SVE en el sector de trabajo social en Francia


Ambassador of Mobility

Duration of the project

  • Start: 01/09/2015
  • End: 31/08/2016

We would welcome to host young volunteer with a minimum of 18 years, highly motivated by the European mobility experience and who wants to share with other young people about their experience and culture.
Volunteers should be sensitive to people with social problems.


– Promoting the European Voluntary Service. – Development of new partnerships and projects – Promoting of Erasmus+ and European mobility: creating brochures for young people, creating a blog. – Creating of communication materials on mobility – Leading intercultural and linguistic workshops – Animation of café polyglots – Setting up events, forums on youth engagement and international mobility – Networking with former volunteers – Animation of collective information meetings – Discovering the local cultural life (participation in cultural activities outside) during and out of time volunteering. Discovering local associations (youth, sport, leisure, culture … – It will also have the mission to present his/her country by using (exhibition, conversations, events organization …). – Participation in the week of international solidarity


– Able to integrate into a multicultural group – Wanting to invest in stocks with different audiences – Sensitive to populations in need social and professional – Dynamic – Wishing to gain and share experiences, knowledge and skills – Interested in the design and management of project – Open-minded – Autonomous – Having more than 18 years

Deadline for applying: 01/03/2015

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS, Ambassador of mobility, Francia«.


The Mission Locale is ready to give a chance to each candidate and an answer will be given to each application. Application process : 1st step : Send your CV and cover letter 2nd step : If you are selected you will need to complete a questionnaire. 3rd step : A skype interview

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