Voluntariado en centro cultural de Polonia



Lodz, Poland




Start: 01/04/2016

End: 01/12/2016


Łódź Art Center (ŁAC) is an independent cultural, art and design centre located in a postindustrial building complex. ŁAC organizes cultural events – the main one is Lodz Design Festival – International Festival of Design (www.lodzdesign.com) in October each year.

We look for two volunteers with specified profiles and competences: one graphic designer and one architect. Those skills are required in terms of activities which we want to dedicate to the volunteers.

We would like to host volunteers who have organizational skills, have good command of English, who are motivated, pro-active, independent in their actions and open-minded. Creativity and good sense of humour will be a big plus.

Please note that we can host volunteers from European Union countries only.


The Volunteers will support a team of Lodz Design Festival – International Festival of Design in Lodz. The graphic will design projects visualization, presentations, can work in 3D, transform ideas into visual communication working closely with the ŁDF team. The architect will work on exhibitions arrangements, on space design. Both volunteers can also support the team in developing international partnership related to design, coordinate projects of Design Festival programme (ex. exhibitions, workshops, meetings, special events), contact international partners, artists, exhibitors. The theme of the 2016 edition of the Festival will be focused on a subject of the city and everything what is related to this theme – programming the city, revitalization, renovation, mapping the city, service designing, reconstruction, presence of the design in a public space etc.


The graphic designer should have a good command of graphic programmes, 2D, 3D, be creative, open for cooperation. The architect should be able to arrange exhibitions, design the space in dedicated programmes. Both volunteers should also have good command of English, organizational skills, be motivated, pro-active, independent in their actions and open-minded. Good sense of humour will be also a big plus. Please note that we can host volunteers from European Union countries only.


Please, send your CV (with your phone number and Skype address included) motivation letter and your portfolio us by 15/September/2015. Please, title your e-mail: EVS at Lodz Design 2016. Please note that we will contact selected candidates only and that the deadline for the application can be postponed.

Please note that the project proposal will be submitted to the National Agency in Poland by the 1st of October 2015 and is subjected to the Agency’s approval. The final decision about realization of the project will be announced by the end of December 2015.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS at Lodz Design 2016.TU NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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