Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Lituania con niños, discapacitados y oficina empleo


Elige entre dos proyectos de voluntariado en Lituania con todos los gastos pagados por el Programa Erasmus (ver informacion voluntariado europeo). Un proyecto es con niños y discapacitados y otro en una oficina de empleo.

También puedes ver otros proyectos donde se necesitan voluntarios en Lituania..

Lugar y fechas voluntariado cultural en Lituania

EVS coordinating organization in Lithuania is looking for volunteers, who would like to join our

Erasmus+ EVS project in 2017-2018.

Project venue: Panevezys, Lithuania

Project period: October 2017 – July 2018 (10 months)

We cooperate with 5 different hosting organizations. More information about hosting organizations and about the project see below.

We are looking for 8 motivated volunteers from different EU countries.

We are looking for motivated young people who would like:

 to help disabled;

 to play with children;

 to learn new things;

 to implement one ideas;

 to get new skills.

According to Erasmus + rules, we will provide volunteers: accommodation, food pocket money, local transportation, insurance and reimburse the travel from home to EVS place and back.

Volunteers will share apartments with other volunteers (from 2 to 4 volunteers in one apartment).

Each volunteer will have his/her one room.

Tareas voluntariado en 2 proyectos (elegir uno):


Krekenava town in Panevezys district is the right place, if you are looking for a peaceful school in countryside. There is friendly stuff, teachers, who can introduce you with modern equipment and renovated classes. Krekenava gymnasium has beautiful surroundings and is attended by plenty of diverse children.

Gymnasium consolidates pupils from 1 to 12 grade, so you would meet a lot of various and interesting children. It’s possible to participate in teaching process during lessons.

You will have possibility to organise brain games and other activities and take part in ones. You will can improve your English language skills in discussions with students, by watching movies in English and discussion about them. Also you will can take part in the art lessons, sing or play with various instruments. By spending time actively you will can play basketball and do exercises in the training room.

Also you will can visit sightseeings of Krekenava region park.

That’s a fine way for you to get more speaking skills, new social experience and know about other country.



Labour Exchange is a budget organization. It implements state employment guarantees on the local level and offers support for jobseekers who want to find a job more quickly, giving them the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to compete and succeed in the labour market, helps employers find qualified labour force.

Panevėžys Local Labour Exchange consists of several different departments and sub departments – one of them is the Youth Job Centre. The main objectives of the Youth Job Centre are to help youth integrate into labour market, develop skills needed to compete in labour market, motivate to lifelong learning and help adjust to changes in labour market. The other sub-department – EURES. The purpose of EURES is to provide information, advice and recruitment/placement (job-matching) services for the benefit of workers and employers as well as any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of the free movement of persons.

Volunteers in the Youth Job Center and in EURES consult clients about culture and living conditions in their home countries, volunteering benefits and possibilities. They help in Youth Job Center's and EURES routine jobs, such as help to organize seminars about situation in labour market, career planning, work search on internet, basic of entrepreneurship, Europass documents, CV and motivation letter preparation. They participate in the meetings with social partners and delegations from abroad, youth conferences and workshops, development of communication and publicity of events. Moreover, they help organize European Union language clubs for clients. Volunteers can find the best activities for them and submit proposals or initiate new projects.

Our expectations for volunteers would be: reliability and commitment be broad minded, not afraid to ask for help and enthusiastic. We hope that our volunteer will be active to integrate into our community, which includes many of the social partners from government organizations to start-ups with youth clubs that keep cooperating.

We await the pleasure of welcoming you to the Panevėžys Local Labour Exchange!

Cómo solicitar voluntariado en Lituania

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

–  Curriculum Vitae with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

– Motivation letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Motivation letter Application form Building Bridges

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS Lithuania Aiste. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to

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