14 proyectos en guarderías, bibliotecas y centros educativos en Polonia


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Inicio voluntariado guarderías Polonia:

  • Start: Beginning of September 2018
  • End: End of August 2019


We will just take in consideration responsible, motivated and passionate application forms!

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  • Educación/formación
  • IDIOMA HABLADO: inglés
  • Inglés se hablará con otros voluntarios/as.

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Kindergarten conducts pre-school education for children between 3 – 6 years old.
Kindergarten in Gardeja is a public educational institution for preschool education for children from the village Gardeja and other surrounding villages. Our kindergarten takes care of children adjusting the methods and ways of interactions to the age of the child and its developmental capabilities, taking into account the environmental needs of exciting local conditions. 
We also offer to students from all over Europe the possibility of working with us as volunteers.


Volunteers helping our actions may: lead games and activities for children, attend and conduct classes in English, assist in working with children with disabilities, organize contests and competitions, lead drama and sports. Of course we are open to volunteers ideas. The role of the volunteer : extending European awareness among our children , encouraging our children (students) to learn foreign languages , broadening the message about the cultures and traditions of other countries. What the volunteer can learn with us : the volunteer can get to know our culture, the traditions of our country and gain information about the region. The volunteer can also learn the best methods to work with children, meet new friends and participate in a contest for kindergarten and pupils.

Kwidzyński public schools are non-public schools , whose aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills enabling to undertake further education. We are schools that emphasize both the tradition and modernity of the region, shaping the rules of tradition and the rules of living in a democratic community.The School of Social Kwidzyn includes: Social Elementary School (99 students , age 6-13 years ) created in 2011 , Social High School (112 students , age 13-15 years ) formed in 2000. Social and High School (33 students , age 16-19 years ) , which was founded in 1996 . According to the statute, the number of students in each class can not be more than 18 people in elementary school, and up to 20 people in middle school and high school. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes; between classes they are provided a 5 – 10 minutes break and a 20 minutes break, during which students can eat lunch . Lessons start at 8.00 and end up at 15.00 . The school has a wide range of extra-curricular activities: circles, chess, hiking, dancing, guitar lessons, sports activities such as: classes in the pool, soccer, tennis, volleyball, fitness, horse riding, aerobics. The school offers youth trips, camping integration, national and international tours.


Volunteers will be involved in school life and they can also:
? carry out extra-curricular activities, like teaching their mother tongue ,
? assist in the implementation of educational projects resulting from:
? implementation of the core curriculum in high school
? high school subjects as: nature and history and society
? Implementation of projects under the current events in Poland and abroad in cooperation with the Polish Humanitarian Organization , School of Global Foundation, and philanthropic projects
? conduct classes and workshops in the field of their interests
? participate in foreign languages classes
? help to establish a cooperation with the schools of their country, in order to establish partnership agreements and youth exchanges
? involved in organizing “Days of Foreign Languages” in our school
? participate as a youth tutor during the trips organized by the school.

 Project 3 –  Integration Kindergarte

Kindergarten conducts pre-school education for children between 3 – 6 years old.

Kindergarten is functioning as a caring, educational and instructive centre. This is the place where healthy and disabled kids have fun together. It provides every child with the opportunity to have fun and learn in a safe, friendly  place where everything is tailor-made for their needs and development. It shapes the emotional resilience in children with different physical and intellectual capabilities. Kindergarten is building children’s knowledge about the social world.


Volunteers helping our actions may:
Lead games and activities for children,
Attend and conduct classes in English,
Assist in working with children with disabilities,
Organize contests and competitions,
Lead drama and sports.

The role of the volunteer : extending European awareness among our children , encouraging our children (students) to learn foreign languages, broadening the message about the cultures and traditions of other countries.

What volunteers can learn with us :
The volunteer will get to know our culture and traditions and to gain information about the region. They will have the chance to learn the best methods to work and relate with children with disabilities and healthy ones. Meet new friends, participate in  contests for kindergarten and pupils.

Project 4 – Association

The aim of the association is:

  • Increasing social activity of citizens and allowing them to act as volunteers,
  • Increasing knowledge of volunteering and promoting the idea of voluntary work,
  • Supporting non-governmental organizations, public institutions and private individuals;promoting and organizing volunteer work.

