Volunteers for good courses – SVE en Romania!


About the project…

This EVS project was created to help in the same way the community of Resita, as well as 10 volunteers willing to learn about the social problems in Romania, about the culture and traditions, also about how and what they can do to make a change here, to help other people help themselves. Our project it’s the first project which have this topic from our region, a project which offers the opportunity to young persons from different countries to take part at volunteering activities in medical institutions ( recovering hospital and clinic) and social(day centre).

The aim of our project it’s to develop the volunteering activities in the social and medical field in Caras-Severin County.

The main objectives of our project are:

1. To develop the 10 volunteers abilities to put in practice local volunteering activities.

2. To offer the possibility for 10 volunteers to develop their creativity and PR abilities

3. To promote volunteering and youth activities in the social and medical field

4. To offer the opportunity for 4 volunteers to make volunteering activities in the medical field

5. To diversify the services offered to the patients by our recovering units during this project implementation

6. To develop the 10 volunteers capacity to create projects which to produce a change for the local community

Our project offers the opportunity to 10 volunteers to make 12 and 9 month EVS stages In Resita, CarasSeverin County, Romania.

Also our project follows:

– To increase the awareness of the youngsters regarding voluntary work and the involvement at local and regional level

– To inform the youngsters about the volunteering opportunities

– To diversify the recreational activities which are made for the patients from the recovering hospital of the NGO.

– To create an intercultural learning environment for the youngsters which are making the stage to Pro Vitam and also for our youngsters.

– To offer the opportunity to foreign and local volunteers to make volunteering stages in our NGO and learn as much as possible about the recovering services, social services and volunteering


The activities will be splinted in different parts, according to the necessity of the program. For the first 2 months we prepared activities of accommodation, getting to know the NGO, the team and the local communities from Resita, getting familiar with the place where you will stay for 12 months/9 months. Also we will have preparatory time for the activities which will be held during the program. A Romanian language course will be provided by the hosting organisation, for all the volunteers to learn it and make it easy for they stay here in Resita, Romania. The next months will be dedicated to apply the activities prepared for the kids in the Day Center, Hospital and Policlinic, as well as the activities necessary for promoting volunteering and non-formal education among the youngsters from Resita. It will be also daily meetings with the mentor, the person in charge of the volunteer’s welfare and to whom they can share their feelings and problems regarding the whole program or just how they feel.

The last month of the first cycle will be dedicated to ending the program as well as showing the new volunteers what the former ones have done while staying in Resita. In this way it will be easier for the new ones to understand faster what they need to do, as their stage is shorter than the previous volunteers. The next volunteers will follow the program and activities established, but they are also free to come with new ideas and suggestions.

Profile of the participant

The volunteers need to fulfil some conditions to fit in the project:

  1. Aged between 18-30 yeas, as the EVS program requires;
  2. English knowledge, at least the minimum bases, to be able to communicate with the staff and the other volunteers;
  3. Minimum knowledge about working with computers, internet (e-mails, Office and Pdf., power point presentations);
  4. To have graduated at least the gymnasium (8 classes);
  5. Ability to work in teams;
  6. Ability to share the venue with other volunteers;
  7. To work at least 30 hours a week;
  8. To respect the working program of the hosting organization;
  9. To be available for the whole period of the project (9-12);
  10. To be open minded and sociable.

The volunteers will be splinted in 3 different parts of the NGO like this:

  • 4 volunteers experienced and interested in working in hospital and policlinic of Pro Vitam, if possible with educational background in medical care, social experience in working with suffering patients; they should have good communication skills, open, tolerant, they can have also sport studies as the hospital and the policlinic have activities of recovering.
  • 2 volunteers interested in working with youngsters with disabilities, in the daily centre of Pro Vitam; they should have some experience in non-formal education, willing to work with kids and youngsters from disadvantaged communities, open, inventive and tolerant.
  • 4 volunteers interested in promoting volunteering and non-formal education, to attract more volunteers in the NGO, to promote the EVS, in general for other people with disabilities to be able to experience it themselves; they should have some experience in volunteering, good communication skills, to know very well the social networks necessary in promotion of volunteering, computer skills, and to believe in the change a volunteer can make.

