Zgierz, Poland
25th September 2015
youth Centre MDK. It is situated in a small building on the main street in Zgierz. People who work there are enthusiastic, highly motivated and friendly. In the morning, there is peace and quiet in our building. At this time, office workers organize different cultural events. In the afternoon, when the teachers come to work and the students – to learn, it is noisy and crowded but the atmosphere of joy and passion is very inspirational and energizing. It is not allowed to dring alcohol or smoke cigarettes in the building.
The Kameleon Association is open for the needs of local people. We cooperate with schools, kindergartens and other institutions – public as well as non-govermental. Bothe the Association and Youth Centre – MDK are recognizable and popular among local community, which provides the high turnout at our lessons and events.
The project will take place in Zgierz – Zgierz is a town that has 60.000 inhabitants and it is located near to Łódź – one of the biggest polish cities, situated in the centre of Poland. Public transport between these cities is very good (it takes about 30 minutes to get from Zgierz to Łódź). In Łódź, there are a lot of places where you can spent your free time – theatres, cinemas, museums, pubs, discos. No trip to Łódź is complete without a stroll down Piotrkowska Street – one of the longest streets in Europe – the city’s pride and joy. You can buy everything you need in shopping centres – Manufaktura and Galeria. There are also a lot af restaurants where you can eat traditional polish dishes, as well as meals from different countries.
The Volunteer will be able to work in all three main areas: art & culture lessons, cultural events as well as in an Office of European Information for Youth. Volunteer’s activities include but are not limited to: – organizing activities for kids and youth (such as: dances, songs and games) during the events held by Kameleon (for example festival of music and art „Młodych Bajanie”) – organizing events promoting EVS (European Voluntary Service) in Zgierz – taking part in varied range of classes organised by teachers in Kameleon, such as: visual arts, music classes, vocal classes, English classes ect. – preparing, creating and providing activities based of volunteer’s own ideas during the classes mentioned above – writing articles to the newspaper of Kameleon entitled: “Kramadio” – office and digital work in order to prepare presentations and events or activities for hosting organisation’s beneficiaries – goint to the schools in Zgierz, meeting pupils and presenting for them (in a creative and engaging way) volunteer’s country, traditions, customs as well as EVS programm in general – taking pictures during the different events and later – publishing them on the website or onhosting organisation’s the Facebook page – and, more generally, adding and posting / publishing information about events created byhosting organisation and / or volunteers Volunteer will work 5 days a week (approx. 30 hours a week), from Monday to Friday. Working hours are flexible, agreed with the Volunteer and other people involved in the task. Coordinator will meet at least once a week with Volunteers to discuss the activities and tasks for the volunteer. Volunteer will have 2 days off per week: Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes in case of events taking place during the weekend, volunteer can be asked to work on Saturday or on Sunday but then will have a day off during the following week. Volunteer will also attend classes of Polish language.
We would like to host a Volunteer who likes to work and cooperate with children and youth. A perfect candindate should be open-minded, creative and motivated. This person should be able to work with a group as well as work on his / her own. Artistic skills and interest in the fields of: music, art, theatre, photography are highly welcome buy it is not a necessity will be an additional value.
How to apply
Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)
– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.
Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges” and you should add our EVS accreditation 2014-1-ES02-KA110-004967, Jose Lara Coordinator and our e-mail contact.
All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Poland Katarzyna Cultural Centre. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to
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