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Fechas y lugar de becas Erasmus en Francia
VolUME (Volunteers: United, Motivated, Engaged Key Action 1: Training Course
9 days (travel day included)
21-29 October 2017
One of the vacation centres in the Lyon area, region Rhone-Alpes, France.
We are looking for 7 partners from program countries.
Young people from 18 years old working with volunteers. Interested in developing their skills and knowledge in the area of work with volunteering.
21 participants: 3 participants from each partner. Plus 2 trainers. Groups of participants from each country should be gender balanced.
Resúmen del proyecto
Hosting France is an organisation of non-formal education, which promotes intercultural exchanges. Our traditional activity is the international work camps, and one of its main goals is to allow participants to get open-minded and develop non-formal skills as autonomy and self-confidence, by meeting and living during few weeks with people from all over the world with different cultural and social background and doing a voluntary work. We also involve a lot of volunteers (service civic, EVS and ‘benevoles’) into the activity of our organization.
This Training Course comes from our wish to mix intercultural exchanges with the topic of work with volunteers.
Successful involving of volunteers in our activities is an important part of our daily work. We hope that representatives of your organisations will be motivated to tackle the issues of volunteers tutoring and mentoring, will be eager to share and discuss their experiences and points of view, and will be motivated to gain new skills in this sphere. Together we will be able to make this training course the most fascinating we can as one more step for creating the society where more people will be motivated to contribute to its development as volunteers.
– Involving volunteers
– Recruiting, motivation and keeping volunteers
– Inclusive volunteering (work with young people, disabled volunteers , volunteers with mental health needs, homeless people, etc.)
The course will explore wide range of questions concerning involving volunteers into the activities of the organisation. We will explore such aspects of work with volunteers as how to value, reward, recruit and keep volunteers.
Planning and preparing for the involvement of volunteers and understanding why you want volunteers is crucial to any successful volunteer programme. Recruiting the right volunteers is one of the best ways to make sure that you have a successful volunteering programme.
We all want our volunteers to have a great experience and an important part of this is keeping them motivated. This course will help the participants to identify volunteers’ motivations and recognise their contribution in a way that’s right for them. Support goes beyond simply meeting volunteers regularly, it is about building a positive relationship with volunteers from the start and we will explore together how
to rich this corellation.
The course specifically aims to develop the ability and confidence of participants to engage with hard- to-reach volunteers, and to develop participant's knowledge of the specific needs of various groups (young people, disabled volunteers , volunteers with mental health needs, homeless people, etc.) and managing risks that inclusive volunteering bring.
The training course is also the opportunity for the participants to share different experiences related to these items. It will allow participants to talk about their experiences, but also, thanks to peer-learning process, to exchange ideas and points of view between each other.
By the end of the project the participants will create an overview of their learning outcomes of each day by putting together their guide of Top tips for successful involving volunteers comprising the most essential findings revealed during the project. This guide will serve as a summary of everything that was learned by the participants during the training course and as a useful tool for all the organisations
that involve volunteers in their activities.
The last day will be devoted to creating an event together, where participants will apply knowledge and skills attained during the project and where locals will be invited. As a follow-up of the project each national team will be encouraged to prepare a mini-project in their home countries involving volunteers to organise and manage it.
As a result the participants will acquire the skills and learn about the means that can be used for improving the quality of their work with volunteers.
Objetivos becas Erasmus en Francia
To enrich the knowledge and skills of the participants in the area of work with volunteers and specifically work with hard-to- reach volunteers allowing to raise the capasity of the organisations involved in the project and create more space for active involevemnt of people in social life.
To articulate why organizations involve volunteers.
To recognize the importance of organisation-volunteer relationships and learn how to generate successful teamwork.
To learn successful recruitment techniques of volunteers.
To identify and learn how to manage volunteers’ motivations.
To address the hard-to- reach volunteers issues.
To promote the feeling of belonging to the society (at local and European level) and active citizenship.
Metodología cursos para las becas Erasmus en Francia
The methodology (non-formal education, meetings with professionals, discussions, simulation games) and the structure of the training course will encourage an active involvement of each participant in order to develop competences and new tools for personal and social development. Non-formal education tools will be used to create a friendly and caring atmosphere, considering each participant in his or her diversity, personality and culture, so that each person can feel free to express him(her)self, share his or her experiences, teach and learn from the others. Participants will be encouraged to be responsible for their learning process and outcomes.
The methodology will include interactive activities that will allow to go deeper into the subject along with active involvement of each participant into the process of organising a final event and creating the top tips for successful involving volunteers comprising the most essential findings for work with volunteers revealed during the project.
Costes cubiertos para becas Erasmus en Francia
Subsistence, lodging and programme costs will be provided and paid by a grant from the National Agency of France of the “Erasmus+” Programme.
Participants should arrange by themselves their insurance. Please contact your local Health insurance provider to obtain one for free.
According to the new Programme Erasmus+ (2014-2020) there will be a refund of the whole amount of the real travel expenses according to the approved budget for each participating country that you will find below:
Spain 275,00 €
If you decide to stay longer (maximum four days), you should first inform the project coordinator and you should also take into consideration that you are responsible to cover your own living expenses for the extra days of your stay in Germany. All participants will be reimbursed only after submitting all receipts, invoices and original tickets and boarding passes and after filling out the mobility tool e-report and the final evaluation form.
Please make to provide to the organisers the following:
The original invoice/receipt of the flight ticket or the train/bus ticket (with clear mark how much you have paid).and the boarding cards and/or tickets.
The invoice should be addressed to yourself, or your organisation.
If you receive an electronic ticket, please print out a copy also for us and send both the invoice and the ticket via email
You should be aware that if the total amount of your travel expenses exceeds the travel expenses budget limit (Erasmus+ programme travel expenses’ reimbursement rules) as indicated in the chart above, then the additional amount of your travel expenses shall be paid by you.
When you arrive in Dresden you are expected to submit all original boarding passes and tickets to the project coordinator (without original boarding pass, we will not be able to reimburse the participants). After we receive all boarding passes, receipts/invoices and tickets, and after you fill out the e-form of the mobility tool (e-report) which is going to be sent to your email address, then approximately one month later, the total amount of your travel expenses will be transferred to their bank accounts.
For this reason, please send us via email your bank account details after sending your tickets:
– name of the bank account holder
– name of the bank
– BIC/SWIFT code
– IBAN number
When you depart from Dresden and you travel back to your home city, please save all the original train and bus tickets or any other tickets of your return and send them via post
Proceso selección para las becas para las becas Erasmus en Francia

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.
You should complete registration in 2 steps:
1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “TC France Volume Rhone.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME“. We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.
2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities.
[button color=»orange2″ link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil2″]Application form[/button]
* It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.
If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges
ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB
31 agosto, 2017 at 3:31 pmBuenas, yo ya pagué 40 e hace tiempo, y me interesa este curso en Francia, primero preguntar si quedan plazas o cómo va el proceso de selección, y después estoy escribiendo el correo con la carta de presentación» pero las ideas para esta carta no se me carga y no´se muy bien cómo hacerla. Agradecería vuestra ayuda pues estoy muy interesada en este curso, y en viajar por Europa con vuestras becas en general.
Muchas gracias Yes Europa!! 🙂
Yes Europa
31 agosto, 2017 at 4:57 pmHola, te confirmamos que aún quedan plazas, si ya eres usuaria, debes abonar aparte 20€ por cada actividad extra que hagas cada año. La carta es un modelo, lo que pongas dentro es cosa tuya, dentro de nuestra sección de consejos de SVE damos añgunas pautas. gracias!
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