Voluntariado ecología Polonia para trabajar en pequeña comunidad


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Voluntariado ecología Polonia, con todos los gastos pagados por Erasmus+, para jóvenes residentes en España menores de 30 años.

We are looking for 2 volunteers on an already accepted project. It will start on March-April for 1 year.

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  • Educación/formación/ecología

Foundation offers volunteers knowledge and skills such as:
– skills in gardening,
– skills in handcraft work: furniture renovation, working with wood, upcyling,
– making and baking bread, smoking food products, making home-made preserves, etc.
– working and living in a small community,
– working with youth and children from rural areas,
– knowledge and methods of leading workshops,
– skills in public speaking,
– knowledge of organizing international projects, such as youth exchanges,
– knowledge in organizing events such as small festivals, outdoor cinema, etc.
– working in international environment,
– understanding the ideas of sustainable development, responsible consumerism, resource distribution and ecological solutions in everyday life.

Foundation will offer support in learning Polish language and culture by organizing or sending volunteers to Polish lessons.

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It will follow the rules of Erasmus+. The volunteers will be accommodated in two rooms (single + twin room) in the ex-school building owned by the Foundation (2nd floor). The volunteer occupying the single room may be asked to host
short-term volunteers (up to 2 months) in his/her room who visit CampoSfera especially in summer.

Volunteers will have access to bathroom with showers and a toilet. These spaces are also open for use by the groups hosted by us.

They will also have access to the kitchen where they can prepare meals for themselves.
Other rooms available for the volunteers are: dining room, chill-out room and workshop.

The volunteers will receive pocket money in the amount of the equivalent of 3 EUR (around 12 PLN) per day per person. The money will be sent to the volunteers personal bank account that will be opened after their arrival to Poland.
For food support the volunteers will receive 330 PLN per month per person.
Additionally, the volunteers will receive 70 PLN per month per person travel support. This money is given to allow volunteers to travel to bigger cities in free time every weekend. However, the volunteers may spend them differently if they wish.

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Where are we?

The Foundation is placed in Klimontów near the city of Sedziszow in Swietokrzyskie region, Poland. It is a small
village on the border of three regions. It is a peaceful place, well connected with Kraków (airport), Kielce and Katowice (airport), the capitals of the three regions.

Klimontów is a small village with 300 inhabitants. There is one shop in the village.

There is no: supermarkets, bars, cash exchange office. It is a typical small Polish village.

The location of the Foundation is connected with the nature of the project – ecology and rural development!
Nonetheless, Klimontów is well connected with bigger cities: Kielce (200 000 inhabitants, 1 h by train), Krakow (760 000, 1 h), Katowice (300 000, 2 h). The nearest town is Sedziszow (6 600, 5 min. train) placed 10 km away where volunteers
can make bigger shopping and visit a restaurant or a bar.

We encourage the volunteers to visit bigger cities in free time (weekend). Especially Kielce, where our partner organization hosts 13 EVS volunteers who are frequent guests of us and Krakow, which is a touristic and cultural place.

There are 2 bikes available for volunteers’ use.

We are an ecological organization, that tries to apply the rules of ecological standards in our daily life. Some rules connected with this:

1. Garbage segregation.
2. Responsible usage of water

3. Limiting garbage production (shopping, not using disposable cutlery, dishes etc.). We are heading towards the ZERO WASTE philosophy.

4. Changing shoes inside the building

5. Responsible usage of electricity (turning off the light while leaving the room, unplugging electric devises when not used: charger, laptop, etc)

6. No smoking inside the building
7. No late parties on the 1st floor

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Foundation was established in 2013 by 4 people who have been involved in 3rd sector activities for many years.

The aim of Foundation is to initiate activities and projects that will connect education with sustainable development, ecology and innovation. In August 2013, only 4 months after registration, the Foundation signed an agreement with the municipality in swietokrzyskie voivodeship. Within the agreement the Foundation have rented a building after a closed village school of 550m2 with the surrounding area of 1,3 ha for 25 years for the purpose of Foundation’s activities. The building has been renovated in mid 2014. The currecnt state of the building allows the foundation to host groups up to 30 people for a longer period.

