1 plaza para voluntari@ europe@ en Lituania sobre educación y discapacidad


Seguimos con ofertas de Servicio Voluntario Europeo en el ámbito de la educación y discapacidad con una oferta SVE de larga duración desde septiembre 2016 a julio 2017  en Lituania. Se trata de la oportunidad de pasar 10 meses en Lituania gracias a un proyecto para ayudar a los más necesitados. ¿Quieres ser tú el siguiente voluntari@? ¡Sigue leyendo!


Start: 01/09/2016

End: 31/07/2017


Vilnius, Lituania




We are looking for people, who want to make EVS from September 2016 till July 2017 in Vilnius (Lithuania) in our project „TO GET AND TO GIVE“.

We need 9 volunteers for four different target groups:

– 2 volunteers in project „THE OPEN COMMUNITY“. Group dedicated to integrate and assist mentally challenged and disabled people and their families. Also there are organized educating and leisure activities.

– 2 volunteers in two day centers for children from 6-11 year old, who live in very poor material conditions, have emotional and behavior problems, have learning problems, and need psychological help).

– 1 volunteer for 3 activities with young people – day group „TRANSITAS“, Teenagers group „THE SPRING- BOARD“, Friday open space „SOFKĖ“. These activities are offering assistance to young people (12 to 18 years old) from difficult social background. They have various difficulties: at school, behavior and emotional problems, psychological and life crises.

– 4 volunteers for day center for the children of the preschool age „BIČIULIAI“.

EVS Tasks

The main tasks for the volunteer who will make his EVS with children or young people are:

1. Helping with homework.

2. Participation in and helping to realize all the activities.

3. Organizing / helping to organize/ organize with local volunteers or workers: day-activity.

4. Camps and hikes.

5. Creative workshops for children (like handicrafts, theatre, sports, cooking, arts, teaching a foreign language, etc.)

The tasks for volunteer who will make his EVS with disabled people are:

1. To help to organize with young Lithuanian volunteers cultural events in the city and community, with the aim to give people opportunity to accept disable person.

2. With professionals create drama and / or music peaces and show them for local community.

3. To show example and teach ways of self occupations for clients of day care center organizing for them free time occupation activities.

4. To organize various handicraft workshops for clients of day care center (candles, postcards, drawings, work with tone, making things from wood, ecological workshops…).

5. Together with disabled people take care of garden.

6. To assist in making exhibitions of disable people in local community.

7. To organize with Lithuanian volunteers weekend trips for disable children and clients of day care center.


The main tasks for the volunteer who will make his EVS with preschool age children:

1. Look after kids: help them get dressed, when going out – dress up, help to eat, or to help in other ways to little children.

2. Play with children. The playing is the main form of learning, comunicating and living for children, so it is very important to interact with them in playing.

3. Create and do different art activities (drawing, music, theatre, etc.)

4. To participate in the group activities with children. Encourage children to communicate and to cooperate by the personal example.

5. To participate in the planning meetings with other volunteers also workers.

6. To help workers to prepare everything for activities, sleeping, eating, etc.

Selection Criteria

 The volunteers should be motivated to work with target group which he or she choose.

 The most important is that the volunteer wouldn't be afraid of our target group (f. e. youth with challenging behavior).

 We are looking volunteer older than 20 years for working with young people. It could be better if the volunteer have already some experience in working with young people.

 During project, all tasks will be discussed with volunteers and his mentor: the volunteer will be able to make his personal plan. Any initiative of volunteers will be encouraged and supported by our organization. Also during the project, the volunteer will get support in working place by other workers.

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

The volunteers should send CV and motivation letter to us, with a reply in which activity they want to participate. The responsible people from every activity will contact volunteers personally and agree about terms, conditions, tasks and will answer all the questions.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Apynienė Lithuania. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

  • Ana
    22 julio, 2016 at 5:46 pm

    Hola buenas tardes
    -Si mandas el CV (y el resto de información necesaria para un voluntariado), te haces socio para tener preferencia y te comunican que eres seleccionado pero no puedes ir, ¿te devuelven los 40 euros de haberte hecho socio?
    -¿Y si mandas CV para varios voluntariados?
    -¿Hacen entrevista por skype a todo el mundo o a una selección de personas?
    Tras la entrevista por skype, ¿hay una nueva selección de personas o a los que entrevistan por skype ya es casi seguro que van a poder ir al voluntariado?
    Gracias, un saludo.

  • Yes Europa
    22 julio, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    Hola Ana
    Si te seleccionan y no vas sin ser un motivo de causa mayor, no se devuelven las cuotas, pero si que sigues siendo socia. Además, puedes mandar varias caniddaturas a varios proyectos.
    Solo hacemos entrevistas a los que realmente tengan un buen perfil como voluntarios y motivación
    esperamos tu candidatura, suerte!

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