Si te apasiona la comunicación y te apetece ganar experiencia en otro país, envía ya tu solicitud para uno de estos dos proyectos que comenzarán en Salzburgo en febrero de 2019. Podrás realizar un voluntariado en medios de comunicación durante un año con todos los gastos cubiertos por el programa Erasmus+.
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[tab title=»+ Info» icon=»momizat-icon-rocket» ]¿Qué es el voluntariado?: Cómo participar
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Voluntariado Rumanía refugiados y discapacitados visuales
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Fechas y lugar del voluntariado
Place: Salzburg, Austria.
Dates: 1.2.2019-31.1.2020.
Voluntariado en una televisión local
La organización
It is an independent, non-commercial, non-profit TV station in Salzburg, Austria. We run a 24h Television programme, featuring the civil society of Salzburg. 30 organisations and 80 individuals are member of the organisation, together with independent producers a «user generated TV» is produced and broadcasted. We run an intense traing and workshop program called «Academy» to qualify producers from all social, economic and cultural backrounds. The organization has high ethic goals, we support minorities, migrants, impaired people, youth, cultural and subcultural movements and are partnering with similar organisations in the field of media literacy, media training and education.
Tareas durante el SVE
This project offers the possibility to experience the work in the medium of TV broadcasting. The volunteer will get the chance to get to know all departments in a community TV station (from organisation/administration to TV workshops and own TV programms).
One of our aims – among others – is the transfer of know-how and competence in media. Especially young people should learn to express their opinions freely. In addition they should also gain technical experience. With the project ‘European Voluntary Service’ this aim is also linked to one of our further principles: the exchange of information and experience across the borders. The Project ‘European Voluntary Service’ is in line with our philosophy, to be a platform that connects cultures and also generations.
The volunteer can learn a lot about TV journalism, moderation and TV techniques. She/he will be a part of the team, especially of the editorial staff. After the time working here she/he will be able to make an TV program and got an insight in and an overview over the work of an (non commercial) TV station (and also of an institution, that carries out many projects).
In the first weeks the volunteer will get to know the whole studio and learn about all the technical facilities. The volunteer will get a complete introduction to all the technical and computerised appliances and she/he will have the possibility to learn about this step by step.
Then the volunteer should be ready for the following tasks:
The volunteer should support the staff in tasks such as: run errands, take care of the office supply, take care of the technical devices that can be rented, working with the programme makers.
It would be wished after the first time of introduction for that the volunteer also gets creative and makes his/her own TV contributions (whatever the topic will be – and even in her/his own language or in two languages.) The first contribution to the program will be cultural event tips for the «Culture Magazine», which is good for training technical abilities, moderation, journalistic methods and so on. After that she/he will be sent to press conferences and cultural events to produce short reports.
As soon as the volunteer is fully acquainted with the studio and the surrounding and s/he feels comfortable and able to do so s/he would be offered to develop an own project: e.g. initiate and produce an own programme together with other youth, emphasise on a cultural exchange between FS1 and other Community TV stations within Austria or with other countries (probably the country s/he comes from) and exchange ideas and broadcasts with them.
If the volunteer wants to she/he can make his/her own contribution to the website or run his / her own blog.
Perfil del voluntario
The volunteer should have technical interest and interest in media. She/he should be motivated for creating own inputs for the television, work independently and be creative. Some experience (study, job…) in media or cultural institutions would be fine, but is not necessary, because we will qualify the volunteer in our «Academy».
Voluntariado en un centro de medios
La organización
It is a non-profit association, specialized in networking throughout Europe and all over the world. It focuses on the use of digital technologies, social entrepreneurship and creative content (“Digital Creativity improving Society”). It also offers educational programmes to young people. The organization stands out with its special emphasis on the evaluation, promotion and showcasing of best practise in digital projects improving society.
Since 2012, the association conducts the “European Youth Award (EYA)” – the only pan-European (59 eligible countries) competition for young people and social entrepreneurs using Internet and Mobile to improve society and address the goals defined by the EU strategy Europe 2020, the Council of Europe and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. EYA demonstrates their potential to create innovative solutions for societal challenges with digital technologies.
On a global scale the organization has initiated and is organising the “World Summit Awards” in 168 countries within the UN framework of the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS. The World Summit Awards are an on-going activity since 2003 in cooperation with UNIDO, UNESCO, ITU, ISOC, UN GAID and UNDP.
It cooperates in international networks and works in partnership with other centers of excellence, professional multimedia associations, and institutions of higher learning, research institutes and non-profit foundations. It services private industries and governments and offers a platform for networking, co-operation and experience exchange for multimedia professionals from all over the world.
Its biggest strength is to actively connect people from different cultural backgrounds and disciplines, makes them work together and build up a strong network. In the last 14 years the organization has grown into a European institution for best practice selection, evaluation and promotion in the area of quality e-contents and showcasing and demonstrating quality in digital, interactive products and applications.
Tareas del voluntario
You support the team by writing e-mails, organizing press clippings, update the contact database and marketing materials, a.s.o. You should also be willing and able to travel and have fun working hands-on at events. Please notice that most of your work will be office-related.
The organization is interested in young persons who would like to bring their social and cultural experience into international projects (English speaking preferred). You should be willing to learn and to have a general interest in new media and e-contents. You need computer skills (at least office programs like word, excel, etc.); any experience with other programs (e.g. photoshop, wordpress, etc) is most welcome.
Proceso de selección
We will study carefully all applications and selected candidates will be invited for a Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the upcoming weeks.
For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with Skype username included.
– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest in the project and the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.
[button color=»brown» link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Motivation letter and application form[/button]
Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.
All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS Austria, Katharina. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” . Please, specify if you apply for the TV project or the New Media project.
6 septiembre, 2018 at 12:53 pmBuenos días,
Estoy interesado en el voluntariado pero me gustaría saber las condiciones de alojamiento y las ayudas económicas que ofrece.
Muchas gracias,
6 septiembre, 2018 at 1:35 pmHola Pau, ve a nuestra sección de preguntas frencuentes donde se explica todo! gracias
24 septiembre, 2018 at 8:46 pmBuenas tardes,
¿Hay algún contacto para preguntar dudas?¿Cuál es el plazo para apuntarse?
Muchas gracias!
24 septiembre, 2018 at 8:59 pmhola, claro, por comentarios o en apartado contáctanos! pero este voluntariado ya está cerrado, te recomendamos que mires más aquí:
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