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6 becas erasmus+ para intercambios juveniles en Hungría sobre redes sociales para jóvenes. Todos los gastos de transporte, alojamiento y manutención están cubiertos durante las actividades.
Social media and beyond it – Youth Exchange project within Erasmus + KA1
Venue and dates:
Debrecen, Hungary
26.11 – 03. 12. 2016
PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: Croatia, Italy, Spain, Romania, Hungary
TEAM NUMBER: 5 participants + 1 group leader (18-30years)
Number of participants:
5 young people under 30 years old + 1 youth worker or coordinator above 30 years old.
From Spain only Building Bridges members will come.
Summary of the project :
Social media has a significant role in the life of the European youth, it’s a fact. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn just some examples.
These channels have a powerful influence to the young people. Do you really need these kind of media? Can you live without them in this digital life?
We think, no. Social media is needed. We cannot avoid not to use them in a basic skill level every day. At the same time we want to draw young people’s attention to the fact that there is life outside the virtual space (eg. family, sports).
Lots of people cannot use them safely and utilize their possibilities just drifting on the surface, they do not overlook the deep, spending time with them.
Our aim is to young people be able to identify and discuss among themselves the constructive and the destructive power of social media, recognize the limitations, disadvantages. However, they learn how to use them during the everyday life.
During the exchange we separate the social media and discuss which one is better for what purpose (find friends – Facebook, find job – LinkedIn).
We examine the impacts of social media in different ages and which part of them worth to build in the everyday life (school groups, own pages, enterprise management, promotion).
We draw the attention to the threats (virus, spammer, false identity abusers) and how to recognize, filter and defend them.
The participants (5 participants +1 group leader) come from five countries (Romania, Italy, Luxembourg, Croatia, Hungary) to visit Hungary (in North Plain Region) to discuss the power of social media and its uses.
You have to introduce your country and culture at the intercultural night with a presentation, food
make a video where you present your team, your hobbies, and your aims with this project
Europen Health Insurance Card
We make a facebook group called “Social media and beyond it”. Please put your group member into this, because we would like to be this group lively and active.
Reimbursment :
In order to get the travel costs back we need :
– All tickets and invoices in original.if you need local transport in your country try to buy return tickets.
– The payment confirmation for flight tickets : receipt if you paid cash or bank movement document if you paid by bank transfer or credit card..
– BOARDING PASSES compulsory – keep them as without them you don’t have your money back
– Take only APEX flights ( no business class ) and only 2 nd class trains.
– TAXI costs are not eligible
– Be sure to have price and data on bus and train tickets,also on airplane tickets.If not , ask for receipts or invoices.
The reimbursement will be in accordance with distance calculator for the maximum amounts approved in application and will be done after the project when we’ll receive all documents.There will be one transfer for every country.
Spain – maximum 270 euros /participant
IMPORTANT: make bills, invoices for our address and save them:
Aktív Európai Fiatalokért Egyesület
4031 Debrecen, Lóskúti u. 41.
Other practicalities :
A. If you arrive by plane/train:
If you can tell us the exact date when you arrive to Budapest, we can help you to plan your travel.
Ways of pay off if you arrive by bus:
1. Rent a car
You need a contract about the rent of the car. You should bring an invoice and the certified copy of the contract with an English translation.
2. Travel by bus agency
You need to bring an invoice and the tickets of every person.
3. Travel own car
You need to bring the copies of the vehicle registration certificate and the driving license of the driver. We will count the real cost of your trip together according to the Hungarian legislation.
You should bring:
– towel
– travel insurance documents
– European Health Insurance Card
– toiletries
– medicines
– warm clothes
– sport shoes
– travel documents
– camera (optional)
– plug in converter (if you need)
– cards, games, balls, etc…
– your ID
– good mood, flexibility
– A few people speak in English in Hungary. Younger generation use English more.
– You can buy everything in bigger stores or malls.
– You should take care of your values in busy areas and during travel. You should not leave them without control.
1€ =~310 HUF
Emergency numbers:
– ambulance: 104
– police: 107
– firefighters: 105
– European emergency number: 112
The use of drugs is forbidden during the exchange. Drinking alcohol is forbidden during the daily programs.
We will introduce the safety rules of the place when participants arrive. Please observe the rules.
Selection process
Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.
You should complete registration in 2 steps:
1. Please send your CV and motivation letter to the e-mail below. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “Exchange Hungary Janos Aefe .YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.
2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities.
* It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.
If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants
Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges
ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB
What do our participants say?
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