6 vacantes en Lituania en varios proyectos


Free vacancies for EVS volunteers in Lithuania

1. NGO “Vaiko užuovėja”

Non profit, public body organization. Main aim of organization to take care of orphanage. At the moment in hose live 23 kids, from 4 months to 18years. They have three groups for smallest, middle age and the oldest. 18 workers are working in the organization: director, social workers, technical stuff, psychologist and ect. They have living rooms, 2-3 kids in each, 3 kitchens, playing space, meeting hall, library, computers room and ect. Also, there are enough space for activities outside: yard, paying ground for football and basketball, garden where they are growing some vegetables. Need of volunteer: 2 longterm (12months) volunteers from 2016 Janualy Possible activities: help in taking care of smallest children: feeding, playing with them, reading tales, making body massage or exercises. Helping middle age, 7-12years old, kids to prepare home works, to teach English language, to organize events and leisure time activities for them and together with them. Helping for most old children leisure time, teach English language, present volunteers culture and country. Futher more, organize hikes or events for or with kids in and out orphanage. Organization has previous experience of 2 EVS volunteers, who were doing long term EVS. Organization is educated and now about progamme philosophy and learning process of volunteer. Stuff of organization are prepared and understand what is the purpose of volunteers in organization and willing them to help to learn, work with volunteers learning skills.

 Profile of volunteers:

active in sports and playing some music instruments would be preferable.

2. Family education and leisure time centre „Aš Jis” Family education and leisure time centre „Aš Jis” in Vabalninkas (Biržai region).

In Vabalninkas are 1200 inhabitants. Day care and leisure time center every day meet 40 and more kids and youngsters who are coming after school. There are many different spaces where it is possible to implement activities interesting for them: equipped sport hall, meeting hall, dinning room and kitchen, hand craft room and ect. At the moment in day care and leisure time center works 2 employees who are ensuring center’s care and daily work. It is hard to organize workshops every day, to stay in different places at the same time, to organize activities for different age kids and youngsters, to suggest them music or art activities. So this would be volunteers tasks. Also, volunteers will help in camps or hikes during the summer, winter, autumn and spring holidays. Volunteers initiative and experience in various activities are welcome in this Family education and leisure time centre „Aš Jis” 2 long term (12 months) EVS volunteers from 2016 January.


3. Biržai Kaštonų primary school

In the school are nearly 400 school children from Biržai and its district. Half of pupils are coming to this school from villages around Biržai. As each school it is taking care about pupils education and knowladge gaining. Time to time school is organizing events, camps, disco’s or other leisure time activities, but this is not a priority of the school. Team of the school can suggest many interesting activities for volunteers: leisure time organizing for the pupils before and after lessons while they are waiting for the bus to get back home, or when they are brought earlier, before lessons starts. Also, there are many possibilities to organize events, caraokes, quizzes, during the brakes or teachers meetings. Volunteers will help for smaller kids to prepare their homeworks, speak and practice English. School is famous in Lithuania Public body for its sports achievements, volunteers could suggest and promote some new sports activities, the ones are popular in their own countries. Volunteers presentations of culture, county, food and ect. are very welcome as well as initiatives. 2 long term (6 months) EVS volunteers from 2016 January.


How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Poland Europe VS Poland. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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