Empleo en residencia ancianos en Pisogne (Italia)


Te traemos esta oferta de empleo en residencia de ancianos a través de un voluntariado en Italia de la mano de una organización que trabaja con ancianos.

Estas son las condiciones generales de participación de Servicio Voluntariado Europeo. También puedes ver más becas voluntariado en Italia

Ya hemos enviado a más gente para hacer voluntariado en Italia, lee sus experiencias:

Las cinco W de mi voluntariado en Italia

Miguel Ángel de voluntariado en Italia

Miguel Ángel de voluntariado ambiental en Italia


Pisogne, Italy


The activities will be from the 2nd of February 2017 to the 2nd of November 2017 (duration: 9 months).

Deadline for Application Forms and motivation letters:

25th of January 2017.

Hosting organisation

Descripción de la organización de empleo en residencia de ancianos

ONLUS of Pisogne (BS) is a centre offering services for erlderly people.

Part of our structure is dedicated to host elderly people that are not self-sufficient and that need permanent day and night assistance.

The Senior Centre hosts aged persons that suffer from a small psychophysical deterioration but that have to be stimulated to avoid eventual isolation; these old people are involved in afternoon activities and go back home in the evening with their family.

Moreover self-sufficient elderly people, who want to benefit from the services offered by our centre and maintain their autonomy and independence, can live in the mini-apartments within our centre benefiting of all the services that we provide.

The main services provided are the following:

Diagnosis, care and medical assistance (guaranteed by doctors day and night);
Psycho-diagnosis and psychological support;
Nurse assistance;
Assistance in the every day life activities;
Kinesitherapy rehabilitation;
Occupation of leisure time through entertainment activities inside and outside the structure.
Canteen service;
Home meals service;
Home assistance.

The centre is also equipped with a meeting room and with a hall for the organisation of parties and events. More info about the organisation can be found here:

YouTube video

Actividades de la organización de empleo en residencia de ancianos

Since 2007 we hosted 5 volunteers, including 4 female volunteers (2 from France, 1 from Spain and 1 from Germany) and 1 male (from France).

Furthermore, the intergenerational exchange dimension established between young people and elderly people had a positive effect on our hosts’ mood. EVS is for our Foundation an occasion to put ourselves to the test, showing our capacity of emancipation and openness through the approach with different lifestyles, habits and traditions.


In order to facilitate the integration of the volunteers into the project, we have reserved for them a key role into the organisation so as to enhance their sense of usefulness in the new environment.

We are constantly engaged in giving continuity in time to our EVS project.

Our aims are:

 Offering volunteers an opportunity of non formal training, contributing to their personal, emotional and professional development; through the project the volunteer will increase emotional skills (flexibility, openness, relational skills) and specific technical skills of work with elderly people which will be of help for the insertion in the labour market;

 Be an opportunity of intergenerational and intercultural exchange among volunteers and old people.

 To allow “European culture” to enter our organisation in order to spread an attitude that overcomes social exclusion, eliminates the alienation of the elderly and favours the meeting with what is different.

Please give information on the human resources of your organisation (i.e. staff and volunteers), and describe the skills and expertise of the persons that will be involved in the future Erasmus+

activities, with specific regard to organising mobility activities.

At the head of the organisation there’s a Board of Directors composed of the President, four Board members and a Director General. The staff is composed of healthcare personnel (doctors, psychologist, nurses, physiotherapists, educators, assitance staff for personal care, social assistant, cooks and employees). We have also volunteers of local associations that deal with gardening, transportation, entertainment and other simple duties.

Please outline the context (e.g. geographical, social and economic) and the local community where

the activities will take place.

The Home for Elderly People of Pisogne covers an area of 10.500 square meters, with ample green spaces that can be freely used by the patients and their families.


We can host up to 90 people in 4 buildings. The Senior Centre hosts up to 20 people.

It is located in the province of Brescia, in the region of Lombardy, Northern Italy and is 46 Km. far from Brescia, 47 Km. from Bergamo, 80 Km from Verona, 100 Km from Milan (reachable by car, train and bus).

The nearest airports are the ones of Montichiari (between Verona and Brescia) and Orio al Serio (Bergamo).

The village of Pisogne, which has a population of about 7.000 inhabitants, is located in a tourist area on the banks of the Iseo Lake (famous for the activities of surfing, sailing, for its splendid small beaches and the biggest lake island of Italy, Montisola). The economy of the village is linked to the presence of some important companies and to mountain and lake tourism.


