Experiencia de SVE en el norte de España

  • Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Spain

  • Contact person: Nanús Gonzáles Lastra
  • Coordinating organisation: Federacion de Asociaciones Juveniles de Gijon
  • Host: CMX – Conseyu de Mocedá de Xixón: http://www.cmx.es
  • Location: Gijón, Spain
  • Deadline: 15/09/2014
  • Start: 15/04/2015
  • End: 15/01/2016

  • The Conseyu of Mocedá of Gijon (Federation of Youth Associations of Gijón) was founded in 1995 as a meeting of youth organizations in the city.
    The objectives our organization has are:
    • Encourage participation and youth associations.
    • Represents young people in the institutions.
    • Encourage communication, relationship and exchange between youth organizations and various local authorities and local institutional.
    • Participate in the society, proposing solutions to the problems of youth (employment, housing, health, women, etc..).
    To can reach these objectives Conseyu has hired staff that ensures the operation of the organization and services. Offently in our organization work 4 people. Apart from the workers that usually are, we count with a permanent commission (government team) that works voluntarily in the entity . (President, vice-president, treasurer, secretary and member).
    About of resources, is funded through grants from various conventions and Councilors of the City of Gijon and the Principality of Asturias Ministries and private entities.
    Finally managed a Resource Centre, which has headquarters, 600 m2 and 250 m2 warehouse. Center objectives Resources are:
    • Offer to associations and groups of GIJON the possibility of using the space and resources with agility and without unnecessary bureaucracies.
    • Make easier the experience of putting in contact people between youth groups and NGOs with the object of generating initiatives and projects of interassociative character.
    • Develop events, meetings, content-related activities of young people interests and NGOs of Gijon.


Care support queries about the Youth in Action Programme, particularly in Action 2. European Voluntary Service (giving information to people interested in the service, providing expertise, communication with new candidates, assist in the development of the Europass and letters of motivation …). Support exchange projects (preparation of the preparation meetings, organizational support, contactwith partners, …) Collaboration in Local Since Eurodesk (responding to inquiries, making European information bulletins, opportunity to participate in training meetings Eurodesk network). Support and care for young people demanding information on Europe (programs, courses, travel, study, …). Collaboration in finding partners. Participation in specific activities of the Service (European Volunteer Day …) Dissemination of the program. Collaboration in updating flooring bag web page Support for youth care presenting to demanding information on housing in Europe. Participation in group activities CMX Health


We are searching for 2 volunteers who have enthusiasm for doing an EVS in the north of Spain – dynamic and with social competences. At work in our organization we just speak Spanish but the volunteer will have Spanish class two times a week. There will be another volunteer here in this period. Both volunteers will live in apartments for 3 adolescents where everybody has an own room with bed, wardrobe, desk, chair and commodes… Each will receive 105€/month as pocket money and 250€/month for alimentation and accommodation.


If you feel like you are the fitting candidate to these preconditions, please send me CVs and motivation letter to this e-mail adress: europa@cmx.es

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