SVE Alemania con discapacitados (escuela, fútbol, trabajo social)


sve alemania con todos los gastos pagados para trabajar con discapacitados en varios proyectos (por favor elegir uno).

Como alternativa tienes estas otras plazas (atención con las fechas límite):

Voluntariado en una guardería en Lituania

Voluntariado europeo con niños en Eslovenia

Voluntariado en Irlanda

Voluntariado europeo en Bélgica en medio ambiente



Lugar SVE Alemania:

Kassel, Germany

Kassel is a town in the north of Hessen, about 200.000 inhabitants with a lot of students and a good cultural scene, most important «documenta», an exhibition every five years for contemporary art. Also there is a nice surrounding with great nature and the UNESCO World Culture Heritage «Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe».

Duración SVE Alemania:

12 months

The activity can be started asap minimum from September 2018 for 12 months.

Introducción SVE ALemania

We are looking for successors for the next voluntary year starting in September 1st.
Last year we used the chance and applied in the strategic evs at our national agency.
We plan for the next 3 years in sending and hosting volunteers and we like to invite you to be part in this projects. For this year we like to host 8 volunteers in our accredited projects close to Kassel and Frankfurt.
Now we are looking for interested applicants, like to volunteer for the year in Hessen.
The first 5 projects work with people with handicaps in various dimensions (school, work, living, sports, free-time)

Perfil voluntarios:

aged 18-30

Sobre los proyectos SVE Alemania

All projects work with people with handicaps in various dimensions (school, work, living, sports, free-time)

The following projects are open for applicants:
1) Ambulante Dienste Hessisch Lichtenau (school)
Responsibilities of the volunteers: personal assistance for a single handicapped child at school like individual support during lessons, accompanying during therapy or free-time activities, implementation of a self-selected volunteer-project

2) Werraland Werkstätten Witzenhausen (work)
Responsibilities of the volunteers: assistance for handicapped adults at their working place, individual accompaniment in their apartment (support for personal needs and support during administrative tasks); participation in leisure activities; implementation of a self-selected volunteer-project

3) Hephata Wohnbereich (living)
Responsibilities of the volunteers: in the living area for mentally and multi-handicapped, adults; cooperation in a care unit (residential group); participation in the routine tasks (assistance and guidance in the handling of daily tasks: body hygiene, dressing and undressing, nutrition, work); participation in the organization of leisure time; individual instructions; assistance in specialist services (occupational therapy, crane-gymnastics, etc.); implementation of a self-selected volunteer-project

4) Hephata Sport (sports)
Responsibilities of the volunteers: Participation in the institutional sport coordination with handicapped people: sport offers for the evs-project as daily activities, fitness facility, physiotherapeutic measure, as well as training for participating in competitions e.g. Special Olympics.

5) Baunataler Diakonie Hofgeismar (free-time): support a group of handicapped adults in their day-time activities like creative activities, artistical, cooking, baking, walks in the nearer area and travels with the group.

6) KSV Hessen Kassel eV (football club)
Responsibilities of the volunteers: assistance in organizing and coordinating the highest class football club in northern Hessen. Assistance in administration, social media, training activities and youth activities in football. Applicant needs driving license.

Financial conditions

For all projects we offer:
–        free accommodation near the project (single rooms, living together with other national and international volunteers)
–        123 EUR pocket money/ months
–        245 EUR/ month for self-catering
–        a free ticket for the local transport in the whole region
–        additional seminar days in a group of evs volunteers in cooperation with other regional evs actors, for deepening the evs learning process and start-up own projects

How to apply


For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Germany Kassel Markus. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to

[button color=»purple» link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil2″]Motivation letter and form[/button]

  • Pau
    27 junio, 2018 at 8:14 pm

    Estaría interesado en el punto 4 o el 6.
    Sería posible solamente aplicar para estos proyectos?


  • admin
    27 junio, 2018 at 9:53 pm

    Hola Pau, si claro, por favor envía los documentos cuanto antes gracias

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