Description of organisation

Special Kindergarten no 213 in Warsaw is an educational establishment for mentally handicapped children and youth. Although it is called a kindergarten, there are various age groups in this institution: groups for chidren with disability (3-10 years old), groups for children with autism (3-10 years old) , group for teenagers with disability (15-25 years old). The staff consists of many specialists: special pedagogues, psychologist, therapist, physiotherapist, speech therapist and also volunteers and students. The Special Kindergarten no 213 often has visitors from the Pedagogical and Psychological University in Warsaw. Our Kindergarten is one of few kindergartens in Warsaw, which offer daycare for children and youth from 3 to 25 years of age. Mental retardation of the pupils in this institution is accompanied by other developmental disorders, e.g. autism, ADHD, behavioral disorders and physical disability. They are not able to live independently. Each of them needs care and help in everyday activities to some extent. They are open to new contacts but it is worth mentioning that often verbal communication is difficult as most of pupils do not speak.

Great diversity of the pupils, their characters as well as different kind of their disorders, which determine their behavior do not allow to describe our target group in just a few words. It seems that readiness to new challengers and creativity of the volunteers will allow them to create relations satisfactory for them and for their pupils. Undoubtedly, the volunteers will meet a wide variety of new challenges and aims, mainly due to depicted above diversity of pupils. Most of them require individual care and specific attitude, which makes every day in the kindergarten different.

Participants with fewer opportunities

  • This organisation has additional mentoring or other support suitable for young people with social obstacles, educational difficulties, cultural differences or similar.

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “Przedszkole Specjalne nr 213”

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