Voluntari@s en Rumanía para trabajar con niños a través del arte



9 months 1st November 2015 – 1st August 2016


Sighisoara / Romania


1 female+1 male participant from Building Bridges Association

Topic of the project

Creativity and culture

Objectives of the project

– The acquisition of those basic skills necessary for a better transition from school / unemployment to active life (including the labor market);

– The acquisition of those basic skills useful for resource persons interested in getting actively involved in the sending organizations;

– The acquisition of basic skills required for a manifestation of solidarity with those in need.

Volunteers profile

young people who fall in the category

“Neither in education employment or training – NEET

AGE of the participants: 18 – 30

At least 2 persons with fewer opportunities facing economical obstacles


  1. STORYLAND” creative workshops for the manufacture of useful support materials for stories and songs for children particular from countries of origin of the EVS volunteers (story cubes, puppets, masks, board games) playful and creative workshops with children using the support materials made and non-formal solutions such as theater, drawing, crafts, games, etc.
  2. Storyland PLUSactions for personalization of kindergartens walls with paintings of cartoon characters and stories of the countries represented in the project (including the arrangement of spaces of “Toy Library”)
  3. HAPPYLAND” volunteers, with the support of Sighisoara City Hall will identify families with children in difficult circumstances and develop local campaigns of solidarity with them (mainly local and online fundraising), and by the end of mobility will be created and a e-system remote support for children in need (model inspired by World Vision Romania)
  4. Happyland PLUS1-1 actions for social and cultural activities of the age 6-12 years old children from families in difficult situations of social and economic viewpoint

Travel conditions

Spain– 360 Euro / person


will be provided in a youth hostel or rented apartment from Sighisoara

Access to internet

the volunteers will have access free to wireless internet at the place where they will be accommodated and at the headquarters of the receiving organization.

Food allowance

100 Euro / month

Pocket money

will be signed with every EVS volunteer and will include the learning process plan and some administrative aspects at least one month before the starting of the voluntary stage

Learning agreement

will be signed with every EVS volunteer and will include the learning process plan and some administrative aspects at least one month before the starting of the voluntary stage

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Romania Kidsland”

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