Proyecto YesEuropa: jóvenes voluntarios cambiando Europa


yes europa young volunteers VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL

El objetivo principal del proyecto «YesEuropa: jóvenes voluntarios cambiando Europa» es el de crear una mayor conciencia entre los jóvenes, profesores y trabajadores de la juventud de zonas rurales y en situaciones desfavorecidas acerca de los beneficios de participar en programas de voluntariado con el fin de convertirse en ciudadanos activos. El proyecto tiene como objetivo ser una herramienta capaz de acercar valores como la tolerancia y el respeto a los jóvenes ciudadanos europeos como claves para la creación de futuras generaciones de europeos comprometidos, especialmente para aquellos que más sufren los efectos de la crisis.

Este proyecto les informará acerca de cómo ser un voluntario basado en la experiencia de las organizaciones de voluntariado a nivel europeo y fomentar el debate sobre las políticas europeas de participación cívica y oportunidades para los jóvenes.

El proyecto dará la oportunidad a las organizaciones de voluntarios para exhibir sus actividades y programas directamente a los posibles voluntarios y para los responsables políticos para acercar sus iniciativas a los ciudadanos. También proporcionaremos conocimientos a los profesores y trabajadores de la juventud sobre la ciudadanía activa, la participación ciudadana y la información sobre nuevas oportunidades para los jóvenes. El proyecto prevee las siguientes actividades:

– Un estudio sobre el voluntariado y la participación ciudadana «¿Qué significa ser voluntario?» acerca de cómo se percibe el voluntariado y la participación activa en las zonas rurales.

– Un seminario internacional con organizaciones cívicas europeas y los responsables de políticas destinadas a discutir la encuesta, el voluntariado en cada país y fomentar en línea y fuera de línea los debates con la participación de jóvenes voluntarios europeos. Este seminario contará con las partes interesadas y los responsables políticos de los gobiernos locales.

– Feria de voluntariado con la participación activa de las comunidades rurales.

– 10 sesiones informativas / debates en los centros de educación de cada país. Por lo menos 2 sesiones se organizarán por cada socio.

– Concurso de vídeos cortos sobre el voluntariado para los jóvenes. Los ganadores serán invitados a participar en un programa de voluntariado de corta duración en el extranjero.

– Video corto con entrevistas de los participantes, los ganadores del concurso y voluntarios.

Acceso a la encuesta online sobre voluntariado (versión en inglés)

Acceso a la encuesta online sobre voluntariado (versión en estonio)

yes europa europe for citizens



Event 1

Participation: The event involved .25.. citizens, including ..2.. participants from the city of .Tallin.. (Estonia), ..2. participants from the city of ..Sant´Eufemia d´Aspromonte.. (Italy) , 2. participants from the city of ..Reggio-Calabria.. (Italy) .

Location / Dates: The event took place in ..Madrid . (Spain), from 26/01/2015 to 28/01/2015
Short description: The aim of the event was :

This activity allowed to present «YesEuropa» aims and objectives to the general public. We organised a public seminar counting with volunteering organisations, stakeholders and policy makers in order to present their volunteering programmes for young people. We debated online and offline about civic participation and European citizenship. The seminar also presented case studies and testimonials from young people.

Event 2

Participation: The event involved .200. citizens, including ..20.. participants from the city of .Tallin.. (Estonia), ..80.. participants from the city of ..Reggio Calabria.. (Italy) , ..20.. participants from the city of ..Sant´Eufemia d´Aspromonte.. (Italy) and 80 participants from the city of Madrid (Spain).

Location / Dates: The event took place in .Talling.. (Estonia),Sant´Eufemia (Italy), Reggio Calabria (Italy) and Madrid from 01/02/2015 to 31/05/2015
Short description: The aim of the event was :

Local informative and debate sessions on volunteering and civic participation will be organised at local level in Italy, Spain and Estonia. We will count with the collaboration of education centres and we will present also project objectives and activities addressed to young people. Each partner commits to organise at least 2 sessions in their local community in close cooperation with local authorities and education centres.