Main activities;

  1. EVS (European Voluntary Service)

EVS is  main occupation. From different countries (Austria, Germany, Turkey, Spain, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine…), for many volunteers, it  has been a home. Our association is currently hosting 14 EVS volunteers

2. International Youth Exchanges

is actively sending and hosting youngsters for international youth exchanges to share cultures.

3. Culture Week

Culture Week is activity that local youngsters meet with volunteers for a week long. Every day of this week, a different volunteer makes presentation about his/her country and culture, interact with youngsters and share knowlegde in non-informal education ways

4. Intercultural Workshops

As itpromotes the diversity, we organise culture presentations for locals of Kwidzyn both from our volunteers and our other contacts from all over the world.

5. Volunteers’ Center

Volunteers’ Center is an initiative that local people of Kwidzyn can work voluntarily to contribute their local community and support common good.

Project 5 – Eco-Initiative

The Eco-Initiative Association … ecology with people and for people … is the mission of our activity. Believing in the wisdom of people, we activate social mechanisms, undertaking activities aimed at local development in line with the idea of sustainable development.

Project 6 – Biblioteke

project 7 – Special school

Description of the school

The Special School in Kwidzyn was founded on 01.01.1957 by the resolution of the WRN Presidium in Gdansk. Since that day, we have started to organize the special education in Kwidzyn from the very basics. More info about this school: http://soswkwidzyn.edupage.org/

Main areas of school activities

  • Sport (different disciplines), we are taking part in Special School Olympic Championships, “Keep Fit” programme,
  • Artistic events, both art, plastic and theatre,
  • Ecological movement, supporting ecological organizations (Earth day, Cleaning the world etc.), running school ecological club,
  • Scout team “Forest Brownies”,
  • Local activism “A Day without Violence” has been organized at our school for a dozen or so years and its main aim is to shape proper social attitudes,
  • Social actions (collecting money for ill children, collecting money for poor families etc),
  • International programme: exchange with Estonian special school, “Global School” programme.

Suggested activities for the volunteers

To help in the work with children with light, moderate, significant and deeper mental handicap as well as the ones with coupled disabilities.

The main aim of the volunteers is helping with the organization and conducting educational, rehabilitative and caring activities with the children with light, moderate, significant and deeper mental handicap as well as the ones with coupled disabilities as well as giving intellectual support in the young people everyday duties.

The help:

  • For a teacher with varied educational and caring activities; during the curricular and extracurricular classes: at the swimming-pool, hypo therapy,  after-school clubs, hikes and school trips, hydrotherapy, rehabilitation during mobility improvement classes;
  • Taking to and fetching the children from curricular and extracurricular classes,
  • preparing various didactic materials for classes;
  • in the organization of: the Integrative Fest on the occasion of the Child’s Day, The Autumn Integrative Picnic, Provincial Arts Competition “My Region”, District Arts Competition “Four Seasons”, the Championships of the Pomorskie Province in L.A., the District Competition of Young People’s Artistic Works “In the EU”;
  • helping teachers in the organization of the educational and caring classes in the educational groups;


  • giving support to the teacher in the Adapting to Work classes.
  • Volunteers will be helping in the organization of the out of school activities and events (the scouts, the Great Help Orchestra, competitions etc.).
  • Volunteers will be realizing their own ideas on the basis of the centre’s aims and activities.

Project 8 – Community Centre in Malbork

Dzierzgoń is a small town located in an epic, natural and free of industry part of Poland so- called Lower Powiśle. Dzierzgoń is surrounded by wild nature and closeness to Mazurian Lake District and the Baltic Sea makes the place unique.

(DOK) is a local government body which has been established to inculcate a cultural awareness among children, teenagers and adults. DOK promotes local art, provides a space for people to socialize, helps to develop various interests and runs a vast number of services and activities

DOK’s departments as follow:

  • Music including playing instruments such as: saxophone, guitar, piano, drum,
  • Singing
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Fitness
  • Information Center
  • Senior Club
  • Library
  • Voluntary

DOK also organizes a vast rage of concerts, art openings, spectacles, cabarets and other events. Beside that we are coordinating 12 village children clubs (day center for youth and children) in our district. Children and youth can come to the club and make homework, play and learn. Club is open in afternoon hours from Monday till Friday. The center employees, 25 people in total. 13 are based in Dzierzgoń and 12 are scattered around local village clubs. There is also a number of volunteers, who are available to support the events.


