EVS sobre interculturalidad en el sur de Portugal


Te animamos a realizar este EVS sobre interculturalidad en el sur de Portugal, donde podrás realizar actividades con jóvenes de la zona y ayudarás a crear conciencia europea entre la comunidad local.

Aquí puedes ver otras plazas de voluntariado europeo.

Voluntariado en Noruega con jóvenes y refugiados

Voluntariado europeo en ayuntamiento de Sliven (Bulgaria)

Servicio Voluntariado Europeo Rumanía sobre inclusión (2 plazas)

Fechas y lugar

Place: Olhao, Portugal.

Dates: Start in November 2018 and for 1 year.

Sobre el proyecto

The volunteers will be placed for a 12 month period in the southern Portuguese city of Olhão, starting in October 2018, where they´ll have the opportunity to experience a totally different culture and way of living, to learn and experience new things, and to use the knowledge and experience gained in their countries so that they can act as a liaison between partner organisations. The volunteers will be involved in the activities and projects developed by the hosting organisation and will be encouraged to develop and implement their own projects/ideas.

The project will promote young people’s active citizenship in general and European citizenship in particular since living and working abroad will be an important learning experience in itself for the volunteers. Also the contact with the local youth will allow the discussion about the European values with persons from different backgrounds and realities, but also will be a chance to promote changes in different areas and different topics. In terms of specific objectives for youth under the Erasmus + Program, VEEhYcLE will help to improve the level of skills and key skills of young people, including the disadvantaged, promoting intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, particularly through creating opportunities for mobility for learning purposes. Complementing will help to improve the quality of youth work by strengthening the cooperation between youth organizations. In terms of priorities, the project will enable  the development of basic and transversal competences such as entrepreneurship and multilingualism, and will raise awareness of European citizenship.
We intend to privilege the development of the volunteers’ personal skills and create learning opportunities, both based on non-formal methods, through tutoring sessions to introduce the volunteer to the organisation and to provide them with the necessary skills to carry out their tasks, through direct contact with the community, the culture and the language. At the same time, the service of the volunteers will bring a strong value to the community in general, through the direct results of their work for and with the local youngsters and through the different points of view that they will bring.

Tareas durante el EVS sobre interculturalidad

– Support the development of activities for youngsters, which will involve the preparation of group dynamics, team building activities, cultural activities, sport activities, and others, always in articulation with the association’s team;
– School support, where the volunteers will have the chance to have direct contact with children and organize several outdoor activities;
– Promotion of games and activities for youngsters during school breaks;
– Work at the social living room of the head office, which is open to children and youngsters from Monday to Sunday, where the volunteers can help in the organisation of the space, in the organisation of activities for the holidays related to special events, in the organisation of sports activities and in the creation of new activities, among others;
– Support in the international relationships, helping the team in the organization of international trainings for cooperation of people from different nationalities in various subjects, youth work camps, for the promotion of volunteering in various subjects and international training and exchange programmes;
– Office support in international level, making contacts with international partners.

Perfil del voluntario

The volunteer’s selection process is intended to be transparent and open to all involved. There are no preferences regarding gender, age or study areas. However a special concern is taken on the analysis of volunteers’ expressed interest in working with children and young people with fewer opportunities and at risk of exclusion, since these will be the main goal of the proposed activities. The fact that the volunteer has some experience linked with youth associations was seen as positive for the development of the activities/ projects, although it was not an exclusion point for the decision. The most
important is that the volunteer shows willingness to develop the proposed activities/ projects with motivation.
The information on the project will be published on the international database of the European Voluntary Service and European Solidarity Corps. At the same time a call for interested volunteers of partner organizations will be launched. Then, volunteers (with support from the Sending Organization, will supply a Curriculum Vitae and a motivation letter in English, for a preliminary analysis of the application. After that, the candidates may be requested to fill in an application form with supplementary information.
Very Important: In order to be selected to participate in the project, the candidate needs to be part of the international database of the European Solidarity Corps.

Información práctica

Working hours:
The volunteers will work 5 days per week for a maximum of 35 hours. Weekends are free, except for some events that may take place during weekends. In such a case, the volunteers will be compensated with a day off during the week. Moreover, the volunteers, according to the Activity Agreement have 24 days off during the year, or 2 days off per month.

The hosting and coordinating organisation is responsible for providing the volunteers with accommodation in a safe environment. The volunteer will live in a furnished rented flat shared with other volunteers, close from the office and not far from the centre of the town. The flat contains all the necessary amenities and is divided in different rooms, kitchen and bathroom. The volunteers will have their own bedroom or share it with another volunteer, a shared kitchen and bathroom.

Food allowance and pocket money
The house where the volunteers will live have a kitchen that can be used. A monthly contribution for food will be given to every volunteer in the amount of 120 Euros. The volunteer will receive during his stay in Olhão, a monthly pocket money. The amount is stipulated by the Erasmus + Programme and is equal to 150 Euros. The Coordinating Organization will be responsible to pay the pocket money at the end of each month.

Travel Costs
For travel costs, there is contribution based on the travel distance per participant from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return: France – 275€; Spain – 275€; Cyprus – 530€ and Czech Republic – 360€.

Before completing the purchase of the ticket (just one-way) volunteers or the Sending Organization will have to contact us, we will give the authorization to go on with the purchase of the ticket. Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon presentation of the original tickets with boarding passes and receipt/invoices. Reimbursement will be done in EUR, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice.

Language Course
Volunteers are welcome to learn Portuguese before and during the project. Before coming to Portugal, volunteers can practice using several online tools (Duolingo, Babbel).
Before coming, each volunteer will receive an email by Online Linguistic Support (OLS) with the link for the “Assessment Test”. After filling it, each volunteer will receive another email to start the online course provided by Erasmus+ (http:/ /erasmusplusols.eu/). OLS will be the official tool to use to learn Portuguese during the Project. Two weeks before the end of the project, each volunteer will receive an email with the final linguistic test to fill, in order to receive the final level of Portuguese.
Since the project activities require work and communication with other people, it is necessary and important that the volunteers try to speak in order to perform their duties. For that purpose there will be 3 hours of Portuguese Lessons per week.

Proceso de selección para el EVS sobre intericulturalidad

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)


Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS Nuno, Olhao. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME”


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