6 becas para musicos en Francia con Erasmus+


6 Becas  para musicos en Francia para participar en un curso Erasmus+ para aprender otras competencias transversales de la educacion no formal con Erasmus+.

Estas son las condiciones de Participación en becas para músicos en Francia. También puedes ver las becas voluntariado europeo en Francia.

Fechas y lugar de las becas para músicos en Francia:

«Music Improvisation as a way to change»

Exchange from Sunday April 9th to Saturday April 15th 2017

in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France

The project «Music Improvisation as a way to change» is a youth exchange on the theme of music as a stepping stone to social inclusion of youth and community cohesion. It aims to provide young participants with expertise in the field of music and artistic expression in general.

It also aims to promote greater intercultural understanding between young Europeans, to sensitize them on European citizenship through various activities based on formal and non-formal education methods.

Objetivos de las becas para músicos en Francia:

This project has the following objectives:

1. Acquire or strengthen participants’ knowledge in the fields of music ;

2. Enhance the sense of belonging to a European community reunited in its diversity ;

3. Develop participants’ skills in foreign languages, especially in French and English ;

4. Propose a learning mobility opportunity for youth and youth leaders;

5. Improve the cooperation between organisations who work in the youth field in Europe;

Actividades de las becas para músicos en Francia:

We will implemente the project through workshops for youth, using non-formal & informal learning methods like:

– Work and reflection groups for practicing foreign languages.

– Musical workshops to improve or enhance participant’s knowledge in the field of music

– Cultural visits (heritage, gastronomy, cultural sites) to develop the feeling of European citizenship.

– Organization of role plays and other group-building activities to promote the social integration of youth.

– Preparing at the end of each day an intercultural evening, to promote group cohesion to foster intercultural dialogue.

– Thanks to the APV, working (before, during and after the youth exchange) with these new partners

Perfil participantes de las becas para músicos en Francia

Project participants will be young musicians (from all levels and all instruments) between 17 and 25 years.

Minor participants will be up to 6 in total. For participants not between 17 to 25, the partners must contact Tambour Battant first.

12 of the participants will be youths with less opportunites.

It would be nice if each country could come with 2 boys and 2 girls and 1 group leader.

The youth leader can be a youth but he/she must be a little older than the others. There is not age limit for the youth leader. It is better if the leader is also musician but it is not a must. The leaders have to opportunity to come for an Advanced Preliminary Visit a few weeks before the YE.

Working Languages: English and French

Number of Participants: 4 youth + 1 group leader per country

Number of Countries: 5 + 1 (France)

Costes cubiertos por  las becas para músicos en Francia

Travel expenses: 170 euros per person, except French people 20 euros)

§ Accommodation and food: 100% covered by Erasmus plus funds;

§ Participation fees: no participation is required from the participants by us

§ Materials/Music intruments: provided by the coordinating organization. Other material can be brought by the participants;

Información práctica sobre las becas para músicos en Francia

Activities and accommodation: Youth Hostel

For any question about the accomodation, do not write directly to the hostel. You must ask us. Wi-fi is available. You can bring your laptop to use the wi-fi but it works better with the smartphones…


The closest airport to La Vancelle is Strasbourg but our favorite airport is Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg (to notice, this airport is located in France)

From Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg airport you will take a shuttle bus to Saint-Louis train station (10min).

From there, you will take a train to Sélestat (Informations will be provided one the flight ticket is bought).

On Selestat train station, we will pick you up to La Vancelle (by car) or you will take the public transportation (you don’t have to look for it)

Others airports possible : Karsruhe-Baden Baden, Stuttgart, Frankfurt Main, Zurich, (we will help you to reach Sélestat (please contact us)

If you want to arrive earlier and/or go back home later, we have to discuss about it (to come 1 or 2 days earlier or leave 1 or 2 days later is acceptable but again you must ask us before buying the flight tickets).

Our youth hostel is not available if you arrive earlier or if your leave later.

It is also possible to come by car but an agreement must be establish prior to the departure (for example, only one car with 5 people, shortest way…). It is also possible to come by bus, by train or with car sharing.

In all case, you must contact us before.

Please: do not buy any tickets (flight, bus or train) before telling us the price, city of departure, city of arrival, the airline and the dates of travel.

And please wait for our answer. If we don’t answer it doesn’t mean that you can buy the flight tickets (wait for our answer).


In order to have a responsible and participative atmosphere, we are expecting from you to give the maximum of yourselves to participate as much as possible and in the best way.

Reimbursement of travel expenses inquired by participants will be done according to a full participation in all the activities.

Money Exchange at Arrival:

Participants coming from outside euro zone, can exchange money at exchange office at the Airport.

Reembolso de las becas para músicos en Francia

Reimbursement: The refund will be made when the tickets (bus, train, flight) and boarding passes will be collected during the YE and/or sent by email (scans or PDF or forwarded emails) and when all the surveys will be done (one survey per leader) and when all the dissemination work will be done. We must send the money to the partner bank account by bank transfer.


You have to bring your own towel.

Bring also:

• For the International Buffet:

Food and / or drinks from your own country. There is a refrigerator but it is not possible to cook. We do not have a budget for this expense, please consider it as a present for the other participants.

Please also bring Information brochures of your country and/or city

• For the activites:

– Bring or make a presentation of your organization (present your «sending» organization to the other participants, maximum 15 minutes per group), maybe your organisation has already something. You can use Power point, videos, pictures, etc. Please also bring Information brochures of your sending organisation

– Bring or make a presentation of the general cultural aspects of your country. You can use Power point, videos, pictures, etc.

Please also bring Information brochures of your country and/or city

• Any medication you think you will need during your stay.

• Ideas for teambuilding games and outdoor activities to have fun

• Sport shoes and clothes you won’t mind wearing during work


If you are vegetarian, if you don’t eat pork or you have any allergy problems, please inform us as soon as possible.


Advanced preparation:

– In each country, meetings before departure to prepare their participants.

Seguros becas Erasmus

Insurance is obligatory and should be arranged and covered by each participant and will not be reimbursed. We reccommend «SegurosErasmus» which is the cheapest one.

Proceso selección para becas para músicos en Francia

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV , application form and motivation letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “TC Strasbourg music Eric.YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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