Voluntariado europeo en Zagreb (Croacia) de 1 año



volunteer who will arrive in September 2016 (duration of service 1year)


Borovje, Zagreb  (Croatia)

description of organisation

hosting organisation is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 1997 with the aim of conducting direct work with children, parents and professionals as well as scientific and educational activities in the field of prevention and protection of child abuse and neglect.
Professional past work has resulted with establishing and implementing of 6 programs: Counseling Helpline for Abused and Neglected Children, Children’s House Borovje, Volunteer Management, Counseling Center for Parents and Children, Safer Internet; Children’s Board and is developing and implementing 3 projects: Peer to Peer Support, E-counseling and Students Counseling which are frame of direct work with the children, parents and professionals working with children. In the same period we organized and participated in numerous public events aiming at raising public awareness about the problem of abuse and neglect and actively initiated and continuously improved research, educational and journalist work.
hosting organisation phone is the organization with specific knowledge in the fields of mental health protection as well as the organization available to children and parents. We kept a voluntary engagement and enthusiasm not only among the volunteers who participate in the creation and implementation of programs/projects but also in executive, management and team of associates who create and plan our future work.
The work of organization has been recognized by the general public, as well as experts considering that in research of the Academy for Educational Development (AED) in 2006 on public attitudes about the work of non-governmental organizations,hosting organisation phone is 2nd most recognized organization by the public in the Republic of Croatia.
The program Children’s House Borovje is included in the standards of good practice between the 14 model programs in the publication «Standards for the Prevention of Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth» published by the State Institute for Protection of Family, Maternity and Youth and the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the prevention of behavior disorders of children and young people.
hosting organisation has two main offices, one is placed in the donated space of Centre for Child protection Zagreb in Gajnice (city area), where Counseling Helpline for Abused and Neglected Children is implemented. Working hours of this office is: moday-Friday; 9am-5pm.
Second office is placed in Children House Borovje in city area Borovje. Working hours of this office is: Monday-Friday; 10am-7pm. Workshops with children are implemented in the afternoon and evening time (4pm-8pm). Weekends are free, except some situation whenhosting organisation is organizing or participating in some action. Working place of EVS Volunteer will be Children`s House Borovje.

Organization counts more that 150 members of organization and also 70 volunteers which directly works with Children in Children’s House Borovje (Group work with children from local community).
hosting organisation has also 6 full time employees, all age-long volunteers on programs of Organization (two of them are working in Children House Borovje). In House there is also «older volunteer» who is also open for communication with volunteers 4 hours a day.

Target group:
Children (age 4-18) – most of the children are in the age from 7 till 11.
Volunteers (young people 18-30)

motivation and evs experience

This is second time thathosting organisationis going trough accreditation process. During past period of three years we have hosted two volunteers, one from Poland and one from Lithuania (both had service for 11 months). We have experience that having an EVS volunteers who directly works with children and domestic volunteers is new quality of work and these kind of volunteers have brought a positive dynamic in our work.
hosting organisationis very motivated to host volunteers in next period of three years. Evaluation from children, their parents and domestic volunteers are very positive and we are looking forward for new enthusiastic young people.
Also, we are very motivated to start sending our volunteers abroad. As we could see, EVS volunteers gain so much life skills and to gain something for their life in general. Also, this kind of life skills they gain abroad will be able to fulfil in our Organization when they come back and influence in positive way on children, domestic volunteers and people who work in Organization

project environment


Outline the project environment for the suggested voluntary Service, including the local community where the project will take place (e.g. geographical, social and economical environment). If the host placement is located in a live-in community, please include the rules and conditions that apply also for the volunteer.

