Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Macedonia con la comunidad gitana


Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Macedonia con todos los gastos pagados a través del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad y Erasmus+.

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Fechas del Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Macedonia

Skopje, Macedonia
01.05.2018 – 15.02.2019

Sobre el proyecto de Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Macedonia

Within this project, we propose to host 4 EVS volunteers during the school year 2018/19.
The volunteers will be hosted in pairs, 2 volunteers per semester. Our intention is to offer our pupils support from the volunteers throughout the whole school year, while the volunteers will be offered approximately 5 months stay, full of activities and learning opportunities.

The volunteers will have organized activities 30-35 hours per week, from Monday to Friday, while the weekend will be free.

Related to learning opportunities, the volunteers will be enrolled into Macedonian and Roma language classes, IT workshops and many diverse learning modules offered contentiously within our regular activities and the activities organized by other social partners from out networks.
The project aims to promote volunteering as an important tool for social inclusion, for developing inter-cultural skills and abilities useful for the successful integration in the daily life.
More specifically, its goals refer:
• To clarify the challenges of volunteering related to non-formal and informal learning process, inter cultural learning and impact on local community
• To increase the outreach of young Roma people from out neighborhood to enroll into daily activities of the Young Roma Club by introducing positive role models of young people from abroad
• To promote digital competences among disadvantaged groups of youth and initiate innovative and creative ways of usage of social media in favor of education and development,
• To strongly support inter-cultural competences of young Roma people, and especially competences of young Roma people to work in multi-national teams,
• To raise awareness of young Roma people for the need of continuous personal, social and professional development
• To raise self confidence of young Roma people as an agents of change
• To make inter cultural exchange of art, culture, tradition and customs
• To strengthen the international (European) dimension of our activities and further on develop our cooperation with he sending organization
• To strengthen the visual identity of EU and develop common understanding of its spirit and values.


• To promote voluntarism as a great opportunity for on-formal and informal learning
• To support to young Roma children in several areas of socio-political life int he local community,
• To increase the self-confidence and motivation of young Roma children to enroll into non -formal education
• To increase the overall foreign language skills of our attendees, the members of our organization and the volunteers

To contribute to stronger European dimension of the daily work of our organization
• To develop inter-cultural competences of young (Roma) people, and especially competences of young (Roma) people to work in multi-national teams
• To strengthen the visual identity of EU and develop common understanding of its spirit and values.

Actividades del Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Macedonia

Different types of activities involving local youth.
For example, organization of local ecology initiatives, surveys, creative workshops, scientific experiments, bloging, competitions, important
international days etc (20%). EU

* Support in doing homework for our attendees.
Our attendees are children who derive from very poor families, often from illiterate parents, who are unable to support them in their school activities. The help from volunteers will be performed in subjects in which the volunteers feel they have the capacity to do so. The volunteer will have the chance to have direct contact with children and organize several outside activities depending on the time of the year (20%)
* Visibility activities. The volunteers will help our team in writing articles for our daily activities for the website and for the official newsletter we issue once a month. They will be supported to give visual identity to the Roma youth club and promote it among young people (10%).
* Individual initiatives and activities – the volunteers shall have the personal space to express him/her self and all our office equipment
and other materials will on disposal. We would especially welcome creative projects related to cultural promotion, celebration of cultural diversity enriching the European identity (10%).
* Teaching English and Spanish. The volunteers will organize foreign language classes for our attendees. Members of other local NGOs will be invited to these classes as well, to contribute to further networking (10%).

* Learning activities for the volunteers. The volunteers will be offered classes of Macedonian and Roma language, which will be organized in our
premises. As well, the volunteers will attend numerous workshops which are being developed under our regular activities, and refer to
continuous IT workshops for our attendees, web design, healthy lifestyles and environmental protection. As we are part of several national
networks, training opportunities are diverse and the volunteer will have the opportunity to choose depending on his/hers needs (10%).



The ideal participant profile would be a person aged between 18 and 30, a team player, willing to live and communicate in inter-cultural environment, willing to work with youth under social risk, willing to work with Roma youth, passionate about discovering new culture, language, customs, tradition etc and interested in volunteering in our organization according to the relevant program that we prepared for the volunteers.
He/she should have good English language skills and willingness to work in a dynamic and challenging environment. It is preferable for the volunteer to have completed secondary education, and is enrolled or is intending to enroll into the higher education institution, to serve as a positive role model for the high-school pupils he/she will communicate on daily basis.

Proceso selección del  Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Macedonia

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-profile»]Application form and motivation letter[/button]

All documents written in english should be sent to: with subject “EVS Macedonia Atanasova. YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME”.

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