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Actually, we are writing here and you read our names on the posts but… who are we? I swear we’re not ghosts. I mean, Casper has to be nice, but for now, we prefer staying being humans.

Maybe it was a bit impolite the fact that we haven’t introduced ourselves… but better late than never. Starting by me, it’s Sara, a 23 years old Spanish girl who studied Advertising and Public Relations in the university and was lost about what to do after. I had previous experiences in volunteering field and since I loved them, I contemplated the idea of EVS program. Well, actually it was my mother who guided me (she’s psychologist specialized in career counselor).

I know I am young and if I say “I don’t have idea about what to do with my professional life”, it doesn’t sound weird. But the true is that I changed completely my goal: I went from having the purpose of being a publicist to being working in a NGO lost in the world. How blind I was before trying these experiences. It was like I didn’t know myself, or better, I just discovered a part of me that I didn’t know.

After me, Mario was who arrived in Sliven. He’s a 30 years old Italian accordionist from Bologna. Sorry, such a good accordionist. Although perfectly you can find him playing flautes, the kaval or dancing I don´t know how many dancing styles. Bulgaria, but more specific Roma culture, is his passion. So, different to me, he´s not randomly here just because he applied different programs and he was selected in this one. He wanted quite intentionally to live and work in Bulgaria.

The last one to arrive here was Jenny, our not to little Jenny. We were joking at the beginning about she was our little sister, but with the time she has been demonstrating that it was just that, a joke. She’s 19 and also from the north of Italy, Vicenza. She finished the highschool specialized in social field after coming here, and I am having the opportunity to see how she is discovering herself here. Almost all of us are feeling the same, but specially both us, are growing a lot in this experience.

We live, work, travel and spend the free time together. And no, we don’t want to kill each other. Actually, we are such good friends! We learnt to adapt. Still doing it.

And I do not wanna leave you without mentioning our mentor, Alex. Or Trayan. He is native of Sliven, 21 years old enthusiastic about mathematics and the world in general. Good job dealing with these crazy people, Alex! Thanks.

So…these ones are us! This is our team. Nice to meet you, readers.

See you later,

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