Voluntariado europeo en Alemania sobre fútbol e infancia



Inmediate start, for 1 year. For this position we do not have a concrete deadline or specify starting day of the project so we are looking for a suitable candidate who could begin as soon as possible.


Munich, Germany

Hosting organisation

Project of intercultural understanding and founded in 1997 (in Munich) from the care work of children and adolescents in Munich refugee accommodations – on these tournaments, the young people from different homes were playing against each other – these encounters led to a continuous street football league. The initiative has set itself the goal of giving young people of different cultural and national backgrounds a useful and healthy leisure activity and to open different ways of social and cultural interaction. Football has always been a medium that all know and with the understanding is possible even without words. An important conceptual difference to comparable events lies in the continuity of the league, which in contrast to sporadic tournaments allows regular contacts between the teams and continuous work with children and young people.



The goal of our buntkicktgut team is to involve children from 7 to 20 years old with different cultural/religion/family and nationality background to do sport ( especially play football) as much as it is possible. For that goal about 50 active people are involved in a process of organizing games, competitions, contests and different sport events which are related to the street football. The size of a fields/goals in street football are not like in a professional football but in 3-5 times smaller and the rules are simplify). So the task of a new volunteer will be work with the children and teach them to play fair and through these actions help them to become the full part of our society.


One or more street/schools teams will be assigned to a person to work with. Additionally the participants of buntkicktgut could apply the knowledge according their hobbies/education to our daily life. We have redaction team who create printed and online magazine about our activities. We have a lot of computers and digital devices so it is possible to work with different software (create short movies, make a photo reports, update our websites. Every summer we have 10 days summer camp with more than 50 participants. So a volunteer could be involved in any tasks in which she/he wants to be involved. In one word it depends entirely on motivation of a volunteer what she/he wants to do during the office hours (the sport trainings will be held on the outdoors football fields or in school sport halls, but it is 50 percent of the total working time. The rest of a time a volunteer could discuss with the manager or boss what she/he prefer to do).

The office is located in 5 min from the world famous  Oktoberfest field. We have about 10 regular  workers and about 20 young trainers who teach more younger people how to play/win in football. Moreover about five temporary assistants help us. We have two flats for volunteers and workers so a volunteer will live either 15 min by bike/bus or 40 min apart from our office. Normally the working schedule is five days per week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. but sometimes we have a lot to do during street festivals, summer camps, league finals so it could be that a volunteer will be asked to work at weekends. So she or he could choose free days after the event will be held.


All children who participate inhosting organisation speak German, but a few speak English. So if your candidate want to start the project a basic knowledge of German is necessary. Of course a German course will be paid after then the volunteer will start she/he project. English is also desirable because a volunteer could  be involved in paper work which time to time should be done in English.

The minimum requirements according the priority are:

  1. Willingness and previous experience working with children and adults with different international/cultural background
  2. Knowledge of German- at least A1
  3. Desire to come to Germany, Munich over a period of a year
  4. Love to do sport/team games (football would be great)

Selection process

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Germany Tikhenko”.

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