Voluntariado Erasmus Grecia en guardería y centro juvenil


Voluntariado Erasmus Grecia en dos proyectos (elegir uno) con todos los gastos pagados por el Programa Erasmus+. La localidad está cerca de Oporto.

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Info general, lugar y fechas voluntariado erasmus grecia

Municipality of Xylokastro – Evrostini

Start: 1st May for 1 year

The purpose of our organization is the utilization of free time, informing young people about international and national programs, and the encouragement of their active participation along with their European citizenship.

Furthermore, our goal is to organize and support national programs of the partner municipalities, heritage protection activities of the environment and organizing summer events, festivals, concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions in cooperation with the local municipalities. Through our activities we try to develop solidarity and promote tolerance and understanding among young people in different countries. Our priorities are respecting cultural
diversity, fighting against racism and xenophobia. By facilitating joint activities of young people from different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds, Orfeas aims to develop the intercultural learning of young people making Europe a friendlier place in the same time.

An important value for Orfeas Organization is to give access to all young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, to join European youth programme and other educational activities. Through formal/non-formal learning techniques and experiences, young volunteers will improve and acquire skills for their personal, educational and professional development.

Sobre el proyecto de voluntariado Erasmus Grecia en guardería

The Kindergarten program in the municipality of Xylokastro-Evrostini includes two different kindergartens, the kindergarten of Xylokastro and the one in Derveni. Xylokastro and Derveni are two small towns situated approximately two hours from Athens.

The EVS duration is usually six months (depending on the agreement).

The kindergartens host children in between 2-5 years old. The volunteers are expected to help in the everyday work of the kindergarten.

The aims of the project are the introduction of new activities taken by the volunteers for the daily life of the children, the promotion and contact of new cultures and the development of the artistic abilities of the children by helping the teachers in the kindergarten in their activities.

The main tasks of the volunteers are:
• assisting the teachers, e.g. organise the classroom, prepare the teaching materials
• supporting the learning process of the children
• helping in the fine-art workshop, painting lessons and theatrical workshop
• participating in outdoor activities based on the season and the teaching plan
• helping the staff of the kindergarten with the everyday schedule
• be active member of the team

Sobre el proyecto en centro juvenil

This project takes place in a small town, called Xylokastro, approximately two hours from
Athens. The EVS duration is usually six months (depending on the agreement).
The voluntary work placement will be in the Centre of Creative Work (K.D.A.P.) which hosts children in between 5-12 years old.

The aims of the project are: introducing new activities taken by the volunteers for the daily life of the children, promoting and contacting new cultures
and developing artistic abilities of the children by helping the teachers in the center during the activities.

The main tasks of the volunteers are:
• helping in organising and developing: fine-art workshop, theatrical workshop and music-kinetic workshop
• providing support to the everyday needs of the center and the children
• looking after the children in their free time
• participating in outdoor activities and organise cultural events, activities with the staff and the children like theatre or prose

Sobre tu nuevo hogar – Xylókastro (Ξʐʄόʃασʏρο):

The wealth and diversity of the Greek cultural heritage, history, the mild climate, the high percentage sunshine and its interesting and varying landscape: A real feeling of discovery. The municipality of Xylokastro – Evrostini consists of the towns Xylokastro, Derveni and the villages that surround them. Xylokastro is on the coast of the Corinthian Gulf in the peninsula of Peloponesse. The area is agricultural; there are a lot of lemon fields, as well as orange, apricot and olive fields.
Xylokastro is a small, but lively town, especially in summer, when many tourists visit the area.
In Xylokastro volunteers can find cafés, bars, night clubs, library, many shops, supermarkets, a pine-tree forest and a beautiful beach.
• has around 6.000 citizens
• about one hour in the west of Corinth
• popular for the production of raisins
• a famous place for holidays


The long -term group of volunteers will live all together in orfeasEVShome, a flat in the centre of the town.
• four bedrooms
• living-room
• kitchen
• three bathrooms
• four balconies, big roof top

The volunteers are responsible to keep the flat clean, set a cleaning schedule and follow it.


We are looking for social and open-minded people who
• responsible, patient
• creative
• positive
• interested to work with children
• able to cooperate with the qualified staff of the kindergarten

¿qué ofrecemos?

1. Mentor:
Each and every of the volunteers will be assigned to one of the mentors. Mentor is a member of the local community of Xylokastro.
Task of the mentor is to be a help to the volunteers and especially to the one that he was assigned to. If during the project the volunteer needs any kind of support (doctor appointment, visit the bank or just go for a drink or a simple cup of coffee, the mentor is there for you).
2. Language support:
Volunteers will participate in the Greek language course, once per week by a Greek teacher.

The volunteers will participate in the activities prepared by the office team.
Group of activities start from simple workshops like arts and crafts, but also cooking lessons, dance lessons or also different theme nights. Volunteers
are free to propose their own activities.


Complete health insurance is provided by the CIGNA insurance company according to the European Commission’s agreement. The sending organization is responsible to enrol the volunteers to Cigna’s database. They will receive a confirmation e-mail with their insurance number before their project’s start.

Youthpass certificate:

Each and every volunteer at the end of the project will receive a Youthpass certificate within the scope of the Erasmus Plus program. Youthpass
certificate is a valuable attachment into the CV, after the project the participants can use it while searching for a new work.
Travel details:
Regarding the travel costs please contact your sending or hosting organization before you book your tickets, they will provide you with all of the important information.

Proceso selección voluntariado erasmus grecia

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

[button color=»purple» link=»https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83534036/Motivation%20letter%20EVS.doc» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

[button color=»orange» link=»https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x6YGSDFKnXXDgkxGYYeBcuqXc5h_tEwBuqhMyW8lexM/edit?usp=sharing» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Form Greece[/button]

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Greece Alexandreia Xilocastro” and select one of the projects.

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