¡Urgente! 1 plaza de SVE en Portugal de 1 año

The municipality of Odemira (Portugal) has currently 1 open vacancies for EVS (European Voluntary Service), in 2 different associations working with the local community.


07.10.2015 – 06.10.2016 (1 year)


Sabóia, Portugal

Host Organization:

Associação Humanitária D. Ana Pacheco


17th September 2015


On the left bank of the Mira River, between Odemira and Monchique, lies 30 km from its county seat (Odemira) and 2 km of the railway station of Santa Clara-Sabóia. With an area of 158.26 km2 and a population of about 1100 inhabitants, lies Humanitarian Association Dona Ana Pacheco, in Rua Luis Serrano with the postal code 7665-843 Sabóia.
The Humanitarian Association Dona Ana Pacheco, aims satisfaction through cooperation and assistance among its members, non-profitable, the necessities of life and family care for the elderly, pensioners, retired, disabled, youth and children and to the family and even the culture in general, especially the promotion of the principles and practice of associations. The Humanitarian Association Dona Ana Pacheco is to work with the valences: home (65 users), Day Centre (22 users) and Home Care (70 users) which gives a total of 157 users in our office, also with a Cleaning at home service, and for all of that it has 64 employees. The provision of domiciliary support services and day center extends not only to Sabóia, but also to the villages of Santa Clara-a-Velha, Luzianes-Gare. The minimum care provided to users translate into: food, hygiene and image care, dressing, health care, housing care, psychosocial support, recreational and sports activities, promotion of the relationship with the outside.


This project is based on recreational activities, sports and cultural with elderly people and some carriers of the institution and the community deficiencies. The Volunteer will have a mentor who will be the animation technician, and with who all the work is planned, the volunteer will have the opportunity to have a good learning and adaptation to the target audience and territory, will have also two mentors outside the institution. Two young, from the community and also part of the leadership of the institution.


The association will be responsible for the care of the volunteer, will provide a home with all the basic conditions, water, electricity, gas, among other things, the meals are all in the institution’s headquarters as we have a canteen to ensure these meals, the Association will provide transport for all activities included in the business plan, shall also physician if necessary.


The volunteer will have to monitorize the planned activities expressed in the Activities Plan of the institution.
• Aim and like to work with elderly people, some with disabilities;
• Taste and desire to live for a year in a rural area;
• Have some knowledge in rural areas and how to work with the targeted audience.
When the vacancy is open through international networks, will never be no distinction in the choice of voluntary, we mean by this, that will never be discrimination with regard to culture / ethnic nor political will or sexual orientation, or to religion or gender volunteer. The volunteer will not have to have any degree of specific academic training, will have to be just like the work with the target audience said.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Portugal Saboia. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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