URGENTE! Plaza SVE en Polonia desde Julio


Location: Bialystok, Poland

Period: 9 months

Start: 1st of July 2015

Name of the organisation: Caritas Archidiecezji Białostoskiej

Number of volunteers: 1

Description of the organisation

Environmental Self-Help Home (polish acronym ´SDS) was established in 2011 by Caritas Archidiecezji Białostockiej. It is a day care post which was designed for 45 people with intellectual disabilities and the chronically mentally ill, including people in wheelchairs. Our post is located in the center of Białystok in big, just renovated building, adapted for people in wheelchairs, surrounded by wonderful green areas. In the building there are dining room, classes, bathrooms, nursing office, personal counseling room to meet with a psychologist and a social worker and a recreational area. The main goal of our Center is to improve and develop the skills necessary for the participant’s life, to make them as much independence as they
can be, providing social support, taking care of the hygienic, support in difficult situations, providing care and basic needs, integration the participants ´SDS with the society.
The stuff includes permanently 11 people – therpists psychologist, physiotherapist and nurse. We work five days per week (from Monday to Friday) eight hours per day (from 7 to 3 oclock). Participants are included in the four stage training
1 stage – training how to function in everyday life and take care of personal higienic (for example: learn dress up and take off clothes, learn wash hands face, dry hair, use comb, keep their work place organize, make a shopping list and do shopping etc)
2 stage – training how to solve a problem and create a relations with family and other people in public places (for example: they learn how to talk about their problems and needes, they become more open, learn cooperation with others, be on time etc)
3 stage – training how to organize their free time and develop their hobby (e.g. movie, games, music, computer, art etc)
4 stage – therapy in one of 6 sections.
1)Gastronomy: we teach them how to prepare a simply food, cut peel, how to turn on and off a kitchen applaince appliances
culture of behavior by the table, use fork and spoon, etc. .
2)Educational: developing physical by learn how to organize their free time, organize events, watch movie, play games etc.
3)Multimedia and computers: teach them a basic computer skills, turn on and off computer, write or drawe something in World, Paint etc)
4)Arts: improving their manual ability by painting crating, sewing, origami, decoupage, makrama, making decoration stuffs,
postcards jewelry . It learns them patience, precision and ingenuity.
5)Theater and relaxing: they try to recover themselves by playing and dancing, choreotherapy etc.
6)Rehabilitation: everybody must do exercises depending on the health condition, walk, sport competition, stay in good shape.

Also we lead activities such a camps, participating and organising art festivals and sport events, trips, visiting exhibitions,movie, theater etc.

Environmental Self-Help Home is located in the center of Białystok city. Białystok (300 000 inhabitants) is the largest city in northeastern Poland and is the capital of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. It is situated in part of Poland what is known collectively as the Green Lungs of Poland. Bialystok has evolved as a place, which is the melting pot of different nations, religions, cultures, customs, and traditions. It has become an example of the integration and a meeting place for Poles, Byelorussia’s, Jews, Lithuanians, Germans, Russians and Tartars. The multiethnic of the city was the reason for Ludwik Zamenhoff to start his work on the universal language of Esperanto.Around the city are forests, bicycles paths and
spots for ornithology lovers. Not fare away (30-60 minutes by car) from our city there are 3 National Parks, one of them is on a list of UNESCO WorldHeritage Site. Białystok has traditionally been one of the leading centers of academic, cultural,
and artistic life in podlaskie and the most important economic center in northeastern Poland. There are many cinemas, malls, museums, parks, green palces and historical architecture.

In work we involve our volunteers step by step.Volunteers will help therapists during activities working in team or individually with one participant who has difficullty to fulfil the tasks. Volunteers colud be involved in tasks just like
– teach participants wash hands and brush teeth, comb hair, dress up, use towel, tie shoes, button up clothes, keep a desk and shelfs organized, good behavior in public places,
– in the kitchen section: assist in wash and cut vegetables meat or bread, assist to prepare sandwiches, serving meals,make a day of national cuisine, learn about polish cuisine specials, shopping, teach them wash dishes turn on and off the oven or microwaves, learn about healthy food, help to feed participants, learn them how to use fork and spoon, teach a good behavior by the table,
– in educational section: help to organize events and free time, read books, play games, talk to them, teach them a foreign language, teach about different culture, teach a good behavior in relation with others, be resposible for the task etc……
– in craft section: assist and teach how to make for example a post cards, makrama, christmas tree decorations, paint on glass, origami, play dough and clay, cutting, sewing decorate rooms etc.
– in Multimedia and computers classes: teach turn on anf off computers and printer, assist and teach them a basic computer skills (Word, Paint etc…), teach how to use multimedia tools,
– in theater and relaxing sections: plane fun with music, teach a dancing choreography etc…..
– in Rehabilitation classes: assist in exercises, plane a new lessons schedule etc…..
– assist in trip to cinema or theater or gallery
– organize a sport competition, picnik
– will be making a movie about how the House works, about events and activities
– in office: help in office work organize binders and documents, improving our website, help organize events, support in building up and maintaining contact with the European project partners etc
– learn about first medical aid from our medical staff
– cooperation with polish volunteer
– participate actively in the whole process of project documentation and promotion: photos, films, questionnaires, evaluations, cultural & EVS presentations etc. preparing media materials.
– learn about methods how to help disabled people
– we are open for volunteers ideas, volunteers good intentions a will to work and motivation are the most important things for us

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Caritas Poland”.

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