Becas Erasmus Republica Checa con el Cuerpo Europeo Solidaridad


Dates and location

12 months, from 1st of November 2017 to 31th of September 2018.

Kadan, Czech Republic

project description

The aim of the project is initiating and implementing EVS due to the cooperation with foreign partners (sending organizations) from Italy, Spain and Poland.

It is a long-term volunteer service – mobility of young people, who thanks to this find a new direction of their life, gain a lot of new practical experiences through non-formal education and improve due to it for example their future employment. They will get an annual practice, independence and new skills.

We would like to offer this opportunity also to people with fewer opportunities, because part of our organization is a social center, which pursues such clients and has in various areas of handicaps a lot of experience. We can provide economical support, too.

EVS is a great intercultural experience and contributes to the convergence of cultures, reducing xenophobia and improving understanding among people.

Our organization wants to realize EVS, of course, not only as an innovative element in a personal structure, but in content of activities, too (according to the abilities of the specific volunteer). Besides multicultural benefits for our staff and clients of the organization, we also expect enrichment of activities / services, and gradual extension of the offer of activities and therefore the enhancement of the number of our clients.Thanks to it we will be able to improve our offer to the clients of Maternity, Social center or of our Kindergarten.

Integral part of EVS is improving language skills (on the side of volunteers we will provide Czech language classes).The project has 1annual cycle of EVS for 3 volunteers to perform service in Maternity, Social center or in our Kindergarten. Volunteers will work six hours a day in established services with competent coordinators of their own activities, who will help them to understand the activity, will them gradually engage in direct care and thus help young people to gain a basic knowledge about the organization and about the leisure activities, about the implementation of social services or about early preschool education.

Volunteers will learn how to prepare and implement simple leisure events and activities, they will receive social empathy and insight, the understanding of connections in social exclusion and in the kindergarten they will gain important experience by assisting in education process.

[button color=»pink» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Timetable in MCR[/button]

[button color=»blue» link=»–cJ66FQgUCY48hOPZbyCrCUirJUY/edit?usp=sharing» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Timetable in kindergarten[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Timetable in MCR[/button]

Volunteers tasks

Volunteers will be selected primarily according to their  motivation and interest in the offered activities – leisure activities, social services or kindergarten. The advantage is the previous experience of working with children (in the family, leisure), respectively useful skills and qualities (patience, optimism, creativity, responsibility, etc.).

We prefer people with fewer opportunities (problematic social inclusion – family problems, young people from the foster home, inadequate focus of study, unemployed graduates, etc.). We ask our partners to extensively present the project in collaboration with other local partners and provide thus the opportunity of participation for people with limited possibilities. Because we have social center, we can continue to work with them individually. If necessary, we are able to support volunteers economically, too.

For the quality of service is required basic knowledge of English (or German) and the interest in learning the Czech language.

We welcome 3 young people at a time, who are looking for a change in their lives, who want to see new experiences and learn new skills. Each of them will work in different center/service, but they can meet, cooperate at the events.

We provide varied activities in which everyone can find what suits him the best and we can help him to develop it(types of leisure activities, children´s age group…).

Volunteer in Maternity center will work with the assistant and will participate on daily leisure program for parents with children (1-4 years) in morning time (8 a.m. – 1 p.m.).

Regular morning program such as music, physical, art and play activities takes place in the center every morning and the volunteer will be part of it. He or she will also participate on afternoon program for children 4-12 years old according to a week schedule: 2-3 times per week for 1 hour between 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. We run activities such as art, music, language, computer, swim and work out lessons. The involved volunteer will assist with related publicity (design, printing,distribution) as well. Once a week for 1 hour he or she will attend language classes for adults in his or her native language or English.

They will take part on school discussions about publicity of EVS,too.

Volunteer in Social center will help the assistant 3 times a week with non-formal leisure activity program for parents with children of the age of 2-6 in morning time (8 a.m.-1p.m.). It is a social activation service in our Pre-school club. He or she will also participate in the management of School club once a week for 2 hours in the afternoon for children 6-12 years. The involving volunteer will take a part in realization of day summer camps as well as in long-term summer camps during the summer. He or she will also participate in occasional events for families (about twice a month in the afternoon on the weekend – at traditional festivals and creative workshops, etc..).

Volunteer in the Kindergarten and Day nursery will assist a teacher according to day mode shifts (6 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Our Kindergarten provides varied educational program, including teaching English by play, therefore the volunteer with good English is welcome.

Volunteers will also participate in summer city camps, eventually residence summer camps. City camps are held every weekday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and include a variety of leisure activities for children from 3 to 15 years old. Residence summer camps include weeklong stay in the countryside with adventure program for children 7-15 years old (in tents with wooden base, with dry toilet, with a field kitchen, without electricity).

training during the project

On-arrival and midterm training organized by National Agency, on-arrival «orientation week» organized by us for group of our volunteers (intensive Czech language course, orientation in Brno, Czech culture, law, etc.). Volunteers can also all year round visit some of the courses and events organized  for free to learn something new and for recreation (s.a. circus trainings for adults, ceramics, aerobic).

volunteer profile

EVS is open to all without distinction of sex, ethnicity, religion, gender, race, culture and economic an social background, etc.

Only with the age limit of the program (18-30 years).

There is also possibility for participants with fewer opportunities.

We have only female work team, but we welcome young men too, because they are positive accepted b children. Among volunteers we have several men, too. So it is open to everyone, we are able to arrang separate accommodaton in case of participation of both sexes.

Volunteers aged 18-30 years, open minded, eager to learn and motivated to work on the proposed projec activities.

The volunteers should be motivated to work with people and children in a non-formal education context.

They should like to develop and improve their skills and abilities, be open for experiments, have som hobbies and like to share them when organizing activities and projects for the community.

additional information about hosting organisation

We founded our organization in 2003 as a help for families and children in many kinds of their needs. Our aim is to develop missing services in a region and improve a life quality of local adults and children. Our goal is to become a professional non-profit organization which targets on leisure time, education, social services and volunteering.

We are successful, now there are six centers in our organization – Maternity Center (MCR) – leisure activities for families with children (locomotion, creation, music, languages); Swimming Center (PCR) – baby swimming and pre-swimming instruction for children; Volunteer Center (DCR) – volunteer coordination in 7 accredited programs for people in need (children, long-term patients, seniors, culture, drug addiction, etc.); Educational Center (VCR) – retraining of long-term unemployed in 3 accredited courses; Social Center (SCR) – 2 registered services – social activation for families with children and counseling, where we work with the Gypsy community, too. Within the Centre of International Cooperation we are cooperating with foreign partners in short term or long term projects and we are inspiring each other. We have dozens of foreign partners from all over the Europe in the area of work with youth and children, volunteering and social work.

We have quality competent team of about 20 workers with high school and university degree and many years of practice.

Our organization is open for the whole week, all year, with an avarage attendance of 15.000 people a year.

We opened private Day nursery and Kindergarten with special educational program and with capacity of 40 children in 2011. In 2015 we opened continuing primary school. It has the total capacity about 70 children at first stage.

How to apply

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Czech Republic Renata Maternity. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to

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