Urgente – ¡Vacante SVE en Italia con niños y jóvenes!


¿Todavía no tienes planes para 2016? Aquí tienes la oportunidad que estabas esperando, la posibilidad de irte a Italia en febrero para hacer un SVE con niños y jóvenes. ¡Anímate a vivir esta experiencia!


Febuary 2016 – November2016



Arona, Italy






The hosting organisation is a 24 years old not-for-profit organisation based in the northwest of Italy. Their mission concern young people (in Italian: «giovani») and the ‘social and cultural’ youth work («Animazione Socio-Culturale»).
Their activities can be grouped up into two branches:
1. YOUTH POLICIES – This branch not only runs youth information centres, it also develops new projects and reflections about the youth needs and the kind of answers given them by governmental and non-governmental institutions, schools and adults in general. The youth policies branch tries to identify new strategies to answer these needs and offers these strategies to the institutions. Youth Policies activities aim at ancouraging youth active participation, and youth entrepreneurial spirit. Within this branch the European Programmes, such as YiA, are used as tools of the Youth Policies to enhance an active role of young people in their local communities.
2. SERVICES for YOUTH, CHILDREN and FAMILIES – Centres for disadvantaged youngsters, activities and workshops before and after school time, leisure time activities, centres for elderly people, caring of disabled people, etc.. The area is mainly aimed at developing the local community, working with children, youngsters, adults, and elderly people. Within the second branch, the Intercultural Area implements projects about migration, young migrants, and “2nd generation” migrants.
Since 1996 we work within the frame of the Youth, now Youth in Action Programme.
In addition they provide training activities for youth and social workers in merging with Finis Terrae, their vocational training agency.


Volunteer profile

The volunteers may be involved in activities with elderly people, less than in projects with youth and/or children. These activities aim at encouraging active participation and the development of new competences of elderly people through free time activities for groups of people: basic and advanced computer courses, dance, creative workshops.
Very often the volunteers will be in touch with the local community, both within the activities with youth, children and elderly people mentioned above, and in special project, when supporting a specific (youth) organization in their activities. As example we can mention the cooperation with a youth organization called “Circo Clap” a “circus” that offers events, courses and seminars to children and youth about juggling, parkour, circus performances and theatre. The volunteers will support the working team and they will as well have the chance to participate to the events/courses. (Anyway this is not a standard activity within a  EVS project).
It must be known that the volunteers will “try” all the above mentioned activities and projects before fixing together with their mentor the standard working schedule, which will be based on the volunteers’ attitudes and wishes, within a compromise with the organization and the projects’ needs.
A standard EVS week:
– Monday: 10.30/15.00 “social restaurant”, meeting in the evening (21.00/23.00) with a youth association in Meltin Pop
– Tuesday: AM – preparation of games and materials for the afternoon activities; PM – 14.00/18.00 after school activities
– Wednesday: 10.30/15.00 “social restaurant”, meeting with the “restaurant” volunteers; meeting with the Meltin Pop team
– Thursday: AM – planning youth mobility activities together with the Eurodesk office; PM – 14.00/18.00 after school activities
– Friday: AM – cleaning the EVS house together with the other volunteers; PM – meeting with the mentor, creative workshop in after school activities (15.30 – 18.30)
– Saturday: free time
– Sunday: free time
In case the volunteer will be asked to work during the weekend, they will have free days during the week, the days off will be agreed with the volunteers).

How to Apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS Arona Piemonte Elena Last Minute. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com


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