Así ha sido el proyecto de voluntariado en Chipre «Happiness»


El proyecto de voluntariado en Chipre que se ha desarrollado durante un año bajo el nombre «Happiness» ya ha finalizado. La organización de acogida y los voluntarios que han participado en el proyecto nos cuentan su experiencia:

La organización

»Happiness Project” aimed at helping the young people residing in Cyprus believe in themselves and create the world they want to live in. With this project we wanted to facilitate young people to be integrated in society in a productive and creative way. Our project took place mainly in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, but when needed, we travelled to other cities as well. We organized and took part in a variety of different events, such as Cultural and Youth festivals, Sports events, NGO festivals, Geocaching excursions, Artistic and handcraft activities. Additionally, our volunteers were given the chance to participate in important Cultural Festivals in Cyprus as assistance team and gain through this experience useful organizational and social skills. As part of their daily activities, volunteers lead intercultural workshops to promote their countries, organized informative sessions promoting volunteerism, they had access to music equipment, art materials and a fully equipped kitchen to prepare regional dishes. Besides that, the volunteers arranged language courses with the goal to teach their mother tongue (Italian, Spanish) to local young people. The volunteering group contributed actively in finding creative ways for young people to spend their time and express themselves, such as theatre workshops, arts-crafts workshops and music/dance/sports workshops. We hosted seven volunteers from Italy, Czech Republic and Spain, who helped us run this project for one year, from May 2017 to May 2018.

Voluntarios en Chipre

Los voluntarios


I am Franciccio and I am from PAOLA, little town in the South of Italy. I just finished my EVS in Nicosia and I am so excited, that if I could, I would like to do one more. It was super helpful for my future plans, and thanks to it, I now have more clear ideas. My project was called Happiness, we were working in a migrant center and organizing workshops and events for all the community. Looking to myself and the people around me, I think we did a great a job!


I was taking part of EVS in Nicosia for one year and it was an amazing experience where I had the chance to express my ideas and carry them out. Also, I met some of my aims, improved some skills and grew as a person. I was around people from everywhere and I learned many things about their cultures.


Going for an EVS is a priceless experience especially in Cyprus!! New people, new food, new adventures.. Don’t lose the chance to live abroad and work with an international team!!

Voluntarios en Chipre

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