Event 3

Participation: The event involved .25.. citizens, including ..5.. participants from the city of ..Tallin. (Estonia), .10... participants from the cities of .Sant´Eufemia..and Reggio Calabria. (Italy) and 10 participants from the city of Purchena (Spain). Furthermore, we involved indirectly almost 50 people coming from Almeria province (Spain).

Location / Dates: The event took place in ..Purchena . (Spain), from 13/07/2015 to 19/07/2015
Short description: The aim of the event was:

International Volunteering Programme: we offered the opportunity to 25 Young people to participate in an international volunteering programme abroad. This programme had count with the participation of the 3 short video contest winners (each winner from a country) and open to any young citizen eager to enjoy a volunteering experience abroad.

The main objective of the project «YesEuropa: young volunteers changing Europe» is to raise awareness among young people, teachers and youth workers from rural areas and disavantaged context about the benefits of participating in volunteering programmes in order to become active citizens. The project aims to be a tool able to bring closer tolerance and respect to young European citizens as keys to creating future generations of commited Europeans, specially those suffering the effects of crisis.

This project will inform them about how to become a volunteer based on the experience of voluntary organisations at European level and foster debates about European civic participation policies and opportunities for young people.

The project will give the opportunity to voluntary organisations to show their activities and programmes directly to potential volunteers and for policy makers to bring closer their initiatives to citizens. We will also provide knowledge to teachers and youth workers about active citizenship, civic participation and informing about new opportunities for young people:

– A survey on volunteering and civic engagement «What means volunteering?»about how is perceived volunteering and active participation in rural areas.

– An international seminar with European civic organisations and policy makers aimed at discussing the survey, volunteering in each country and fostering online and offline debates with the participation of young European volunteers. This seminar will include of stakeholders and policy makers from local governments.

– Volunteering Fair fostering active participation from rural communities.

– 10 Informative/debate sessions in education centres in each country. At least 2 sessions will be organised by each partner.

– Short video contest about volunteering for young people. Winners will be invited to take part in a short volunteering programme abroad.

– Short video with interviews of participants, contest winners and volunteers.


Event 1

Participation: The event involved .25.. citizens, including ..2.. participants from the city of .Tallin.. (Estonia), ..2. participants from the city of ..Sant´Eufemia d´Aspromonte.. (Italy) , 2. participants from the city of ..Reggio-Calabria.. (Italy) .

Location / Dates: The event took place in ..Madrid . (Spain), from 26/01/2015 to 28/01/2015
Short description: The aim of the event was :

This activity allowed to present «YesEuropa» aims and objectives to the general public. We organised a public seminar counting with volunteering organisations, stakeholders and policy makers in order to present their volunteering programmes for young people. We debated online and offline about civic participation and European citizenship. The seminar also presented case studies and testimonials from young people.

Event 2

Participation: The event involved .200. citizens, including ..20.. participants from the city of .Tallin.. (Estonia), ..80.. participants from the city of ..Reggio Calabria.. (Italy) , ..20.. participants from the city of ..Sant´Eufemia d´Aspromonte.. (Italy) and 80 participants from the city of Madrid (Spain).

Location / Dates: The event took place in .Talling.. (Estonia),Sant´Eufemia (Italy), Reggio Calabria (Italy) and Madrid from 01/02/2015 to 31/05/2015
Short description: The aim of the event was :

Local informative and debate sessions on volunteering and civic participation will be organised at local level in Italy, Spain and Estonia. We will count with the collaboration of education centres and we will present also project objectives and activities addressed to young people. Each partner commits to organise at least 2 sessions in their local community in close cooperation with local authorities and education centres.

Event 3

Participation: The event involved .25.. citizens, including ..5.. participants from the city of ..Tallin. (Estonia), .10... participants from the cities of .Sant´Eufemia..and Reggio Calabria. (Italy) and 10 participants from the city of Purchena (Spain). Furthermore, we involved indirectly almost 50 people coming from Almeria province (Spain).

Location / Dates: The event took place in ..Purchena . (Spain), from 13/07/2015 to 19/07/2015
Short description: The aim of the event was:

International Volunteering Programme: we offered the opportunity to 25 Young people to participate in an international volunteering programme abroad. This programme had count with the participation of the 3 short video contest winners (each winner from a country) and open to any young citizen eager to enjoy a volunteering experience abroad.

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