The bulding is heated, it includes bedrooms, showers, toilets, training rooms, kitchen, dining room and a workshop.

We have a permaculture garden. A green space for both visual and practical purposes arranged and sustained according to nature without the use of chemical fertilizers. The garden includes vegetables, herbs and green architechture such as willow arbour.

The Foundation is also area of innovative ecological solutions that can be spread throughout the society. We want to offer space for workshops on such ideas as home made sollar collector, rocket mass heater, green architechture, etc.

An important element of the Foundation activities are trainings and workshops. We want them to be unusual, interesting and creative with the use of non-formal education methods that we specialize in. Also, our workshops teach about tolerance and openness, promote anti-consumerist lifestyle that focus more on nature and its value for human beings.

The main target group of Foundation CampoSfera’s activities is youth, local and international. We want to give the local community an opportunity to meet with representatives of various European and world cultures, to learn foreign languages and be inspired by youth from all over the world.

The philosophy of the foundation is strongly connected with the idea of sustainability. We believe that the environment protection is effective only if it is applied to all areas of life. An important part of our philosophy is the power of cooperation instead of competition. One of our long-term goals is to create a small sustainable community with people who find our philosophy and way of life similar to ours.

We own one dog who lives outside. He is big but friendly and playful.

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The volunteers tasks are shared between three areas:
1. Work connected with the local community This will include:

– organizing small fests in various places in the region in cooperation with the local organizations and cultural institutions.

volunteers will use the Foundation’s car – EuroCar – for the purpose to reach the villages all over the region

– organizing meetings and workshops in schools and kindergartens; topics will cover such issues as tolerance and
openness to diversity. Some workshops should also deal with the immigration crisis in Europe to fight prejudice among youth. Volunteers can also prepare workshops and meetings on topic that they find interesting for them.
– providing guidance and support for local youth who would like to take part in international youth exchanges or volunteering (EVS or other opportunities).

2. Work connected with the Foundation’s building and area around.
This will include:

– taking care of the garden: weeding, planting, watering, sowing, harvesting, etc. – the garden will not only have decorative function. We have created a permaculture garden. It produces vegetables for the use of all inhabitants.

– organizing the area according to the season: mowing, snow removal, raking leaves, etc.
– works connected with some finishing work in the building: painting walls, drilling, nailing, cutting, furniture renovation, etc. – the building offers a workshop with many tools which our volunteers use for their creative work (instrument creation, making wood furniture, renovating old furniture, handcraft).

All this work will be distributed according to the volunteers’ abilities and physical strength.

3. Helping with the events organized and hosted by the Foundation

Important part of the Foundation tasks are international and local projects happening in our site.
We host groups of youth exchanges, training (international and for Polish participants), festivals. During those events we involve volunteers into work such as:
– Cooking for the group,
– Cleaning after the group,
– Organizing free time for the group
– Arranging the space for the events
If it is possible, volunteers may be included in workshops happening during the events.

This may include arrangement of the area/building as well as events for the local community that the volunteers would like to organize.


The volunteers we would like to host should, first of all, be willing to live and work in the rural area and not be afraid of physical and outdoor works.

We would especially welcome people who are interested in ecology, permaculture, gardening, and/or working with the small local community in rural areas (especially kids and youth). Our main concern is that the volunteers will find the project interesting, personally developing, fruitful it terms of knowledge and skills and simply satisfying. In our opinion, people with the above mentioned features and interest would feel most fulfilled.
Age limitation: 17-30

Foundation is a special place where you can find a place of solitude and calmness while working close to nature (especially in early spring and late autumn) but also a place where many people come and go and a lot happens (especially in summer). In our site the volunteers will have a chance to meet people from all over the world who come to volunteer for a shorter or longer period of time. So far we have hosted volunteers from Colombia, Mexico, Japan, Malaysia, Spain, Sweden, Romania, Germany, the US, Canada, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Andora, France, Turkey, Taiwan, Croatia. We also host international project groups of 15 up to 40 people. In summer we organize music festival for the local community and outdoor cinema.

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We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the middle of September.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

[button color=»purple» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME. EVS Finlad Kovacs»

Preguntas frecuentes voluntariado Finlandia

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