We are looking for a female volunteer for an EVS project in Angoulême, France starting in January 2015 for 7 months. We are just the coordinating organization The EVS will be at the Campus CIFOP.
Volunteer profiles and recruitment process:
A basic knowledge in the French language is required.
We have no specifie «criteria» of selection for the SVE. However hîs/her motivation to pass on hîs/her culture, seems important to us as we as his will to implement sociocultura! and educationa! activities.
The selection will be made on the basis of a letter of application written in French or in English. A phone conversation will then be organized wîth the members of the reception center and the structure of coordination.
For all details about the EVS project, please check out the full project description on the EVS database: click
EVS accreditation number: 2013-FR-160
Send CV and motivation letter: tera.international@free.fr till 12 of September !!!
Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120 !
Good luck !
21 enero, 2015 at 2:06 pmBuenos Días,
Quería saber cómo funciona un SVE de último minuto, quien sería mi organización de envío? y que necesito para realizarlo?
22 enero, 2015 at 5:14 pmHola Manon,
Podemos ser tu organización de envío de SVE de ultimo minuto poniendo en tu carta de motivación que somos Building Bridges y que ya tienes organización de envío. Las plazas de ultimo minuto son aquellas aprobadas y que buscan candidatos para cubrir el SVE rapidamente.
Un saludo
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