SVE proyecto social en Cracovia, Polonia


Polish Medical Mission is looking for 3 volunteers to participate in a social project.
Volunteers will work with youngster and people with physical or mental disability
From candidates PMM requires high motivation to work on social project and age between 18-30 years old.

DEADLINE: 20/01/2015

ACTIVITY: August/September

TYPE: Social project

DURATION: 12 months

LOCATION: Cracov, Poland
Long term volunteering project is a new expercience! EVS is a great opportunity to visit Poland, meet a culture and people, to learn languages, develop personality and professional skills.

Polish Association of Medical Mission work in rescue, civil protection and health promotion.
Polish Medical Mission has the following objectives:
– Emergency medical assistance to victims of wars, catastrophes and natural disasters,
– Humanitarian medical assistance,
– Medical assistance to Poles living in the East,
– Training of personnel and the civilian population with basic health and basic and advanced life-saving treatments.
Key achievements:
– Creation of ancillary health center in Bahai, Chad to the northeast.
– Kosovo-department children’s surgical and internal medicine clinics in Rastavica, Decane and Babaloq,
– Medical assistance to Poles living in Bukovina and in Bucharest,
– Support for Afghan refugee camps and hospitals, the creation of the first ambulance in Mazar-e Sharif,
– Medical assistance for children in Iraq and rebuild the hospital in Al-Hashimiya.

Mission Activities are mainly based on the work of volunteers. Our team consists of doctors, nurses, lifeguards, physiotherapists, psychologists and medical analysts.


Polish Medical Mission Association is an organization that deals with the threat of civil protection and the protection and promotion of health.
We offer help for the most needy, improving medical care for people caught in crisis regardless of race, religion or political affiliation.
Organize humanitarian operations, rescue operations and promote a healthy lifestyle.
We operate since 1999, the program EVS gives us the opportunity to use our experience as the host organization, coordinating the sending, to working with youth
Our main motivation for the European Voluntary Service is our willingness to grow.
The EVS program, we want to reach the young people who want to help others and we would like to activate
the local community for civic activities.
Participation in the program for our EVS volunteers can be a unique opportunity for personal development and practical skills and experience, provide knowledge and develop. It is also a unique opportunity for young people to develop lasting friendships.
Our volunteers experience daily life in contact with local families during the development of intercultural communication skills. PMM local partners are close friends of the community, who provide a warm, safe, and real life experiences.
This mutual understanding for the different environment, culture and different views of the world gives the opportunity to shape the attitude of respect, understanding and partnership.
Ethnologists say: «The best way to understand their own culture,is a better understanding of another»


Office of the Polish Medical Mission is located in Krakow, in the building of Practical Medicine, in the rooms of the building are organized training. Krakow is one of the oldest Polish cities with over a thousand years of history. In the magnificent historic buildings, work cultural institutions which collecting works of art.
One of the attractions of Krakow is Wawel, a hill on which the Royal Castle and Wawel Cathedral. The Royal Castle is the most famous castle in Poland. It is a monument of the Renaissance. Wawel Cathedral is the largest Renaissance church in Poland. Should mention that at the Wawel hill in a dark cave lived a legendary wawel dragon. The hill offers a magnificent panorama.
Krakow is located in southern Poland. The town is located on the Vistula. Krakow is located at the confluence of several geographical regions: the gates of Krakow, Oswiecim Basin, the Sandomierz Valley, Foothills Zachodniobeskidzkiego, Krakow-Czestochowa Upland. Location of Krakow makes it a base for excursions in the Polish mountains, or to the Polish Jura.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:

Polish Medical Mission volunteer provide new ways of working, directed to helping others in the new environment. This will allow the disclosure of a volunteer’s talents and abilities, which had no opportunity to discover before.
Unusual situations connected with work in our organization, will inspire a volunteer to use of new solutions, open to new ideas and stimulate curiosity
In many cases volunteer will have to overcome barriers and difficulties. Through participation in our project, the volunteer has the opportunity to observe yourself and see that can cope with situations where he must have patience and courage in different situations.
The role of the volunteer
– Promotion of European Voluntary Service (EVS) and the Youth in Action program among members of the organization
-Promotion of the European Voluntary Service (EVS) among the local youth
-Providing information about the program EVS;
– Organizing meetings about European Voluntary Service (EVS) and promoting the program among current and potential partner of PMM,
– Creating an environment to support the volunteers activity in PMM
– Support staff in the implementation of the PMM projects

Tasks in which the volunteer will participate:
– Updated the official websites PMM
-Searching information about development and humanitarian aid and volunteer programs
-Helping to creating projects and their implementation
-Participation in actions and periodic events ( Christmas card, competitions lifeguards..)
– Participate in training courses of health promotion and prevention
-Office works
-In addition, it is possible to frequent: in courses of first aid and seminars about infectious diseases including tropical diseases.

Volunteer profiles and recruitment process:

First of all, we want to be open for young people interested in cooperation with PMM, who have no medical training. Therefore we are looking for a candidate who would like to work in the NGO sector and is interested in health care, who want to consecrate their time to help the other person.
We wish to host volunteers who:
– Are good motivation
– Are interested and willing to learn Polish language
– Are patient, friendly and open minded
– Are responsible for their tasks
– Enjoy working as part of a team
– Take iniciative
– Are excited about living in Poland
– Have good communication skills
We are open to working with all organization, but because of our profile we think about co-operation with related organizations dealing with health disability and anti-discrimination.

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)
– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Polonia PMM Cracovia” .

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