Pisogne is a part of Vallecamonica, famous for its ancient rock incisions (at about 30 km far from Pisogne), for the ski runs of Val Palot (hamlet of Pisogne), Monte Campione (at about 15 km far from Pisogne), Ponte di Legno (at about 60 km far from Pisogne) and Tonale (at about 80 km far from Pisogne), as well as the mountainous tracks of the Adamello Park.

Vallecamonica is also rich in art and culture (the Roman Theatre of Cividate Camuno, the frescos of Girolamo Romanino of the 16th century of the Church of S. Maria della Neve in Pisogne and of S. Antonio in Breno).

Reglas y condiciones empleo en residencia de ancianos

 Closing time of the centre is at 8.00 p.m. every night; volunteers will not be obliged to respect the closing time and will be given keys in order to have the possibility to come back when they want. In case of unfair behaviour the keys will be requisitioned.

 It’s not possible to host friends and relatives.

 Meals are provided within the centre at fixed times: 12-13 for lunch and 18-19 for dinner. Volunteers are required to respect these times. As for breakfast volunteers can go to the bar or can arrange it autonomously in their room.

 Being a sanitary structure, smoking is strictly forbidden.

 It’s also absolutely prohibited to bring in alcoholic drinks.


Please give examples of typical tasks for the volunteers and how they will be involved, describing also what you can offer to them in terms of learning opportunities.


Volunteers will have the opportunity to develop their relational skills learning how to relate with elderly people with dementia; in particular they will learn how to be condescending towards old people avoiding to contradict them, using a placid tone of voice and reassuring them. They will be taught the typical characteristics of Alzheimer (i.e. emotional fragility, delirium, mental disorder, cognitive and memory deficit, iterative or senseless way of speaking). They will increase their capacity to identify the different roles and specific competences of the various professional figures; they will learn specifically to recognize the interests of the elderlies, the dynamics existing in families where there’s an old person, how a Home for Elderly People is organised and how it works. The EVS experience will give the volunteer the opportunity to increase his/her competencies, to know the standard of the social sector in Europe and hence to develop European awareness.


The volunteers will dedicate most of their time to entertainment activities which they can implement and develop with new proposals, ideas and suggestions in accordance with their motivation, skills, attitudes and background.

This happens through the organisation of activities in which volunteers can have a role and can develop personal projects and proposals.

Entertainment activities inside the centre:

 Press/newspapers review;

 Watching and commentinG movies;

 Exercises in groups aimed at helping the elderly remembering their past lives;

 Therapy of orientation in the reality through the provision of information about the current year, season, month, day, time, place of residence; these pieces of information are provided every day (at  the beginning and during the day) usually before reading the newspaper;

 Discussions with the elderly about their backgrounds, with particular eye on the appreciation of their emotional resources, their self-esteem and their motivation aiming at cutting down eventual depressive feelings;

 Occupational therapy: the elderly are requested to realise specific objects with a particular aim connected to a certain event or project (i.e. restoration of objects with the technique of découpage, or knitting, or working with salt dough, etc.);

 Activities for socialisation: feasts, singing, dancing, physical training, bingo, quiz, etc;

 Singing groups;

 Support in activities aimed at improving the look of elderly people;

 Workshop of daily life in the reorganization of laundry, tidying the environment in order to maintain and / or develop a sense of usefulness in elderly people with mental difficulties;

 Workshop of “Vita-mina” with the preparation of seasonal fruits and vegetables in order to taste them, stimulating a sensory memory (olfactory-gustatory);

 Pet Therapy with a Labrador dog.


Entertainment activities organised outside the centre:

 Periodical meetings with children, pupils and students of the local kindergarten and schools (for feasts, lunches, games, dancing events, or for specific projects agreed with the schools for the organisation of charities);

 Trips to the market or to the shopping centre;

 Calls to other organisations;

 Organisation of cultural and recreational activities where the elderly are either participants or spectators;

 Participation to events organised by the Municipality or by other institutions.


The volunteer will mostly collaborate with the entertainment staff for about 6 hours per day (about 90% of total activities).

Volunteers are allowed (if they want to) to collaborate for 3 hours per week with the kinesitherapist (about 10% of total activities).

Volunteers will not be asked to be involved in guests’ personal care.