 -Volunteer will take an active part in all DOK’s activities.

– He/ she will help children with homework, practise English, and teach his /her own native language and culture.

– Volunteer’s artistic skills can also be used in independent activities.

– Volunteer gets some work experience as a cultural animator, team player and learns about history, culture and environment of the region.

Project 9 – Youth Educational Centre in Malbork

Description of the organisation

Latorosl is an association created to cooperate with Youth Educational Centre number 1 in Malbork, Poland. It was founded in 2009 and since 2012 it is officially a Public Benefit Institution. The organisation consists of 25 members. All of the members are employed by the Youth Educational Centre in Malbork mostly as teachers but some of them are also office workers. Latorosl association has been founded in order to raise additional funds for the activity of Youth Educational Centre number 1 in Malbork as the possibilities of raising money by this institution are quite limited.

Project environment:

Malbork is a town in northern Poland in the Zulawy region (Vistula delta), with about 40 thousand inhabitants. Founded in the 13th century by the Knights of the Teutonic Order, the town is noted for its medieval Malbork Castle (built in the 13th Century). The city is located 65 kilometers from another historic city, Gdan„sk, and 40 kilometers from a popular holiday resort, Stegna.
The development of the town is mainly based on tourism with the castle as the popular touristic destination for people from the whole Europe. However there is also a quite well developed industry represented by a few companies supported by the foreign capital producing mainly foodstuffs (pasta, sugar) but also technical equipment (electric fans, agricultural devices).


Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:

The role of EVS volunteer in our organisation:

  • Support in all spheres of working with the students of the Youth Educational Centre number 1 in Malbork e.g. taking part in excursions, workshops, sports and drama activities as well as in everyday activities like doing homework, cooking or working on projects connected with the process of education. It is also possible to participate in office works or in different kind of classes conducted by the Youth Educational Centre in Malbork.
  • Organizing and coordinating simple works like gardening, repairing things etc.
  • Inspiring young people to develop their hobbies by creating presentations or organizing opportunities to broaden their interests and hobbies.
  • Helping in language animation e.g. in cooperation with teachers preparing multimedia displays etc.
  • Bringing new ideas, fresh view to our activities.
  • Familiarize the students with the culture of his/her country, raising their European identity and interests in other cultures by organizing cooking lessons, competitions, dance classes etc.

Activities including individual ideas of volunteer:

Helping in education activities

  • Working with the young people on the field of art, ecology or sports.
  • Organizing work with the youth on the field of developing hobbies, interests.
  • Any form of activity connected with developing the interest in sports and healthy lifestyle among the youth
  • Organizing a workshop connected with music or dance
  • Organizing leisure time activities for the youngsters

 Project 10 – Youth Educational Centre in Malbork

Description of the organisation

Latorosl is an association created to cooperate with Youth Educational Centre number 1 in Malbork, Poland. It was founded in 2009 and since 2012 it is officially a Public Benefit Institution. The organisation consists of 25 members. All of the members are employed by the Youth Educational Centre in Malbork mostly as teachers but some of them are also office workers. Latorosl association has been founded in order to raise additional funds for the activity of Youth Educational Centre number 1 in Malbork as the possibilities of raising money by this institution are quite limited.

Project environment:

Malbork is a town in northern Poland in the Zulawy region (Vistula delta), with about 40 thousand inhabitants. Founded in the 13th century by the Knights of the Teutonic Order, the town is noted for its medieval Malbork Castle (built in the 13th Century). The city is located 65 kilometers from another historic city, Gdan„sk, and 40 kilometers from a popular holiday resort, Stegna.
The development of the town is mainly based on tourism with the castle as the popular touristic destination for people from the whole Europe. However there is also a quite well developed industry represented by a few companies supported by the foreign capital producing mainly foodstuffs (pasta, sugar) but also technical equipment (electric fans, agricultural devices).


Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:

The role of EVS volunteer in our organisation:

  • Support in all spheres of working with the students of the Youth Educational Centre number 1 in Malbork e.g. taking part in excursions, workshops, sports and drama activities as well as in everyday activities like doing homework, cooking or working on projects connected with the process of education. It is also possible to participate in office works or in different kind of classes conducted by the Youth Educational Centre in Malbork.
  • Organizing and coordinating simple works like gardening, repairing things etc.
  • Inspiring young people to develop their hobbies by creating presentations or organizing opportunities to broaden their interests and hobbies.
  • Helping in language animation e.g. in cooperation with teachers preparing multimedia displays etc.
  • Bringing new ideas, fresh view to our activities.
  • Familiarize the students with the culture of his/her country, raising their European identity and interests in other cultures by organizing cooking lessons, competitions, dance classes etc.

Activities including individual ideas of volunteer:

Helping in education activities

  • Working with the young people on the field of art, ecology or sports.
  • Organizing work with the youth on the field of developing hobbies, interests.
  • Any form of activity connected with developing the interest in sports and healthy lifestyle among the youth
  • Organizing a workshop connected with music or dance
  • Organizing leisure time activities for the youngsters

Project 11- Library in Malbork

The Library’s collection consists of 60000 volumes and 800 special collections.
Annually, 41000 people take use of the rich and up-to-date collection, free internet access
and a wide range of cultural animation activities. 

For years, the library has helped developing and satisfying the reading, cultural and educational needs of the local community. It’s a place where all cultural differences become blurred and supports the passion for books. To meet the needs of the residents, the
library organizes author meetings, computer courses, theatrical and literature lessons, library lessons, literature and art contests and board game meetings. There are also the travelers club and the language cafe, where travelling enthusiasts can meet and talk about the culture and 
language of a given country in foreign language conversations. During the meetings of the passionate club, art, music and relaxing activities for parents with infants take place. For those interested in cinema, we organize film projections. The library takes use of the services of an on-the-go volunteer, who delivers books to disabled and sick persons houses and also help the employees with organizing activities during holidays and meetings.


  • Co-organizing and individually organizing language meetings for children, youth and adults (organized groups- schools, preschools and language meetings for the Mediateka readers);
  •  English language courses for children, youth and adults (cooperating with Malbork Center of Culture and Education);
  •  Helping children and young people with their English language homework;
  • Teaching the language and culture of the country from which the volunteer comes from during activities organized in the Mediateka. Helping in managing social media pages and the website of the Mediateka.
  •  Co-organizing cultural events in the Mediateka and in cooperating institutions- Malbork Center of Culture and Education, Radio Malbork, Nova Gallery, Castle Museum, Youth Detention Center, Special Education Center.
  • Helping with activities and the opportunity to organize individually new ideas for activities in the Mediateka, ex. Board game club, author meetings, theatrical performances, activities for children and young people. Helping with activities that take place on all levels of the Latin School.
  • Individually creating concepts of cultural animation activities using the native culture of the volunteer. IMPORTANT!!! The volunteer will have the opportunity to co-create activities for different age groups and organize themed activities under the supervision of an experienced cultural animator.

 Project 12 – Primary School number 3 in Malbork

is located in a new and modern building.

In the school there are 437 students, 45 teachers and 10 staff members. On the area of 2ha there are playgrounds for football and hockey, manoeuvring aquare and the skate park. The school is opened from 6.45a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Primary School number 3 in Malbork offers a high standard of teaching in a safe and friendly environment. The first pre – school year and school years I-III are taught through so called integrated education system lead by one teacher who adapts the space and the time to children’s activity. There is no grades during that time. IV-VI school years are divided into subjects taught by specialized teachers. During that time students get grades 1-6 (1 – the lowest grade, 6 – the highest one).

We are sensitive to students and appreciate the individuality and difference of each of them. The main purpose is to expand horizons of our children in age 5- 12, to discover and develop their own talents, interests so that they get ability to solve the problems in everyday situation. We strongly encourage our pupils to become independent people with the capacity for self-analysis – pupils who are sensitive and responsible citizens of the world.

Furthermore, we promote patriotic education and cultivate Polish traditions. We serve in remembrance of national events and take care of national memorial places, too. In addition, we are an initiator and a supporter of ecological activity, putting focus on ecology, environment, nature and the beauty of our school’s surroundings -‘Zielona klasa’.

Balanced development is also achieved through didactic classes and extramural activities. We inspire and encourage our students to develop their talents and interests by offering a variety of sports and cultural activities, some offered as a club membership, others as team or individual pursuits. Each learner may take part in one or more of the following activities: boys and girls hockey team ‘Bombek’.

