Fecha inicio
Days -
Hours -
Ederveen, Países Bajos
Tipo de trabajo
Powder coating is a way of applying a layer of paint. We use positively charged powder coating and a negatively charged workpiece. Powder coating is an electrostatic painting process. What does that mean? Due to the positive and negative charge, the powder coating "sticks" to the workpiece, both small construction work and complete fencing.
English skills and motivated
38 hours. hanging, packing and powder coating
Car is the preference because of the area
Tools required
Safety shoes, clothes
Starting date
As soon as possible
Possible Wages
575 / 600,- after taxes per week, offers are included free single room, max 30 min. drive from the work and with free health
insurance. The actual wage depends on the skills and experience of the candidate.
You must bring the following items with you:
1. A undamaged, legal and valid identity document (an EU Passport or ID Card).
2. Your bank card and international I-Ban and Bic Code.
3. Safety shoes and working clothes.
4. Sofi = BSN number (Dutch tax number) (when you have one, otherwise we arrange an appointment for you)
5. Your VCA-certificate. VCA Basic Safety English (B-VCA) (Only when you have one)
To apply for this job offer, you must send a CV template that includes the names, addresses and website of the companies where you have worked, maintaining a linear order from the most recent (top) to the oldest (bottom). We provide you with a https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hpde8y6kldz2zlsgb3a6t/Template-profile-1.docx?rlkey=vzoctbxo1km9qss4qcvlk5vo6&dl=0model in English here:
The company will offer you:
- Free accommodation paid by company
- A single room
- Shared cooking facilities / bathroom /WIFI
- Registration at a Dutch health insurance company.
- The Dutch tax office will automatically refund a part of this contribution to your bank account.
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