Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Italia con menores (3 proyectos)


Deadline for all projects 7 january 2017

Project 1


We are looking for two volunteers for a project in Gonzaga (MN) that deals minors and their integration

Duration: 12 months

Activity’s date: from the first week of June 2017 untill the first week of June 2018

Place: Cooperative Poiesis, Gonzaga (MN), Italy

Availability: 2 volunteers

Project’s description

The objectives of the activity are providing an intercultural experience in a non-formal context, promoting social integration and active participation, enhancing future occupability and giving the chance to express solidarity to other people and support to local communities. We will use a proactive methodology stimulating curiosity and a dynamic approach.

Cooperativa  will be responsible for the coordination of the whole project and for the distribution of the grant in line with partners’ responsibilities. On arrival the volunteers will attend the welcoming sessions at our organisation, we foresee meetings in the first 2 weeks, so to gradually introduce them to the new situation and place, facilitate their integration in the new context, and leave him time to get accustomed to the new life-style.

At Cooperative Poiesis the volunteers will turn in 2 different services:

1. DAY CENTER, where the minors, reported by child protection, from 12 to 18 years old, are placed in this location to be helped to overcome their personal problems or family problems, facilitating their integration in the territory.

2. COMMUNITY, is addressed only to female minors, reported by a court decree, from 12 to 18 years old, who permantly live in this location 24/24 hours and sometimes they visit their family in the weekend.


Poiesis will progressively give to the volunteers an overall view of the whole range of activities of the host organisation, and will introduce them to people involved, staff and users.

In general the volunteer’s role will be of support to the minors during their homeworks, organizing workshops, facilitating socialisation and integration activities inside and outside the centres, to help the educators during daily moments (which means also supervision during the meals, tidying up of the dining rooms before and after lunch). In additional to this, in the female Community, the volunteers will help the educators to accompany the minors in their activity outside the center.

After a first period of adaptation, the responsible person will decide together with the volunteers which activities are fitter for them to implement.


The volunteers will be hosted in a flat provided by cooperative Poiesis and settled in Gonzaga, in the same area of the community and of the day center. The flat has 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom; the flat will be shared between the 2 volunteers. The rules of the flat will be presented on arrival.

The volunteers can go by foot to work because the 2 services, run by Cooperative Poiesis, are in the same building of the residence, while travel costs for free time will be at their expense. On the occasion of the supervision meetings in Mantova, in case the volunteers travels by train or bus they will be reimbursed.


Project 2


We are looking for two volunteers for a project in Mantua that deals children and their time leisure

Duration: 3 months

Activity’s date: from the first week of June untill the first week of September

Place: Cooperative , Mantua, Italy

Availability: 2 volunteers

Project’s description

The objectives of the activity are providing an intercultural experience in a non-formal context, promoting social integration and active participation, enhancing future occupability and giving the chance to express solidarity to other people and support to local communities. We will use a pro active methodology stimulating curiosity and a dynamic approach.

On arrival the volunteers will attend the welcoming sessions at our organisation. We foresee meetings in the first 2 weeks, so to gradually introduce them to the new situation and place, facilitate their integration in the new context, and leave him time to get accustomed to the new life-style.

The volunteers will be involved in the organisation and creation of workshops for children in collaboration with the staff, to help children with their homework and organisation of the time leisure. This kind of project needs team work, collaboration, cooperation and personal contribute of the volunteers to manage to the best the situations with children.


The volunteers will support activities linked to preventing distress and promoting well-being (i.e. workshops art, sport, culture, health, intercultural workshop), and foster games, excursions, specific courses, etc.. They can also support the educators with children and youngsters with handicap or fewer opportunities, taking after them through specific educational actions.

The activities are addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old.


The volunteers will be hosted in a flat provided by cooperative  and settled in Mantova.

The flat has 2 bedrooms, a kitchen and living room and a bathroom with two showers. The flat will be shared with other volunteers. The volunteers can go to work on foot/by bus (cost on charge of us) or bike, while travel costs for free time will be on charge of the volunteer


Project 3


We are looking for one volunteer for a project in Mantua that deals the management of a B&B with users from Mental Heaty Department

Duration: 5 months (deadline 2nd of February 2017)

Activity’s date: from the first week of June untill the end of October

Place: Cooperative La.Co.Sa, Curtatone (MN), Italy

Availability: 1 volunteer

Project’s description

The objectives of the activity are providing an intercultural experience in a non-formal context, promoting social integration and active participation, enhancing future occupability and giving the chance to express solidarity to other people and to support local communities. We will use a proactive methodology stimulating curiosity and a dynamic approach. Cooperativa  will be responsible for the coordination of the whole project (which includes two more volunteers directly hosted by us), and for the distribution of the grant in line with partners’ responsibilities and also a regular contacts among the volunteers and the sending organisations.

On arrival the volunteer will attend the welcoming sessions at our organisation, we foresee meetings in the first 2 weeks, so to gradually introduce the volunteer to the new situation and place, facilitate integration in the new context, and leave him time to get accustomed to the new life-style.

The volunteer will be involved in the activities of Cascina Goliarda, a B&B in Curtatone, near Mantova, run by Cooperative La.Co.Sa, that employ personnel with psychological problem reported by Mental Healthy Dipartment of Carlo Poma Hospital.

The building is composed by 6 rooms and a common kitchen for breakfast/lunch/dinner, and it can host 24 clients.


The volunteers will support the coordinators with the activities of front-office, back-office, booking, receiving, garden and henhouse maintenance, rooms supervision and collaboration with the staff composed by users from Mental Healthy Department.

The activities are divided into the week from Monday to Friday, but sometimes are provided activities in the weekend and in this case the volunteer can rest in the days after the weekend.


The volunteers will be hosted in a flat provided by Cooperative La.Co.Sa. and settled in Curtatone.

The flat has 1 bedroom, a kitchen and living room and a bathroom.

The volunteers can go to work on foot because the flat is in the same area of the B&B, while travel costs for free time will be on charge of the volunteer


How to apply


Building Bridges users and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

  • Application form

[button color=»orange2″ link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Italy Valentina Mantova. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” and select only 1 project to

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