Intercambios verano Erasmus en Rumanía para conseguir trabajo


Participa en estos intercambios verano Erasmus+ en Rumanía para jóvenes que quieran aprender nuevas competencias para encontrar empleo, financiado con las becas Erasmus+ con todos los gastos pagados.

Tienes más becas en Rumanía a tu disposición en nuestra web.

Fechas y lugar intercambios verano Erasmus+

“Improving competences for labor market”– Youth Exchange will take place between 1st of July arrival day and 13th of July departure day.

Presupuesto viaje y becas alojamiento y manutención de los intercambios verano Erasmus+

The budget of transport: participant. Spain: 270 € / participant

Lodging and accommodation are included during activities.

Sobre los intercambios verano Erasmus+ en Rumanía

Europe is facing a growing youth employment emergency. EU’s average youth unemployment is more than double the regular unemployment rate (21% compared to 9%). The countries involved in this project have even higher rates. This shows that youth unemployment represents a major problem in economic, political, and social terms.

See an example of another exchange to help candidates to get a job:

YouTube video

Given these realities, each partner is determined to make a change about it and already has a focus on the topic, as it can be observed in the partner identification section.

An increasing concern in the international arena is the staggering figure of unemployed young people, even for those who have received a higher education degree, the gap between formal education and the labor market is too wide. Our project «Improving competences for the labor market», aims to provide youngsters from different countries with the necessary tools to create a long-­‐term effect in their local communities, and influence young people to be more proactive in the professional context.


To achieve this aim, our objectives are the following:


  • To create a personal development tool-­‐kit for youngsters, that uses non-­‐ formal methods, which will increase their employability by providing them with competencies required by the labor market (teamwork, communication, creativity, planning and organizing).
  • To develop employability skills (teamwork, communication, creativity, planning) of 25 youngsters, through their participation to a 12 days youth exchange, in Arad, Romania.
  • To put the tool in the service of more youngsters by developing a tool kit, until the end of the project, containing the same methods, which will be disseminated to more than 1000 NGOs and 400 independent trainers and or facilitators.

Each participant will be involved in non-­‐formal activities aimed to fulfill the learning outcomes of the youth exchange.

The project includes five countries from our Alter Ego network, which have low employment rate.

Youngsters will be able to enhance their existing skills in the field of professional networking and self-­‐ development, and by extension they will be able to carry out activities to influence and counsel young people in their local communities. At the local level employability will be fostered and this in return will have an exponential effect on increasing opportunities for young people in a transnational context.

Perfil participants intercambios verano Erasmus+

The following criteria will be used in the selection process of the participants:


  • Interest shown in the topic and need to acquire specific skills to be competitive on the labor market;
  • Ability to use English at least at an intermediary level (B1);
  • Motivation & a plan for exploitation of the results of the exchange; Participants will submitted an application form to our team, containing:
  • A description of: their motivation, how will they plan to use the learning results in future activities involving youth, how will he/she disseminate, transfer and multiply the project’s results;
  • The candidate’s CV, for proving experience in the youth field;
  • Proof/statement for participants applying for places reserved to persons with fewer opportunities


Aiming to have a motivated and experienced group of participants, they will be required the minimum age of 18 years. The age limit of the participants is 25 years with exception of the group leaders and facilitators from Romania who will lead the workshops.


Partners will be encouraged to promote the places for this training course through channels that will also reach youngsters who face difficulties in finding a job, with a difficult economical background and who are able to give the information that they received also to other potential interested youngsters who face similar situations.


Given their profile and target groups, the partners will select at least 30% of the participants with fewer opportunities.


These will be young people facing at least one of the following barriers:

  • Geographical obstacles: people from remote or rural areas;
  • Economic obstacles: people with a low standard of living, low income, dependence on social welfare system or homeless; young people in long-­‐ term unemployment or poverty; people with financial problems;
  • Social obstacles: coming from a disorganized family background;
  • Disability (please take into consideration if selecting a participant who is facing a disability and if he needs a support person, support persons were not included in the project budget, but one of the other participants can be a support person for him, in this way we will be able to facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities to this youth exchange as well)

Resultados esperados intercambios verano Erasmus+

The project will offer to participant’s better development opportunities; help them to develop the soft-­‐skills they need for getting a job.

For this, the activities of each day use different methods that can later be used for making youngsters be better at:

  • o Integrating in a team
  • o Identifying their own learning style, learning needs and to draft a personal development plan
  • o Understanding communication and communicate in a team
  • o Communicating in a professional environment
  • o Drafting a C.V. and a cover letter
  • o Evaluating their learning progress
  • o Improving their creativity
  • o Using their creativity for finding solutions to problems that they are facing
  • o Facilitating different methods of non-­‐formal education

Moreover, participants will develop specific youth worker skills, in different activities, which will help them also to act as multiplyers of the things learned in the exchange:

  • o Better identifying youngsters’ learning needs
  • o Communicating better with youngsters
  • o Leading a non-­‐formal learning process
    • o Engaging their beneficiaries

    In extent to these, participants will also:

