Si te interesan el turismo, el arte y la cultura, no te pierdas esta oportunidad de realizar un voluntariado en oficina de turismo en Francia.

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Fechas y lugar del voluntariado

Dates: 15st September 2018 – 30th June 2019.

Place: Carmaux, France.

Sobre la organización

The volunteer will be working within the Tourism Office team of the local community.   The Tourism Office is deeply involved in the development and the promotion of the territory. The team is developing several types of activities :

  • Land Reporters : make interviews and short report about touristic subjects
  • Summer Games : create partnerships with shopkeepers – find prizes to be won – ensure promotion
  • Foreign tourist ‘s survey : prepare questions – meet foreign tourists – analyse survey’s answer – report and provide suggestions / action plan

Our EVS project has a strong educative orientation.

Despite low standard living in our local area, low attractiveness, lack of perspective and many obstacles to mobility, there is also many cultural initiatives which give life to the territory. Producers, farmers, craftsmen, storekeepers also try to provide a positive image of the territory. There is a wide potential of natural resources and innovative economic initiatives which are still underestimated and underexploited. For all these reasons, we want to develop an EVS project called «Land Reporter». Both volunteers will work in coordination with many people from different places in the local Community.

The volunteer hosted in the Tourism Office, will go deeper on each of these different topics during the specific project activities. In concrete terms, the volunteers will make portraits (of places, landscapes, people, artists,  teachers, classes, retired…) using all kind of medias such as articles, videos and photos. These portraits will be shared on interactive blogs, youtube channel dedicated to broadcast and promote our positive message.

Tareas durante el voluntariado

  • -Help the team in their daily activities
  • -Be proactive, propose and support new ideas. Have a positive attitude to initiate new projects
  • -Prepare socio-cultural activities
  • Prepare and make interviewes and short reports

The volunteer will be involved in the daily life of the Tourism Office team in each of the following domains :

  • Touristic mediation (Tourism Office)
  • Interviews to collect information about the Identity of the territory.
  • Meeting and reporting

Perfil del voluntario

  • -You have to be strongly motivated to work in a cultural environment within a team dealing with general public.
  • -You should ideally be sensible to issues related to Art, Culture and Transmission
  • -You have a good knowledge of the Windows environment, Office applications and multimedia tools.
  • -You are sensitive to video or photo creation
  • -You are able to interact with a lot of people to ensure the right follow-up and progress of our activities
  • -You have excellent communication skills and a strong team spirit.
  • -You are respectful, tolerant and responsible
    Basics (B1) in French and driving license is mandatory

Proceso de selección

We will study carefully all applications and selected candidates will be invited for a Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the upcoming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with Skype username included.

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest in the project and the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»brown» link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Motivation letter and application form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS Carmaux, Françoise. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME”

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