Children’s House Borovje is a prevention program of unacceptable behavior and protection of mental health of children and youth in local community (Borovje, part of Zagreb-capital of Croatia), through group work.
Borovje is city area of Zagreb which is situated near river Sava. It has very good connection with the centre of the town by public transportation. Trams (numbers 6., 7., 8.) are 10 minutes away from the Children`s House Borovje, and you can catch them every 5-10 minutes to come to the centre. There is also a bus (number 218) which first stop is in front of Children House Borovje, and which will take you to the Main terminal (also the centre od the town). EVS Volunteer can also come to the centre of the town with bicycle in about 20 minutes (there is bicycle road the most of the way).
As a result of a war this local community started to became more national (Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Albanian, Roma people) and also more religious part of Zagreb. Lot of families from Bosnia (Croatian, Serbian, Muslim) came to Zagreb to bypass the horror of a war. Often children from this local community (Borovje) are members of large families, often parents doesn`t have enough time to spent time with them, children spent too much time on the streets and in front of TV/computer. This is the only area of Zagreb that has a mosque, so it is very common to see Muslim people on the streets covered just to see their eyes or face. In 2001. pilot project Children`s House Borovje started implementing to prevent unacceptable behavior of children and youth, which is very easy for children to achieve in this situation.
About Children`s House Borovje
In Children’s House Borovje there are about 20 daily free-of-charge workshops for children from local community, and total of 400 children are involved in this program. Some of the workshops are: dance, visual arts, acting, computer workshop, sports, journalism, playroom, assistance in studying, workshop for better communication skills, foreign languages and other. Some children come to our House with Centre for child and families reference. The House has 132 m2 and it is composed of ground floor, first, second floor, basement and a small yard. The House has 6 rooms where are workshops with children implemented, also two rooms where are coordinators placed and also one room where is Counseling for Parents and Children conducted. The whole House is very colourful, graphs and works of children are situated on every wall. More about the House you can see on the web page of thehosting organisation
This Organization program has aim to encourage positive self-expression, self-actualization and self-esteem in children, as well as to develop and encourage certain skills, such as communication skills, non-violent problem solving and so forth.
Also, children and youth develop their creativity through interesting activities, and are also provided structure to their free time, while through play and socialization with peers acquire new experiences, skills and express themselves freely.
Volunteers have the main role in implementing these workshops. Their creativity, new ideas, honest and warm approach to children are one of the most important characteristic in working upon this project. All of our volunteers are students, young people who give altruistically their free time to help the youngsters.
Rule: It is very important that EVS volunteer do not smoke or drink alcohol in the house. Using drugs is strictly prohibited by Croatian law !
Living conditions for EVS volunteer
EVS volunteer will be placed in a leased room or in a room of student dorm. There is a possibility that EVS volunteer will have to share room with someone (other EVS volunteer or a student). Regarding transport, EVS volunteer will be using bicycle to travel across the city or he/she will be using public transportation.
Free time:
EVS volunteer will have a free time during the weekend and every working day also. There are lot of things to do in the free time for EVS Volunteer.
City of Zagreb is placed near a mountain Medvednica and if a volunteer is a fan of a nature and walking, this place will be surely his/her favorite. There are few restaurants and a ski path (during winter) on the top of the mountain (the top is called Sljeme). It is not so hard to come to Sljeme, if you walk it will take about 2-2.30 hours, but there is a bus also that will lead you to the top.
Also, 10 minutes from the Main Square of the Zagreb with tram (number 11 and 12), there is beautiful park called Maksimir which has seven lakes and a ZOO also. There is great cafe bar also. It is fantactic place for jogging, walking or just laying on the grass and enjoying!
A fans of theatre and movies will have a good choice also. There are few theatres, we recommend Kerempuh (www.kazalistekerempuh.hr) and ZKM (http://www.zekaem.hr/index2.php).
Recent movies you can see in Cinestar whis is placed in Branimir Centre and Avenue Mall.
On every corner of the town you will find very nice coffee bars and restaurants. There are lot of shopping centres (City Center One, Aveune Mall). There are also a lot of gyms, aerobic centres (http://www.fit.hr), free climbing, dance schools, pools, sauna etc.
Recent movies you can see in Cinestar whis is placed in Branimir Centre and Avenue Mall.
On every corner of the town you will find very nice coffee bars and restaurants. There are lot of shopping centres (City Center One, Aveune Mall). There are also a lot of gyms, aerobic centres (http://www.fit.hr), free climbing, dance schools, pools, sauna etc.


hosting organisation will provide framework to volunteers which will come to our Organization. All volunteers will directly be working with children, sometimes with group of children, sometimes individually (with one child), depending of a situation and need. But they will always be cooperating and implementing workshops with local volunteers.
We will provide all necessary information and basic education to volunteers when they come to our Organization. Basic education will be composed of themes which are important for the volunteers to know when they are working with children via group work (how to lead a group, how to work with shy or aggressive children etc.), but also of themes like House rules. EVS volunteer will have monthly supervision-about the problems he/she have about volunteer program (problems with workshops or other jobs, local volunteers) and also about feelings how he/she is adjusting to new environment. These EVS volunteers apart of experience and knowledge/skills in working with children through education and work (with a purpose to prevent unacceptable behaviour) will also get experience of other nation and culture (Croatia, Bosnian, Muslim…)!
Volunteers will also have opportunity to see other programs and projects that our organization do and to participate in other activities!
The main role of EVS volunteer is to work with children and to provide them new experiences, knowledge and most important to provide them good fun and quality spent time. Also the role of EVS volunteer is to provide new ideas and skills to Organization volunteers and staff.
-planning new workshops in cooperation with local volunteers (Children`s House Borovje provides already lot of workshops, but if a EVS volunteer has some new idea for workshop-new theme, cycle workshops etc. and make the plan how to get children’s interest and how to implement it, employees and local volunteers will participate with their help and support).
-preparing workshop together with local volunteers ( in cooperation with local volunteers planing the activities-what is the purpose of a workshop, what games to play or what activities to do to gain the goal of a workshop, how to make activities with children despite language differences)
-implementing these workshop (one workshop with children lasts for about 45 minutes. Every type of workshop is implemented once a week, but we are open for cycles of workshops. For example, one theme of workshop with the same children is implemented for few weeks every working day! Workshops include 10 children maximum per group.)

