Becas cursos circo en Hungría para sin límite de edad para 1 participante masculino y femenino con becas Erasmus de alojamiento, manutención y viaje cubiertos por el programa Erasmus+.

BECAS COMPLETAS, por favor mira más becas Erasmus+ aquí.

Mira más becas en Hungría en nuestra web.

Fechas y lugar de las becas cursos circo en Hungría

The project dates are 23.6. – 30.6. and very soon we will send you info pack with more information.

Sikonda, Hungary

The Training Course will take place in Sikonda, a small village situated in the southern part of Hungary, 15km away from Pécs, one of the most multicultural cities of the country. Our venue, Varatabor is located in the Mecsek Mountain, one of the most beautiful mountains in the area.
Participants will be accommodated in 7-bed rooms with bathroom and we will have two big common space that we can use during the whole training period. There are a lot of nice open air areas where the participants can enjoy the beautiful nature of the Mecsek Mountain. There is also a thermal bath close by.

Fecha límite 23 mayo


The main goal of our project is to teach the participants basics of various circus skills such as partner and group acrobatics, juggling, diabolo, poi… and various methods of preparing and implementing circus workshops which they can use as a tool in their work with youngsters. On the end of our training course all the participants will be equipped with knowledge how to prepare and implement circus pedagogy workshop on their own. Last day of our project we will offer to the local community final circus event – a workshop lead by participants and a short circus show which participants will put up together during T.C.

The training course «Circus pedagogy for youth workers» is organized by  Association (HU) and Cirkus (SLO) in Sikonda Hungary, during the period of 23.6.- 30.6.2018, including 26 participants and four team members from 13 countries (Romania, Slovenia, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Bulgaria,
Lithuania, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Poland).

During the 7 day training course we will discover how to use circus pedagogy as a method of youth work. We use circus activities as a form of pedagogy in teaching and in non-formal education. Our main idea is that circus activity is appealing and fun for everybody, making it ideal as a tool for educational work with youngsters.

Number of participants per country:
2 participants per country (except Hungary 3, Slovenia 1), keeping gender balance of one male and one female.
We need to have the exact number of participants as if we do not have it we will get less money for the project.

Objetivos becas circo

The aim is to introduce youth workers and youngsters to positive, healthy activities that encourages co-operation, and strengthen confidence, while developing co-ordination and persistence.

The end result is much more than learning these skills – it also helps to improve self- esteem, build on a social capital and direct people towards positive ways of living.

The main goal of our project is to teach the participant basics of various circus skills such as partner and group acrobatics, juggling, diabolo, balloon modelling… and show them how to prepare and implement a circus workshop which they can use as a tool in their work with youngsters.

On the end of our training course all the participants will be equipped with knowledge how to prepare and implement a basic circus pedagogy workshop on their own. After the project their task will be to lead a circus pedagogy workshop for youngsters in their country and this way
disseminate results of TC.

During the project participants (with the help of trainers) will prepare a short circus show which they will perform for the local community. After the show the participants will lead the circus pedagogy workshop for the local community and test their newly learned skills.

Participantes becas cursos circo

We have 13 different countries involved as partners in the project.

We are looking for youth workers/youth leaders who are over the age of 18 with a good level of English, who will be willing and committed to actively participate in ALL sessions (about 9 hours a day):
– All participants HAVE TO BE OVER 18 YEARS OLD otherwise they cannot participate in the project.
– There should be a gender balance; half of participants should be male and half female.
– All participants should speak and understand English.
– Participants SHOULD NOT have any previous knowledge of circus skills as the T.C. is adapted to total beginners.
– Participants should already be involved in youth work or have motivation to get involved in i
– Participants should be interested in making follow up international projects.
– Some participants, ideally half, should fall in the category of youngsters with fewer opportunities, meaning youngsters with geographical obstacles (from remote rural areas, islands, less serviced areas…), economical obstacles and social obstacles.
Please sent us participants forms filled in latest till 23.5.

Participation fee per participant is 20 EUR (apart of Building Bridges fee).

Failure to participating in a minimum of 80% of the content sessions or inappropriate behaviour might resolve in reimbursement not being given to the participant or even withdrawal from the course with a notice provided to the sending organization.

It is mandatory to have a valid travel and medical insurance (European Health Insurance Card) during your travel. The host organization will not cover any personal health insurance for participants. Participants have to be aware that obtaining a health insurance in case of accident, serious illness (including permanent or temporary incapacity) and death (including repatriation) as well as the travel insurance (including damage or loss of luggage)
is their own responsibility. We strongly recommend it. Please ask your sending coordinator if you have any doubt.

We’ll have the opportunity to discover one another’s cultures and national delicacies during multi-cultural night. For this, you can bring some typical snacks or drinks from your country.

There will be a 20 EUR participation fee to be brought in cash. The money will be spent to provide extra materials, activities and more fun times. Accommodation and food during the training course are cover by Erasmus + grant.


