Conclusiones del curso sobre storytelling en Letonia


Gracias al proyecto Story by Story for building Community, jóvenes de diferentes países europeos han podido descubrir el poder del storytelling. El curso tuvo lugar entre el 11 y el 19 de octubre y estas son las conclusiones del proyecto:

The power of storytelling

The project «Story by Story for building Community» is a training course for youth workers and youth leaders. The TC  was held in Latvia between 11th and 19th Octoberm 2018. The TC gathered 24 youth workers, youth leadres, teachers, social workers and volunteers from Latvia, Romania, Ireland, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Finland and Croatia.

The central element of the project «Story by Story for building Community» is Inclusion. ”Story by Story for building Community” aims to develop the capacities of youth workers to create transformational and sustainable learning environments for supporting youth inclusion in social life.

During TC participants were exploring what Storytelling is by listening stories, creating them, disscussing what messages do different stories deliver, how this shapes our understanding about ourselves and others. Participnats were practicing creative writing and performing. In the end of the TC participants had a chance to put their knowledge in practice by planning and leading workshops to young people in Aluksne.

Curso sobre storytelling en Letonia

“Stories can unite and stories can divide”. That was one of the conclusions in the end of the TC. And we as youth workers and organizations need to create an open, safe and judgement free space for young people to tell their stories no matter how complicated they might be.

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