-participation in basic education abouthosting organisation and our work, especially about work and experience in Children`s House Borovje (this education will be provided to EVS volunteer before he/she starts to implement workshops. Education will be provided to volunteer in English language and it will be provided by one or few members of Educational team ofhosting organisation).
-giving some presentation of his/her volunteer experience (if he/she has it) and presentation of his/her country and hometown (volunteer can organize cultural evening and to invite employees, local volunteers and children).
-sharing new ideas and experience of working with children (if he/she has this kind of experience)
-preparing new, special action for children (special, new action that EVS volunteer can organize, that often depends of his/her volunteer experience and working with children in the past)
-helping in Organization actions and events (few times in one year,hosting organisation organize some action/manifestation or participate in some action in cooperation with other organization. In this situations EVS volunteer will help in preparation and implementation of this activities. For example, volunteer will talk to the people and present Children`s House Borovje, he/she will give educative brochures ofhosting organisation to citizens etc.)
-participating in all necessary education and supervision (Basic education before he/she starts with implementation of workshops and monthly supervision)

Working hours for EVS volunteer:

EVS volunteer will mostly be working in the afternoon hours when workshops are implemented. Sometimes EVS volunteer will work in the morning when it`s necessary to make some preparation for workshops or for other activity that he/she is planing. During the summer, workshops for children are implemented in the morning hours. In that time, EVS volunteer will mostly be working in the morning hours. He/she will not be working during weekends, except whenhosting organisation is organizing some action or participating in one, then we will need some help from EVS volunteer.
EVS volunteer will be working every working day for 6 hours..
Support of Croatian language will be provided by our local volunteers or local schools (teachers of CroatiaN language).


Characteristic that we find important at EVS volunteer:
-strong motivation
-open communication
-experience in working with children is advantage
-different knowledge and skills or has interest in learning these (playing instruments, dancing, speaking different languages, making movies, research making, painting, singing, theatre, sports etc.)
-basis knowledge in English language would be appreciated

Organization who send volunteers tohosting organisation should have some similarities to our type of work.
It is important that this sending organization works with children and youngsters or just involves young volunteers with different knowledge applicable to our work with children. It is very important that Sending organization will prepare volunteer for this kind of work with children or help us in preparing him/her.
hosting organisation will provide all necessary information about EVS program to organization volunteers on meetings which are maintained few times a year and also via monthly news e-mails.

hosting organisation also implements questionnaire with volunteers once a year about their interests. As a part of this questionnaire, program coordinator will examine volunteer motivation and his/her ability for EVS program and when the time is come for project registration, volunteers who showed interest and ability for participation will be invited to find some Organization for EVS in database (host Organization abroad)



hosting organisation will provide safe place for living to EVS volunteers – Organization will find apartment or a room with all requisites for the volunteers can have comfortable and safety time in Zagreb. It is possible that a EVS volunteer will separate room with one more person with same gender.
Organization will provide a person (mentor) who will meet EVS volunteers on the airport/station and show them their place of living and working place.
EVS volunteer will have person fromhosting organisation will have their mentor who will be there for him/her if he/she has any problem regarding social life in a new environment. This person will help them to adjust to city area of Borovje and to town Zagreb. Mentor will provide all necessary information about city of Zagreb, where to find groceries, where to shop, where are safe places to go out and where are not, information about cinemas, museums and theatres if they are interested. Also, Organization volunteers will show Zagreb to EVS volunteers and will give them information about public transport or about safe way of travelling with a bicycle. Children`s House Borovje is already very safe place, especially because program is aimed to children and youth.
It is possible that children which participate in workshops in Children`s House Borovje will be shy and suspicions regarding EVS volunteer, maybe they will be confused because they will not be able to talk to this person on Croatia language, especially those children which never travelled outside of Croatia. All the children will be prepared for EVS volunteer coming, local volunteers will talk to them and to try to introduce this person before he/she come to Children`s House Borovje.
Working with children can be very sensitive work, so it is very important that mentor and coordinator of Children`s House Borovje have open communication from the beginning with EVS volunteer, to talk to him/her about the responsibility of this work and they supervisor monitor his/her progress in volunteer work. Also, local volunteers who will cooperate with him/her in implementing workshops will be there to help him/her in communication and implementing activities and they will be there to help the children to accept new person in the group.
Also, mentor will be responsible of volunteers Youthpass (explaining the process of making it, it purpose and she will be support in learning process of EVS volunteers

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.  Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

Application form (signed)

Please send your documents to asociacionbb@gmail.com  with the subject “EVS_Croatia_Držaj Telephone.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME”

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