Participants will be reimbursed up to the limit of the Erasmus+ financial policy- 275 euro.
The reimbursement would be done through a bank transfer after the main activities when all participants would acomplish the tasks of dissemination the project results and follow up activities.

Cómo llegar

The arrival day is Saturday, 23th of June and the departure day, Saturday, 30th of June. You can travel 1 day before or 1 day after the project dates, but keep in mind that you will have to cover your own accommodation and food costs during those extra days. If you travel out of these dates we will not be able to refund your travel costs.


How to get there

Flying to Budapest
Liszt Ferenc Budapest Airport is the main airport in Hungary. There are very cheap flights from all over Europe to get there. Check Wizzair and Ryanair, but you can also look other website like Momondo, Skyscanner, Opodo, Kayak or Expedia
If you come by plane: you can arrive by 200E bus directly to Deák square from the airport
By bus or train to Budapest
Check the best prices and all the options on Rome2rio website.
Usually the cheapest buses are the Flixbus ones but you can find cheap Eurolines buses as well. If you come by train: you can arrive by Metro line 2 or 3 to Deak directly. If you come by bus: you can arrive by metro 3 directly to Deak.
In the event that your travel plans does not permit you to get to Deák Ferenc square at 17:00 on 23.6, you will have to get to Sikonda or
Pecs by public transport. Please let us know if that is the case.
From Budapest to Pécs
. From the airport: To reach Pécs by train, you need to go either from Keleti or Déli Railway Station (for the train schedules consult:

 To reach Keleti: take the bus 200E to Kőbánya-Kispest, from Kőbánya-Kispest take the Metro line 3 till Deák Ferenc tér, from Deák Ferenc tér

reach Metro line 2 till Keleti Railway station (direction Örs vezér tér)

 To reach Déli: take the bus 200E to Kőbánya-Kispest, from Kőbánya- Kispest take the Metro line 3 till Deák Ferenc tér, from Deák Ferenc tér

reach Metro line 2 till Déli pályaudvar (direction Déli Pályaudvar)

. From Budapest railway station: If you come by train to Budapest, you will arrive to one of the railway stations mentioned. Or if you arrive to Nyugati, you should take Metro 3 to Deák Ferenc tér (direction Újpest Központ). From Deák Ferenc tér take Metro 2 either to go to Keleti railway station (direction Örs Vezér tere) or to go to Déli railway station (direction Déli pályaudvar).
. From Budapest bus station: If you come by bus you will arrive to Népliget. From Népliget take Metro 3 to Deák Ferenc tér (direction Újpest Központ) and there switch to Metro 2 either to go to Keleti railway station (direction Örs Vezér tere) or to go to Déli railway station (direction Déli pályaudvar).
From Pécs to Sikonda
Take the bus from Pécs to Sikonda elágazó – it leaves twice in an hour (for the bus schedules consult:
From Sikonda elágazó walk to Tölgyfa street 4. to reach Váratábor (Address: 7300 Sikonda, Tölgyfa u. 4)

After the training…

We are so lucky that the Hungarian Juggling Convention is going to be organised at Pécs until the 1st July. That means that we have the option to go there after the end of training (so 30th and leave on the 1st) and enjoy various international workshops and circus shows as well as the Zsolnay Light Festival
( which is a parallel festival happening at Pécs that time. Unfortunately this is not covered in the training costs but we can help you find cheap accommodation and meals for that two days.

Qué preparar para disfrutar de las becas cursos circo

Prepare brief presentation of your sending organization (maximum 2 minutes long)
 Prepare brief presentation of your country and culture (some funny facts, music, pictures…)
 Bring some traditional snacks/drinks/sweets from your country for multi-cultural night.
 Prepare one energizer game to share with the group (warm up game).
 Bring your passion items (guitar, face painting, knitting set…).
 Book transportation according to budget limits and send us the info latest till 1.6.
 Send us filled in and signed application form and declaration of honour latest till 23.5.

Reembolso viajes

We would like to encourage participants to buy travel tickets as soon as possible to enjoy economical prices. Please do not buy travel tickets until your participation has been approved by us. All the travel costs will be reimbursed the earliest 3 months after the end of the training course/youth exchange.
Please note that the process of reimbursement will be carried out directly with the applicant organizations and not with the individual participants. We kindly remind all participants to keep the original tickets, invoices and BOARDING PASSES.

Proceso selección para becas cursos circo en Hungría

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this activity.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «TC Circus Anja.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application Form YesEuropa[/button]

[button color=»red» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Croatia[/button]

[button color=»blue» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-aid»]Declaración seguro[/button]

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • Max
    6 mayo, 2018 at 11:00 am

    Hola! Tenéis el link para este proyecto en la web oficial? Para pasarlo a una amiga Polaca a la que le puede interesar.

  • admin
    6 mayo, 2018 at 11:09 am

    hola no lo sentimos es todo a traves nuestra pero ella no puede solicitarlo si no es residente en españa

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