URGENTE! SVE en Bulgaria desde Julio!


Project «Different but together»-long-term EVS project in Sliven, Bulgaria

1. The project duration is from 1st of July 2015 to 30th of May 2016

2. In the project will take part four volunteers from Spain, Italy, Austria and Romania for one year in a beatuful town Sliven, situated 100 km from the Black Sea under National park “Blue stones”.

3. The travel conditions: 360 euro

4. Induviual support 70.99 euro per volunteer per month( 844.67 euro per one year).

5. Accomodation is in two flats (2X2) in the center of Sliven where volunteers will have single room for each of them.

6. The tasks of EVS volunteers:

  • Period orientation, adaptation and integration with the active support of the team, mentors, volunteers from local communities institutions involved in the project – in the process of adaptation will rely on the support team, mentor and volunteers from the Youth Center. They will be inseparably to the volunteers and the assist in communicating with the local community to learn from the city institution related to project activities – Sheltered Housing, CBS ‘Hristo Botev «,» Blue House «Sliven Municipality, etc .;
  • Participating in training seminars – intercultural communication, language skills, teamwork, developing ideas for activities / organized by the team of the Youth Center;
  • Presentationns of project activities / planned and realized / EVS volunteers on the media in Sliven.;
  •  Understanding and communication with the media, interviews, participation in TV programs, institutions, meeting with the Mayor of Sliven and director of «social activities», schools participating in the project activities;
  • Creating of contacts and familiarization with project ideas and young people from the target groups – visiting of group homes «Blue House», Resource Center for people with disabilities, street children and SBS «Hristo Botev»;  Planning activities for outreach to target groups – together with project team and specialized units;
  • Planning and training activities, initiatives, public events, campaigns to achieve the objectives of the project – workshops at the Youth Center;
  • Information campaigns and initiatives promote program «Erasmus +» and EVS – schools, clubs, community centers, small towns in the region, Kotel, Nova Zagora and Tvarditsa;
  •  Create photo archive about project activities and EVS – parsed page of EVS – Youth House Sliven, presentation to the public of Sliven and regions through personal meetings, social networking, publications in the local press, the site of the Youth Centre;
  • Preparation and making presentations and marketing materials – promotional achieved encouraging creative awareness;
  •  Planning and implementation of activities and active communication with the Children’s Youth Council – meetings, discussions, debates, round tables, initiatives, open stages, etc .;
  • Evalution of project activities – monthly meetings, interim and final evaluations – Youth team home and specialized units – at the end of each month, the sixth and last month of the project activities;
  • Organising initiatives, environmental campaigns, informal activities, external activities in schools in the municipality and region – together with the target groups;
  • Planning of follow-up activities to realize the benefits of EVS – together with partners, volunteers and project team;
  • Evaluation , analysis and reporting of voluntary service. Weekends – volunteers will have eligibility according to their interests: Excursions in the Natural Park «Blue Stones», sports, visits to families and young team, travel to other towns and villages, visits to cultural and historical monuments.


The useful links:




FB: Youth House – Sliven – Bulgaria * Младежки дом – Сливен – България
EVS – Youth House Sliven

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Bulgaria Different but together»

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