Trabajo Verano en Malta, Gozo ¡Oportunidad!


¡Trabajo Verano! en Malta, Gozo

Si buscas algo para hacer en tu verano y te gusta viajar a bajo precio, esto es para ti. Te vamos a presentar una opción que puedes hacer en una fantástica isla Europea como un trabajo verano.

Esta casa de familia esta ubicada en Gozo (Malta) y admite voluntarios en los meses de: abril, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2017.


Welcome to sunny Gozo/Malta. We accommodate artists which like to do painting and drawing with acrylic and others which are willing to help out in the house. We provide you with a nice accommodation and food with the family. It has a very nice and calm location.

You will have also other experience like sewing, cleaning and cooking. We are speaking English at home. There is also internet which can be used free of charge. The beauty of Gozo is that everything you need is near by and easy to communicate with the people . There are many interesting places to visit. Malta is only 20 minutes away from Gozo and the ferrys run day and night and they cost only a few Euros return.

Tipo de ayuda necesaria para este trabajo verano:

  • Painting and drawing;
  • Cooking;
  • Helping out in everyday house cleaning;
  • Sewing
  • And others.

Idiomas hablados:

We are able to speak English , German, Maltese and French.


We provide you with your own room and bathroom/shower , 24h hot water, TV and internet. You will also have a nice view where you can see many trees with flowers. The family lives some meters away and the sandy beach is walking distance. The public transports are near by and you’re close to the nice village with shops and restaurants.


We have a piano and a guitar in the the farmhouse. Before you decide, please make sure you can make it here as is not fair when we refuse others. You will have a nice experience in Gozo.


Para más información sobre este trabajo verano en Malta, por favor consultar: 

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