    • o Working independently and being more confident;
      • o Putting small projects into practice (handling the tasks that they will receive),
      • o Developing a more creative attitude,
      • o Using their creativity for finding solutions to current problems,
      • o Managing group dynamics,
        • o The exchange will be held in English and a lot of professional English terms relevant for employability skills will be used.
        • o They will gain new lexicon and the capability of using it correctly in their area of
        • o They will use English in various contexts (presentations, e-­‐mails, groups meetings ).
        • Improve competencies in the use of professional English, as:
        • Be able to understand better the different aspects and norms that guide inter-­‐cultural communication and communicate better in an international team, especially after the experiences of the first 4 days.
        • Develop their competence of learning how to learn, through the activities from the 2nd, 8th and 11th day. They will understand better their personalities, learning style and life expectations, they will learn to self-­‐ asses their learning needs, they will learn to create their learning plan starting from these, they will foresee methods of evaluating their learning process, and they will use these while drafting their Youth pass.
        • Develop their social and civic competencies, as they will constantly interact with each other, most of the activities being done while working in an international team.
        • Develop their team-­‐working skills through specialized activities and will be offered the tools to evaluate their personal and group performance in doing this. In extent to this, as communication skills are very important in social relations, participants will get the chance to develop these, especially in the first 5 days of the course, thus becoming more successful in communicating with others.
        • Develop their skills and attitudes related to cultural awareness, in a non-­‐ formal way.
        • Be able to use various media for presenting their work, not only due to the specific of each activity but by the attitudes that will be developed, one important example being the process of opening them towards being more creative and letting go of their prejudices.
        • Develop their entrepreneurial skills

Condiciones viaje a los intercambios verano Erasmus+

Members of the coordinating team will assist partners and/or participants to purchase travel tickets and choose the most suitable route to the venue of the project. Pick up of the participants from airports or stations will be assured by the hosting organisation. Each participant will receive a reimbursement form; participants’ travel costs will be reimbursed according to the funding rules of the ERASMUS+ program.

Reimbursement will be done by bank transfer to each sending organization (which will then reimburse the participants) just after Oti -­‐ Arad will receive all original both way travel documents from all participants (round trip boarding passes, flight itinerary, bus or train tickets).

As participants will need to organize activities between the two mobilities, the reimbursement time frame also depends on each participant or sending organization, sending proof of the undertaken local workshops.


For arrival to Arad, Romania, participants can:

  •  Use the airport of Budapest 250 km away from Arad – a special shuttle bus or direct train can be used to arrive to Arad. Organisation can book shuttle buses for the participants (they need to send e-­‐mail to us in whom they will indicate the exact arrival time to Budapest, the flight number and a copy of their ID card so the shuttle company can do the invoice in their name. In case the participant would like to use the shuttle for also returning to Budapest we would need the same information about the flight. The price for one-­‐way travel is 30 Euro per person and needs to be paid directly to the bus driver).
  • Use the airport of Timisoara 40 km away from Arad – one of our colleagues can pick you up but in order to do so we would need the exact time of your arrival or a copy of your flight itinerary.
  • Use the train, as there are direct routes from Budapest several times each day. It takes 3 to 4 hours to Arad so any train that can bring you to Budapest you can then change and takes another one to Arad.
  • Use the car, in case you do so please keep your pay toll recipes we would need those to show your route, as well as a Google map print showing your route of both way travels.
  • Use the bus; there are several private bus companies on the Internet that are going around Europe through different cities.


You can of course combine all the means of transportations from above.

ACCOMMODATION: in an authorized accommodation place, 2 -­‐ 3 separate beds/room, same-­‐gender bedrooms. Each room will have private bathrooms.

The name and photos of the hotel will be sent to partners as soon as it will be booked. In case participants face any kind of disability and would need accessible rooms please let us know in time, it will help us prepare and offer the best conditions as possible.

As a general reminder please pack personal items you may use as well as towels even if the hotel may provide them.

MEALS: 3 meals and 2 coffee breaks/day will be provided. Participants will be asked for special dietary needs in the application form, please make sure to fill in the specific section, it will help us and the hotel staff prepare and offer the best service possible. In case you will not mention your special dietary need in the application form we will not be able to guarantee it will be taken into consideration by the restaurant (Please keep in mind that we here refer to allergies, intolerance to any food groups as well as not eating specific types of food out of religious reasons).


INTERNET ACCESS: wi-­‐fi will be provided in training rooms and accommodation place. Please keep in mind that you will be a big group of participants, in case Internet is slow or not working at times it is due to the fact that most probably all of you will try to connect at the same time to the same wireless router. Patience and understanding are required 🙂

TRAINING: all necessary material resources will be supplied by the hosting organization. Only certified trainers will be facilitating the sessions. They will provide learning materials that are easy to read use also graphical facilitation and have an interactive, friendly approach.

In case you face any kind of disability or special need and use some special accessible technology or would need any kind of support please let us know!

INSURANCE: Participants are advised to have a European Insurance card with them or buy travel insurance before departure. This cost will not be reimbursed to the participants.

VISA: Arad will offer Participants who need visa to travel to Romania assistance and documents.

Proceso selección para intercambios verano Erasmus+ en Rumanía

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «Exchange ROmania Elek.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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