Voluntariado cultural en una biblioteca en Lituania


Si estás interesado en actividades culturales y te gustaría trabajar con jóvenes, esta oferta de voluntariado cultural en una biblioteca en Lituania puede ser para ti. ¡Sigue leyendo!

Para consultar otras oportunidades de becas y voluntariado en Lituania, visita este enlace.

Fechas y lugar del voluntariado cultural

Dates: to start 3rd September.

Place: Klaipeda, Lithuania.

La organización de acogida

This library in Klaipeda, founded in 1950, serves as a center of information research and the provider of educational and leisure activities. The Library is open to all visitors World Wide without any restrictions and age. Besides regular libraries functions it also offers exhibitions and other cultural events that are open for all visitors; organize various training activities, excursions round the library, volunteers activities, new book presentations, lectures, modern art exhibitions, cultural performances, after school programs, programs for reader development.
Library also has open space for young people. Mission of the space is to provide meaningful activities and safe leisure opportunities for self-realization 14-29 years old young people and to facilitate their integration into the living environment. It is a safe, convenient, open space for everyone. We organize discussions with young people on relevant topics, meetings with professionals, people who are looking look for ways to solve the problems, share opinions, or just talk to a young man. The main thing is that we always welcome and encourage proposals and initiatives from young people. The most important thing is that this is a place where young people can feel free and informal to spend their leisure time.
Library Statistics data: Total number of registered library users – more that 18 000; 1300 visitors daily; About 400 public events, including 170 exhibitions; Staff: 100; among them 69 professional librarians with university degree;

Objetivos y actividades durante el voluntariado

– Enhance young people media literacy and critical thinking: various tasks of poster, add making with Corel draw, Photoshop(learning how to do it); work with video montage programs, creation of quality information materials about volunteering in library, possibility to learn old technique of photo negative development, participating, organizing and helping out in library organized events and discussions about various themes. Volunteers will have space to organize events and discussions also in English language, which touch such themes as: social responsibility, human and animal rights, values of democracy and other;
– Strengthen the capacity and skills of young people in labor market: trough help in organizational and coordination activities of events, exhibitions and discussions, that will require to develop or ameliorate such skills as -time management; team work; self-assessment; presentation; public speech;
-Participation in open youth space activities and
-Stimulate active citizenship through volunteering: «One day Volunteer» initiative. Volunteers will create posters for publicity.

At least five days during the project a group of youngsters, volunteers and leading person(s) will meet and visit 5 organizations (one per day). Making at least five short movies about «One day volunteer». Youngsters themselves will film and mount video materials in that way also enhancing media literacy. Libraries community will be involved in this mini project. We also plan to cooperate with Queen Louise of Klaipeda Youth Centre, Youth Open Space that also will involve their target group.

Volunteers in library will act as ambassadors of European voluntary service.
Personal Volunteers initiatives are welcome and can include other Klaipėdas organizations! Personal project will require your mini project application, that volunteer can work on, and reflect afterwards with tutor, mentor and/or project coordinator. Every volunteer will have a budget of 12 euros per month for his/hers initiative and can use it monthly or accumulate and have a bigger project.

Oportunidades durante el proyecto

-Media literacy: video making, Corel, Photoshop, online communication channels.
-Organizational and coordination skills: trough help in event management (exhibitions, film evenings, book presentations, youth evenings, etc.) and implementing own project. The volunteers will reinforce their attitudes and widen their knowledge about issues of today that they will cover in their media materials.
-Communicational skills: writing to online communication channels, activities in youth space with youngsters, Lithuanian language course and communication with library visitors.
-Presentation skills: excursion for school kids in library. Participating in discussions.
-Specific skills only acquired in library: book handling and registration; managing newspaper and journal rotation; photo negative, slide, photo and manuscript handling; adding information to interactive guide; visitor registration;
-If wanted: taking photographs during events; photography processing skills from negatives.
Also, during volunteers stay in Lithuania he/she will have a chance to:
– learn in practice how budget organizations work;
– plan, develop and evaluate his/her own project;
– learn how to plan and organize his/her work effectively (time management skills);
– learn how to cooperate in a team;
– learn or improve reflection and self-observing skills;
– gain knowledge about other cultures and how they are expressed;
Main reflection of the gained skills and competence should come during implementation of volunteers own project, developed during their service. It is encouraged to be prepared on their own (just with a supervision of a responsible person/tutor). They will try out the whole process of project or workshop management – from preparation to the evaluation – and by the feedback of the participants and evaluation with tutor/mentor they will get to know which skills or methods they still need to improve.

Perfil del voluntario

Volunteers aged 18-30 years, open minded, eager to learn and motivated to work on the proposed project activities.
The volunteers should be motivated to work on cultural activities, work with people, especially with youth in open youth space in a non-formal education context. Should like to develop and improve their skills and abilities, be open for experiments, have some hobbies or interests and like to share them when organizing activities, discussions and projects for the community. Wanted but not necessary: interested in photography, graphic design and preparation of workshops or public events for helping the target groups to become involved in public and social life of library and their communities.


Proceso de selección

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»brown» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Motivation letter and application form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS Klaipeda, Aiste. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME”

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