Experiencia del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad
Experiencia en un centro rural en Italia
«I feel super grateful for this opportunity and of the whole experience because it has had a great impact in my life»
After finishing my bachelors degree of Design in Spain and after two particular years of COVID I was eager to start an experience abroad and to challenge myself in order to apply my knowledge somewhere it could be needed. I immediately thought about the agricultural and rural fields which had always interested me and wanted to make a first encounter in order to understand the way the design field could offer a valuable methodology of enrichment for this area. After a thorough search I found XFARM Agricoltura prossima and decided to apply. XFARM is a rural hub that intends to be a manifesto of good agricultural and social practices in San Vito dei Normanni, Brindisi, Puglia.
Arriving in XFARM I realized I was facing a great opportunity, because as a rural hub XFARM has a multiplicity of projects and people from different backgrounds from which to learn. I was allowed to immerse myself in all the different processes but also was able to create a social life in a small town in South Italy. In this learning process and in the everyday activities I tried to apply my own background by proposing or making small changes in the way things were done or thought of. Originally I intended to stay only for three months but after that time passed by I still did not feel I had learnt everything I could so together we decided that I could stay for a longer period. My experience ended up being an entire year.
This past year I have been able to spend a year abroad, learn a different language, think of how cultural differences impact the way we live and most importantly I have gotten to know myself on a deeper level still. All this has not been entirely easy, I have had difficult moments as well but it has represented a challenge and a way of creating personal growth. On top of that I have been able to insert and prove myself in a different working environment trying to implement some of my competences and to find connections and collaborations between different disciplines. Therefore this experience has meant a lot both professionally and personally.
I can say I have collaborated in a project in which I believe and that this year we have had a positive impact in the world both environmentally and socially. The experience at XFARM has drawn the path of what I would like in my next steps in regards to my professional career. I can leave the project fulfilled both of what I have done as a volunteer and of the relations that I have built. So I can say I feel super grateful for this opportunity and of the whole experience because it has had a great impact in my life.
Un billete de Ida y Vuelta
Aprenderás el idioma del país
Cantidad fija al mes para tus gastos
La casa y los gastos los cubre el programa
Seguro gratis accidentes y responsabilidad civil
Tendrás una cantidad para comida y gastos corrientes
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