¿Quieres trabajar en Francia con un voluntariado europeo?. Participa en estas becas Erasmus+ para jóvenes que quieran practicar actividades con jóvenes con todos los gastos pagados.
Mira más becas en Francia para voluntariados, cursos e intercambios.
Fechas y lugar para trabajar en Francia
Location: Normandy, France.
Start: 1st of september 2017
End: 30th of june 2018
10 months
27 July 2017
Organización de acogida
The Network of Youth is a regional federation of youth and cultural centers (Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture or MJC). Its role is to gather and coordinate the MJCs and associations in the region that share its Popular Education Project.
– It mobilizes and shares with them a set of resources and mechanisms related to youth and popular education: Junior Association; Service Civique Erasmus + (formerly European Program Youth in Action -PEJA) .
– Its actions also include the design and implementation of training towards associative volunteers and animation professionals.
– It participates in the development of the area by providing expertise in diagnostic procedures as well as the support and monitoring of community projects. As such, it plays an important role in intermediation among different local actors: local politicians, associations, institutions (devolved and decentralized services of the State).
– Through its actions and those of its affiliated structures, the Network contributes to the integration and civic engagement of young people, whatever their social and cultural background.
The organization is affiliated nationally with the Confederation in France (CF). This affiliation, promotes inter-regional relations and give access to different working groups addressing current issues: European mobility, citizenship, secularism, employment / training
El proyecto de voluntariado para trabajar en Francia
The project: Vivre ensemble, vers une interculturalité partagée en Pays de Caux
Our aim through this project is to create more opportunities for young people in order to move towards equality among all European youngsters. To promote young people to participate actively in society through non-formal learning and volunteering is essential
for a successful access to European citizenship.
In our project for 2017, we will promote intercultural exchange, media education and the development of critical thinking through mobility actions, meetings and interactive workshops based on sharing, listening and respect to each other.
Our project is a collective hosting . The goal is to host in France, over the same period, 4 young people for 10 months. The project will mainly take place in Normandy and more particularly in the Seine-Maritime (76) in Yvetot and in neighboring municipalities.
There are 4 organizations involved in the project: the Réseau as project coordinator, and 3 other organizations affiliated to the
partner structures)and located within a radius of 20 km around Yvetot.
All the organizations involved share the promotion of active citizenship among young people as a priority. The European dimension is considered for each of them as a field of learning and experimentation enabling young people to understand the European Union in its
historical, social and cultural aspects.
We believe that it is by imagining new spaces for reflection and exchanges with and for young people that we will succeed in dealing with serious subjects such as discrimination, the rise of radicalization, interreligious dialogue or euthanasia.
This topics, too often addressed in a reductive way, are sources of incomprehension and breakdown of dialogue between the communities.
Through this project we want to take action against this sort of misunderstanding and contribute, in fact, to the improvement of living together; and to celebrate interculturality in the Pays de Caux and beyond.
Our goal is to give access to young people to a very unique experience, full of learning, of new people and different lifestyles and cultures that will transform their vision of Europe and lead them to become active citizens ready to invest in building the Europe of tomorrow.
Tareas voluntarios
You will be part of a professional youth workers team, “animateurs” and local volunteers.
You will develop activities such:
Artistic workshops like dancing, circus, handcraft, etc.
Presentations about your country
Debates about active citizenship, intercurtural dialogue and non-discrimination topics.
Languages workshops
Preparation of different events, shows and presentations.
Promotional activities and some paperwork
And the EVS common project, in which the topic and the format will be chosen by the 4 volunteers
La ciudad donde vivirás
The selected area is the “Country of Caux” with the city of Yvetot as a central place + 3 villages located 20 kilometres around.
The volunteers live in Yvetot, a city with 8000 inhabitants, which offers all services (administrative and health services) and leisure (cinema, restaurants, cultural centers…).
A train joins Paris to Le Havre (1h1/2 from Paris and less than 30 mn from Le Havre and Rouen), several bus lines (one goes to the see) and also the freeway. It is a tourist area which offers many possibilities.
The “Country of Caux” is a rural and enclosed country distinguished by small villages. The young people living here are not moving a lot, that is the reason why it is difficult for them to go on with studies or to integrate a job.
Many of the inhabitants are working in the local firms, but less and less of them are working for farming (note that the linseed cultivation is still made).
The “Country of Caux” is an attractive area concerning tourism and is located in the middle of a rural country, not far from the seaside and from large towns as Rouen and Le Havre.
It’s a country with a young population and, due to this fact; many schools (for instance, 4 secondary schools in the area where will act the volunteers). It is also full of different associations that could be their partners for this action.

The volunters will live in a common accommodation, a big 2 floors and 5 bedrooms apartment in Yvetot. Everyone will have their own bedroom. The kitchen, the bathroom and the living room will be common.
The shopping can be done near the accomodation. Several supermarkets and shops are located in Yvetot. Yvetot has many leisure infrastructures that could benefit to the volunteers: associations, media library, cinema, swimming pool, stadium, etc …
During the week-ends, the different kinds of transportation will allow to the yougsters to go in the cities or along the seaside.

Cómo trabajar en Francia con este voluntariado
We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.
For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included
– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.
[button color=»red» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Application form and motivation letter[/button]
Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.
All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS France Castro. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbb@gmail.com
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