Moreover in our offer there are dancing classes, the school boys choir, the art club, the chess club, school theatre (acting club), mathematics club, but also support services: study support (including literacy and numeracy), special education (including curative and remedial therapies). Clubs are lead every week and individual help is offered due to children’s needs. We are also eager to help the youngest people to experience the influence of different cultures and to familiarize them with the idea of European identity.

Project 13- Complex of Schools nr 2 in Malbork

Complex consists of two structures: Primary School No.2 and Secondary School no.2. The Primary School is attended by students at the age between 6 and 12 and the Secondary School is attended by students at the age between 13 and 15.

School is located in a historic building, built in 1928. The building underwent some renovations to make the place friendly for all students. The classrooms are well equipped, each classroom has got a computer with the acess to the Internet and a projector. There are also three computer labs, two libraries, a school canteen, a gym and a day-care room for the youngest children (opened from 7am to 5pm). In the day-care room pupils play inside and outside, improve they talents, do homework and crafts. We have got a football pitch, a basketball court and a playground outside the building.

There are many after-school activities. For example: Dancing, Vocal, Art, Physiotherapy Excercises, Theatre Workshops, Self-Government. In Voluntary Club called ”MITRA” students help our local animal shelter and other animal organizations by donating pet food twice a year. They also gathering sweets and food for children’s ward at hospital, orphanage, social welfare home and other. Volunteers also take part in The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

School complex cooperates with: local environment, District Police Station, Psycho-Pedagogical Clinic, Town Public Library, Malbork’s Radio and other organizations in Malbork and district area. We organize The Amateur Theatre Groups County Review and Environment Fest every year. There are also numerous calendar-connected events: Teachers’ Day, Independence Day, Foreign Languages Day and many other.

Project 14 – The Association Umbrella in Malbork

he Association for People with Disabilities “Parasol “(Umbrella) was established in 2004 on the initiative of teachers working at Special Education Needs and Training Centre in Malbork. Our main goal is to support the process of rehabilitation of children and young people with special education needs, learning at schools belonging to the Special Education Needs and Training Centre . There are 172 children in care in our Centre including nursery, primary , secondary, vocational and training school and school with mild, moderate and multiple intellectual disabilities. Some of the children stay in the boarding school from Monday to Friday. Our activity is based on the social (unpaid) work of members and volunteers coming from the The Centre teachers and some  Parents.

The role of the volunteer in our organization will be based on 3 guidelines:

  1. Direct support in working with children.
  2. Technical assistance in their daily work.
  3. Own initiative, a presentation of the volunteer’s country.

The volunteer is going to be our partner in the Society and we would like him/her to join our tasks. He/she will have the opportunity to learn about the forms and methods of working with disabled children at different stages of education, will get some pedagogical skills and knowledge in supporting the development of children and youth with mental disabilities.

Examples of typical volunteer activities:

  • Games and afterschool clubs activities.
  • Organizational and cleanup activities during the classes.
  • Office work and study aids preparation.
  • Individual help in carrying out educational tasks by children.
  • Assistance in organizing and conducting tours.
  • Assistance in the preparation of parties and school events, including technical assistance in decorating.
  • Assistance in children’s therapeutic activities (swimming lessons, hydrotherapy, hippotherapy, dog therapy, sensory integration, etc.)


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It will follow the rules of Erasmus+.

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Kwidzin and Malbork

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The aim of the association is:

  • Increasing social activity of citizens and allowing them to act as volunteers,
  • Increasing knowledge of volunteering and promoting the idea of voluntary work,
  • Supporting non-governmental organizations, public institutions and private individuals; promoting and organizing volunteer work.

[iconbox title=»Requisitos voluntariado Polonia» title_align=»left» content_align=»left» title_color=»#1e73be» align=»left» type=»vector» icon=»momizat-icon-user» icon_align_to=»box» size=»32″ icon_color=»#1e73be» icon_animation=»bounceInDown»][/iconbox]

Young people residents in Spain, age 18-30 years old.


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We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the middle of September.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

[button color=»purple» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

[button color=»pink» link=»https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nzzU6foZsVFBy9vGu5OqTgUGlrrQXio141gNgD2oNCs/edit?usp=sharing» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Application form hosting organisation[/button]

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME. EVS Marta Kwidzyn.PROJECT NUMBER”

Preguntas frecuentes voluntariado en Polonia

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