SVE en Alemania sobre la cultura – teatro


CreActing (Theatre Project)

Creacting is an improvisation theatre project in the small village Schoellkrippen near Aschaffenburg in Germany. We are looking for 1 volunteer who is interested in working in a creative environment with children of different ages. Duration: May 2015 – April 2016


Project Environment:

The organisation is located in a rural area («Spessart»), about 2 km outside the village «Schoellkrippen» in a former monastery on a hill which is now a theatre academy. Theatre workshops and other activities are done in the rural district as well as the town Aschaffenburg (70 000 inhabitants). Participants are children and youth from the area of different socio-economical backgrounds. We aim to reach especially disadvantaged young people with our projects but also emphasize the value of heterogenous groups for a maximum of learning opportunities.

We also run a theatre project in Bihar, the poorest Region of India. There exists the possibility for the European Volunteer to visit this project during his/her EVS provided the travel costs can be financed.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:

Improvisation theatre is a wide field that includes a range of activities like acting, sound and light technic, directing, construction of stage props and scenery, designing and sewing fanciful costumes, graphic design, video editing, and film making. There is a large variety of learning opportunities for volunteers. They can try out various activities and find out which they like to learn more about – which they can do straight away by learning by doing and by getting help from more experienced trainers and helpers. They can also bring their existing interests and abilities and apply them in a creative team. So they can experience how their input enriches the overall outcome.

Activities include assisting in theatre workshops with youth and children covering the above mentioned range of activities according to interests. Their tasks can also include cooking food for a group during a theatre camp, report about the host organisation at events, help with food sale at festivals, help around the house and garden of the theatre academy, help with other creative activities that the hosting association may conduct apart from the above described theatre work, as well as generally planning-preparing-evaluating activities. As the hosting organisation is growing and developing, the range of activities may diversify and integrate new activities that are not known at the date of writing this description.

Volunteer profiles and recruitment process:

Our team consists of very different individuals with different characters and abilities. We appreciate this variety as a fruitful basis for our creative work. Thus we are open to all kinds of people as European Volunteers. We are curious how they will contribute to shaping the projects and the organisation as a whole.

Country of origin and socio-economical background are not relevant for us. We will chose volunteers according to their motivation letter and the results of one or more chats on the phone. Personal contact is important.

Risk prevention, protection and safety:

Motivation of young people is part of our daily business in our theatre projects. Usually our own enthusiasm and motivation infects others. In case of conflict, we have a culture of good communication and supervision within the hosting organisation. Contact to youth clubs in town as well as to the coordinating organisation ensure that there are contact persons outside the hosting organisation for the volunteer to turn to.


Description of the organization: – Association for the promotion of creativity

Our goal is to promote creativity and cultural exchange. As main activity, we are running various theatre projects with children and youth in Germany and in India. Our theatre method is a type of improvisation theatre that is based on a benevolent attitude and the assumption that everybody has a creative potential inside. With our projects we aim to help people to uncover this potential and create joyful moments. We do workshops and activities for all kinds of people in all kinds of places: At schools, youth clubs, festivals, in the busy street or out in nature.


Motivation and EVS experience:

We are used to having trainees accompanying us to our theatre workshops both in Germany and India. The volunteers are usually just above the age of the participants of our workshops and are thus an important connector to them. The participants like them, and the volunteers gain insights into many aspects of theatre work and group leading. All parties benefit from the attendance of the volunteers.

The project manager gained first-hand experience of being a European Volunteer herself in 2001. Later on she participated in and coordinated various other projects from the former European Youth Program, i.e. «future capital» and youth exchanges. She will be, in addition to an experienced tutor, a main contact person for the volunteer.

Our team consists of a project manager, around 7 external theatre trainers, 3 supervisors, 5-10 adult volunteers and a few youth volunteers. Furthermore we have other associations (schools, youth clubs) as cooperation partners.

Competences include: organisation and management, group leading, acting, directing, conflict resolution techniques (non-violent communication and others), supervision, business consultancy, graphic design, video cut, photography, sewing, design, woodwork, painting, computer applications, light and sound, playing musical instruments, essay and article writing, creative writing, street acting, cross-cultural communication, german-english-spanish language skills …

Contact details

Send CV and motivation letter to: with a note «EVS Creacting»

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