Urgente! Voluntariado europeo en Nápoles (Italia)



from 1st December 2015

The project “Be the Change” is a European Voluntary Service, which includes the following activities:

1) Programming, launch and promotion of a program of performances at the «TAV – Teatro, animazione, visioni» at the Youth Center «Il Cantiere» in Frattamaggiore (NA).

2) Laboratory theatrical and artistic-cultural, including a workshop of Theatre of the Oppressed and one of the Living Theatre,

3) promotion of the Erasmus plus and the EVS among young people of Campania.

4) Support for the management of the fields of international volunteering

5) Workshops, seminars and conferences relating to inter-culture, democracy, intercultural education, the environment, legality and civil coexistence, at the Youth Center , where even attend courses in Italian.

6) Events of territorial to sensitize the citizens on issues of social and cultural interest.

7) Best sports and recreational and educational for children

8) Best non-formal education for pupils rights «The Road of Rights», in connection with the local schools.

9) Support and participation in workshops of Virtual Mobility, using social networks and metaverses (like Second Life)


We are looking for a volunteer with particle attitude to work in team, self-management skills and an intercultural approach to activities with the local community.


Is a Social cooperative born in 2001. Hosting organisation is fostering new socio-cultural and educational opportunities at a local, national and international level. The purpose is to bring out the best in young people, especially the ones with fewer opportunities: to give them the opportunity to develop skills, take part to life-changing experiences, provide them with tools to realize their ambitions and hopes.

Cantiere Giovani runs youth center Hosting organisation in Frattamaggiore, aiming at fostering social inclusion and active citizenship of young people through informal and non-formal education tools. It provides for school support to ESL (early school leaver), organizes Italian classes for foreigners and eases their integration in the social tissue giving them information, legal aid and involving them in its activities.

It runs a helpdesk for Youth and gives assistance in finding job, trainings and educative opportunities.

Furthermore, it organizes information and sensitizations events, youth exchanges and is hosting/sending organization for International Voluntary Service.

Hosting organisationcan count on a large network of cooperating organizations, which help to spread its activities at a local, national and international level.

At a local level, it is co-founder of Rete CSL (Coordination for Local Development network), consisting of 33 associations active in Naples province aiming at developing social policies of the area each from its respective field of action (minors, poverty, health, immigration, social exclusion…).

At a National level, it is founder of Volontariato al Volo, a network composed by 50 Italian NGOs and public bodies; the network promotes International voluntary service, by offering young people the possibility to live an experience abroad taking part in volunteering projects and by organizing short term projects (workcamps); it is co-founder of RIVE network a network composed by 6 organizations for the promotion of EVS, and of aone important website, net agency that collects and provides information on youth policies and interventions for youth launched in, contributing to their promotion and dissemination.. It is full member of UNAR (National Bureau against Racial Discrimination).

At an international level it is full member of Anna Lindh forum, a unique gathering that brings together youth leaders and civil society organisations, in addition to influential policy-makers and intercultural experts from across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

CG is also full member of CCIVS Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service c/o Unesco.

With CCVIS, a fruitful collaboration brought to the creation of tools and handbooks on various topics (http://www.ccivs.org/tools.php?search_tag=&search_string=&pageNo=3)

Selection process

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the middle of September.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Cantiere Naples”.

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