Depending on his/her skills, the volunteer will develop crafts, music/creativity workshops or, in case of good knowledge of Italian language, he will have the opportunity to coordinate group discussions on movies, books, current events, etc.

A typical day at our centre is organised as follows:

 9.00-11:30: entertainment activities;

 11.30-12.00 preparing of materials for the activities;

 12.30-14.00 lunch in the canteen of the structure and free time for the volunteer;

 14 -17 collaboration with the entertainment staff (usually in the afternoon the elderly are proposed activities like bingo, knitting, puzzle, crosswords, discussion groups, realisation of objects during the occupational therapy, singing, music therapy, theme parties and birthday parties, trips to the shopping centre, etc).


All the yearlong we organise: trips, events of sensitization to the problems related to the senile condition, intergenerational exchanges with children from the primary and secondary schools and the high schools.


EVS volunteers will receive a linguistic support. For example, they will be able to attend an Italian language course at a school located in Costa Volpino, 5 minutes far from Pisogne.


What will be the background of participants you would like to host? How will you ensure an open and transparent recruitment process and accessibility for all young people?

Volunteers have to be aware of the difficulty of working with non self-sufficient elderly persons that suffer from physical and mental disabilities; some of them present a diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer.


The volunteer should be willing to accept the indications given by the staff in order to facilitate his/her interaction with the elderly.

He/she should be able to live in a complex residential reality that needs flexibility and ability of adaptation.


Selection criteria:

 During the evaluation of applications, we’ll take into consideration the profiles which better match to the above mentioned requirements;

 Transparency is guaranteed and no discriminations for sex, origin, walk of life, or linguistic knowledge will be pursued.

Please describe the practical arrangements for the volunteers (e.g. proper accommodation and local transportation)

The volunteers will be hosted in one mini-apartment located at the ground floor of the building, where there arent any rooms for the guests.

Concerning local transports, the host organisation will support the volunteers to find proper means of transports in order to reach Brescia and to travel all over Italy, providing them with timetables, maps and every kind of information useful to facilitate them to move around.


Which measures will you put in place to support the volunteers during the volunteering experience (e.g. monitoring)?

Upon their arrival, the volunteers will be involved in a welcoming session, allowing them to know each others, the environment, the staff and the guests of the hosting organisation. Also the responsible of the coordinating organisation will take part to the meeting.


It will be a precious opportunity to clarify and to share every details and potential doubts about the project.

The staff of the Foundation and a technical supervisor will be daily available to support the volunteers during their activities, while the mentor will take care of personal issues, linguistic support, social integration, recognition of non-formal skills acquired during the project.


The coordinating organisation will organise monitoring meetings involving all the volunteers currently hosted by the hosting organisations. Since the middle of the project, Youthpass will be used as a crucial instrument aimed at recognise the in-progress acquisition of non-formal competences and to make the volunteers aware of their learning outcomes (especially in terms of social inclusion and social cohesion, European awareness, intercultural learning).

The Training Cycle organised by the National Agency will be a key moment for volunteers' monitoring and non-formal competences evaluation.

There will be 2 crucial moments organised by the hosting and coordinating organisation: a mid term evaluation and a final evaluation. Both the meetings will take place at the hosting organisation and will involve the volunteers both individually and in group.

Also the Final Report to be filled in by the volunteers will be used as an in-progress instrument to evaluate their experience.


How will you guarantee a safe living and working environment for the volunteers? What measures will you put in place to address problems and conflicts during the project period (e.g. due to personal conflicts with other volunteers or organisation's members, demotivation of volunteers in relation to the tasks they are asked to carry out, etc.)?

Due to the medical conditions of the elderly hosted in the Health Residence that, at that age present different pathologies and particularly dementia, we ask for a medical certificate relative to infectious diseases in progress, to antibodies and antigens, to hepatitis B and C, in order to avoid eventual contagion to the elderly.


In the same way the volunteer will be guaranteed from possible contagion as s/he won't be given tasks of medical or nursing nature.


The organisation follows current regulations in terms of safety.

In situations of crisis we count on the support of the coordinating organization (Sociale ONLUS) which provides additional support both to volunteers and to the mentor/supervisor.


There are no architectural barriers and we use only disposable materials.


Volunteers are not exposed to any particular risk or danger as they are not required to get in contact with chemical products, with medicaments, or to do personal care.

Cómo solicitar empleo en residencia de ancianos

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Italia Pisogne Guaschi. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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