Voluntariado medio ambiente y deporte en Rumanía


Te ofrecemos 1 plaza de servicio voluntariado en medio ambiente y deporte de carácter europeo en una organización de protección del medio ambiente.  ¡Anímate a solicitarlo!

Project name





Dragasani, surrounding villages of Dragasani, Slatina and Ramnicu Valcea

Drăgășani is a city in Vâlcea County, Romania, near the right bank of the Olt river, and on the railway between Caracal and Râmnicu Vâlcea. The city is well known for the vineyardson the neighboring hills that produce some of the best Wallachian wines

The climate of Dragasani is temperate-continental with average temperatures of 10 to 11°C. The multi-annual average of rainfall is around 700 to 800 l/mp, and there are about 90 to 100 days of hard frost annually.

The town is situated at 220 km north-west of Bucharest (the Romanian capital).

Host organization‘s name:

The «Green Life Choose your side!» project aims to implement a voluntary service for a period of 12 months, in order to promote healthy life style among youth through movement, outdoor activities, sports and environmental education.

The «Green Life Choose your side!» project is a follow-up of another volunteer project, implemented by Hosting organisation  in the local community Dragasani, in the period October 1st, 2014- September 30, 2015.


20 February 2017


The idea of this new project started from hosting organisation volunteers who conducted in the period September – December 2015 an information campaign for young people about the negative effect of drugs, hallucinogens, tobacco and alcohol.

The specific objectives of the project are:

– the information, education and awareness of a total of 1,000 young people from Dragasani, surrounding villages of Dragasani, Slatina and Ramnicu Valcea on the negative effect that the comnsum of alcohol, tobacco and drugs has on health and personality.

– promoting healthy lifestyles through outdoor exercise and sports among 500 children and  young people from Dragasani, surrounding villages, Slatina and Ramnicu Valcea.

-to promote environmental education and environment protection among 1,000 young people from Dragasani, surrounding villages, Slatina and Ramnicu Valcea.

– building a friendship relation: youth – environment and youth – healthy lifestyle.

– promoting international mobilities by participating in the EVS stage of 6 volunteers from partner countries and by identifying opportunities to participate in international projects for young people from Dragasani local communities, surrounding villages, Slatina and Ramnicu Valcea.

The activities will be attended by 6 volunteers with fewer opportunities from Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Georgia, Jordan and Ukraine. All six volunteers are young people with fewer opportunities, are coming from socio-economically disadvantaged communities and in the past were facing problems of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.

The main activities implemented within the EVS stage will be: media campaigns about the negative effects of drugs, tobacco and alcohol consume, workshops on a healthy lifestyle, environmental education workshops, public events.

Throughout the EVS stage will be used different methods of non-formal education as debates, workshops, flashmob, living library, socio-educational animation, energizers, role plays etc.

The expected results are: website of the project, innovative EVS stage, methodology for implementing a media campaign.

On long term, the project will inform the young people about the negative effects of drug, tobacco and alcohol and will help decrease the number of young people who have these vices.

Role and tasks of volunteers:

– Organizing 6 media campaigns in the local communities from: Dragasani, Slatina, Rm Valcea, Balcesti, Ladesti si Horezu, regarding the negative effects of drugs, tobacco and alcohol use (11 April – 15 May 2017 and 15 October – 15 December 2017). Within these campaigns, around 1000 young people from the mentioned local communities will benefit of information regarding the negative effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco use. For organizing these campaigns, the volunteers will be supported by FCASEC staff and other public institutions as: County Agency for Drugs combating, Valcea Youth Foundation, Valcea County School Inspectorate, Valcea County Council. In these campaigns will be used non formal education methods as: debates, world cafe, workshops, socio-educative animation, open space.


– Organization and implementation of 8 workshops for promoting a healthy lifestyle by sport and outdoor activities (15 May – 15 October 2017). There will be organized workshops in the youth clubs from Dragasani and Rm Valcea and in the Youth and Sport County Department from Rm Valcea and Slatina. This activity will be implemented in partnership with Valcea Youth and Sport Department and Olt Youth and Sport Department. There will be used methods of non formal education as: workshops, flash-mob, sport and tolerance, role plays etc. With Dragasani City Hall it will be established a cycling club and will be promoted the cycling among the young people as sport activity. It will be initiated and promoted a cycling contest around Dragasani city in partnership with Romanian Cycling Federation.

– organizing and implementing 6 workshops of ecological education and environment protection in 6 schools (in the period 15 October -15 December 2017 – 3 schools from urban area and 3 schools from rural area)

– organizing 2 events- debates regarding a healthy lifestyle through sport and outdoor activities, avoid of tabaco, alcohol and drugs consume (15 December 2017 – 15 February 2018). The 2 events debates will be implemented using methods of non formal education as: debates, open space, structured dialogue with public authorities, storytelling, living library, world cafe.

– promoting Erasmus+ program and the EVS (15 December 2017 – 15 February 2018)

– realization and administration of the project webpage ( 15 May 2017 – 15 February 2018).

Practical aspects:

The volunteers will work 6 hours / day from Monday to Friday. Their schedule will be organized as follow: preparing the activity.

10.00-13.00: Activities in the national park

13.00-14.00: Lunch break.

14.00-16.00: Activities.

The volunteers will have 2 days off every month, will have days off according to Romanian legislation and will have holidays according to the university year 2015-2016

The volunteers will be accommodated in two apartments rented by FCASEC in Dragasani city.

The apartments are equipped with central heating, water, TV cable and internet. The kitchen is fully equipped. The houses have 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms,2 kitchens and living room.

To feed, the volunteers will receive a fixed amount at the beginning of each month, amount which will allow them to buy aliments and cook themselves. Also at the beginning of the month, all volunteers will receive a fixed allowance (pocket money). The local transport will be provided free of charge for the entire EVS period by hosting organisation.

The volunteers will have 8 free travel tickets per month from Dragasani city to Ramnicu Valcea city (the capital of Valcea county).

The volunteers will receive monthly 180 euro (60 euro as pocket money + 120 euro money for food).



Validation of the EVS stage:

Volunteers involved in this project will be awarded with a Youthpass certificate at the end of this EVS stage, which will describe and validate the experience of non-formal and informal learning acquired by each volunteer during their EVS stage period. The Youthpass certificate will be considered a process of awareness, reflection and documentation of learning during the different stages of the project.


How to apply

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed) from Building Bridges

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: «EVS Romania Soare Environment. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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