formal learning activities for/with youth that would be based on consciously chosen kinesthetic learning elements

– Developing concrete ideas on follow-up steps on using kinesthetic learning in youth work in local and international projects

Participants and Target group:

24 youth leaders and youth workers active at the local level from Latvia, Portugal, Greece, Estonia, Croatia, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland (see more precise division by countries at financial conditions part).

2 members from Building Bridges Association (Spain).

Working language:

Working language will be English. All participants should have good level of English skills not only to be able to understand the language, but also participate in discussions and act as independent facilitators of activities and learning process in English.


Coordinators and trainers: The main coordinator of the project is an organization from Sępólno Krajeńskie, Poland Stowarzyszenie („Adults for Children” Association). This NGO has been very active in the youth field for many years. The training will be implemented by two experienced trainers:

Ieva (Latvia) Ieva has been working in the youth field since 2001 and last 6 years is a trainer of non-formal learning in the field of youth – as a local and European project initiator and manager. She has carried already more than 85 international trainings for different target groups (youth workers, teachers and others). Ieva is a member of pool of trainers of Latvian NA and also EVS trainer with SALTO EECA.


Ilze (Latvia) Ilze is a member of the Association of Professional Contemporary Dance Choreographers of Latvia. She has received an MA in choreography in 2007. Since 2007 she has been a dance teacher in Latvian Culture College and Latvian Academy of Culture. She has an extensive experience in informal dance education in Latvia and also on international trainings.

Financial aspects

 Accommodation and lodging covered by 100% by the Erasmus +. The accommodation place was not finalized yet. So, you will receive another info pack later.

 Travel expenses partially or entirely covered by Erasmus + (the amount depends of the route to the venue of the training). Total amount for return ticket 360€

The exchange will be implemented in the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Programme, and travel expenses will be reimbursed to all participants according to travel limits set by the Erasmus+ Programme. If you stay within the given budget, your expenses will be covered 100%, and if you spend more, the exceeding amount will be your own contribution to your travel. Please find the maximum amounts participants can spend to travel to Oporto or to the venue.

The reimbursement of your travel and visa costs will be organised on the spot in cash (EUR) during the training course, so please bring all necessary documents and receipts to make the process easier.

The itinerary for this project will include flights to/from destination country. Reimbursement will be done by bank transfer after the project after we receive by post mail all the necessary original documents (proofs of expenses, invoices, receipts, tickets, boarding passes, etc.) and the online participant report is done and submitted.

Accommodation and food during the training course will be fully covered. Insurance is obligatory and should be arranged and covered by each participant and will not be reimbursed. We reccommend «SegurosErasmus» which is the cheapest one.

!! Important: Consult the organisers before buying tickets. Only ticket options approved by the organisers will be reimbursed.

Travel costs

All traveling, accommodation, catering costs are covered by the Erasmus + Programme. For other expenses (souvenirs, extra food) each participant should bring money as much as he/she thinks will be needed. With receiving this info pack, you are expected to start checking the options for tickets to finish the procedure of buying tickets the soonest possible (to make sure that they are still cheap ) The best option to come to Poland is to take a flight to WARSAW airport (you can also check POZNAŃ, GDAŃSK or BYDGOSZCZ).

From Warsaw (or other city) you will have to take a train/bus going to BYDGOSZCZ but these tickets will be reserved and bought by us, so please DO NOT buy them, we will send you tickets on your emails. MOVE’EM ALL – 2015-3-PL01-KA105-022755 6 BONUS TIP As during the project we will not have much time for sightseeing, if you would like to see more of Poland, you can arrive one day earlier or leave one day later (on your own expense) but then make sure that you receive “a green light” from us for that.

The necessary documents:

If all documents provided (original ticket, boarding passes….) the reimbursement will be done at the end of the project. If not, after the course, by bank transfer.

– If they will have return ticket in their own country. Ask them to buy while coming to the project.

– Taxis will not be reimbursement.

– We need your all receipts, tickets and boarding passes (for both ways). So when you are coming, keep them. After the project you should send us (scanned by email and originals by post) all the tickets and boarding passes of the travel back home.

– Insurance will be participants’ responsibility. We reccommend www.seguroserasmus.com if you travel from Spain

Accommodation and venue

The main activities will take place in “Jan” hotel located at the bank of picturesque lake, surrounded by and woods and very near to the town centre. Nice atmosphere, friendly surrounding and beauty of nature – everything in one place… Participants will be located 2-3 beds rooms. Meals will be provided in the same place. Main activities will take place either in the hotel or in different place in walkable distance from the hotel.

HOTEL ADDRESS: 1 Leśna street 89-400 Sępólno Krajeńskie http://www.hoteljan.com.pl/ – only in Polish but you can take “ a virtual walk” there

Organization notes

● Taking into account the educational kind of the project, it is forbidden to use alcohol and other drugs during the project activities.

● The project assumes that attendance in all activities for all the participants must be 100%. Failure to attend the activities may result in our inability to reimburse the travel expenses.


– Please bring information to present your NGO in the NGO fair. Do not forget to bring materials about your organisation (leaflets, posters, photos, videos, CD-ROMs, etc)

You can share your projects, best practices,…..

– We will create a booklet of the project which will include all the NGOs participating to the project. So, we kindly ask you to send us 1 page information and 1 or 2 pictures and logo of your NGO. So, we can deliver it to even after the project.

– Please prepare to present your country on the inter-cultural evening; some foods, posters, games, music….. (There is no opportunity to use the kitchen for preparing food).

Expectations and Rules during the project

The participants are expected to attend the whole duration of the project and participate in all activities. If an emergency happens and you need to be absent for a short time, the team should be informed in advance. Please use the free time for meeting friends. If you miss any part of the course only without a valid reason (illness or unforeseen grave circumstances) and without informing the team and/or if you cause major problems for the team and or the participant group, the team will have to take measures going from partial refunding of the tuition, travel expenses, board and lodging by the participant up to exclusion from the course in extreme situations.

Please note that during the course the team have the authority to take decisions in a day-to-day life as well as the arrangement of the programme.

Selection process

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV , application form and motivation letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject «TC Poland Move´em all Danielo .YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “TC Poland Move´em all Danielo .YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.

[button color=»orange» link=»https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lxFTkvf_jCp0SGje2BE_-NS5BY6h0HrqEb1a8CeOc-k/edit?usp=sharing»]Application form[/button]

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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