Trabajar en Reino Unido con el Servicio Voluntariado Europeo


Te presentamos otra oferta para trabajar en Reino Unido con el programa Erasmus+ que cubre todos los gastos. El programa es para voluntarios europeos en varios proyectos y tareas.

Si quieres conocer más oportunidades de becas en Reino Unido éste es tu portal. Para conocer más sobre el Servicio Voluntario Europeo mira nuestra sección de Preguntas Frecuentes.

Detalles de lugar y  fechas para trabajar en Reino Unido

Location: Sheffield, UK

Period: 01/10/2017 – 01/09/2018

Deadline: 16 April 2017

We are a family that works together & supports each other. We want to welcome three volunteers that are keen to learn, have initiative, are positive and enthusiastic.

Sobre la organización que ofrece trabajar en Reino Unido

It´s the host organisation for the EVS. We are a worker cooperative with 8 staff and 4 regular volunteers. As a cooperative we all work together has a team and actively encourage members to develop new ideas and projects. Based in Sharrow in Sheffield we work regularly with the local community and work hard to try and improve the local area through events, projects and maintaining & improving the local green spaces.

Youth is the coordinating organisation and is based in the same building as Regather. The two organisations work closely together and we are supporting Regather to deliver their EVS. It is experienced in delivering Erasmus Plus projects.

Tareas trabajar en Reino Unido

– During the summer, both organisations get busy with outdoor events management, including children’s activities, outdoor theatre & music festivals.
Volunteers also help Regather to host music, comedy, film & food events, including helping serve at the bar.

– Every week Regather packs 130 organic fruit and vegetable boxes from local
farms that are they delivered to our customers across Sheffield. Volunteers will help with the packing, promotion & customer relations

– Regather hosts one of the smallest breweries in Sheffield, where we brew our beer for sale at events. If you’re interested in learning about brewing, volunteers have the opportunity to help brew & get involved with marketing.

– Regather Works is based in an urban area of Sheffield with few green spaces. The small ones there are, Regather works to improve & manage them for the local community, including planting trees & edible plants.

– The volunteer will be also supported to develop his or her own personal project based on the project theme.

Cómo solicitar trabajar en Reino Unido

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»pink» link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Application form and motivation letter[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS UK Discovery. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” and the project chosen to

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