About the venue

All the volunteers will be hosted at the 1st floor of Pro VitamClinic, situated in a nice and quiet part of ResitaCity, close to the daily Centre, supermarkets, County Hospital, Museum, Shopping Centre and beautiful big parks.

All 5 volunteers from the first round will share the 1st floor, 4 bedrooms, one living room and a bathroom. The whole building is renovated. Also food and monthly pocket money (60 Euro) will be provided by the Hosting NGO, according to the amount established in Romania for EVS volunteers.

About Resita…

Resita is an old industrial city, as we like to say is a small big city, which you will enjoy visiting as it has some good places to see. It has around 80.000 inhabitants and a University for more than 5000 students. Here you should visit the locomotives museum, the oldest locomotive in the country, the zoo, the surroundings, lakes and amazing landscapes. You can also find clubs with different types of music, a mini mall and bowling as well inside. More pictures and info’s about  Resita City you can always find on Google 🙂

About Pro VitamWelfare Association

It’s a non-profit organization, established in 2003 under the Government Ordinance np. 26/2000, aimed at providing specialist community support, creating an infrastructure of social services for categories of person at risk/ social exclusion and linking education  to labour market needs. The Association is approved as a provider of social services, health care provider home care, health care provider BFT recovery (physiotherapy spa), a provider of hospital services, provider training for adults and has developed several social projects, including partnerships between NGOs in the social and public authorities / institutions local, obtaining funding for six projects to develop social services by setting up pilot social centres in the Caras-Severin, and namely:

– Home Care Unit – established in 2004, provides socio-medical care at home for elderly, dependent elderly or disabled people and care for a total of 1,060 beneficiaries.

– Pro Vitam Day Centre – established in 2005, provides counselling, rehabilitation, and rehabilitation for the elderly, the disabled, youth who leave institutionalize and abused women, capacity 100 people per month, the monthly average 80-85 beneficiaries. It provided services to a total of 7,172 beneficiaries.

– Pro Vitam Neuromotor Recovery Centre – residential centre founded in 2007, with a capacity of 55 seats, ensuring socio-medical assistance, care, recovery and rehabilitation for people with disabilities mobility and neuropsychomotor during 12 days per session. The centre also has exclusive residential social care in the county involved in the recovery-rehabilitation for children. The very high addressability of the services of this centre made possible to provide services just by appointment. Since its establishment until now the centre has provided services to a number of 2,882 beneficiaries, mainly in Caras-Severin, but not only.

– Shelter for victims of domestic violence «House Pro Vitam» – established in 2008, with a capacity of 6 seats, and provided housing, legal and psychological assistance and medical care to 9 beneficiaries.

– Respiro Pro Vitam Centre – founded in 2008 has the aim to provide temporary housing, support and care for disabled adults, has a capacity of 12 seats. Until now has provided services to a total of 21 beneficiaries.

– Training Centre – the association authorized in 2004 the first course of «caretaker for the elderly» in the Caras-Severin County. Since then we have been trained over 308 people and some of them are/ were employed by the association. The association also conducted training to over 873 personal assistants of disabled persons. The association is authorized as a training provider in the trades: «personal assistant severely disabled person» and «caretaker for the elderly». Conducting training courses is one of the sources of financing the activities of the association.

Association has dedicated staff for each of the modules indicated above, with a number of 39 employees (caregivers for the elderly, nursing, nurses, physio-kineto-therapists, massage therapists, rehabilitation specialists, social worker, economist, jurist and administrative staff). In addition to its own employees association collaborates with specialists in other fields (psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, etc…). In all the activity of the organisation are involved volunteers that are helping the staff of the association. In general the volunteers are conducted by a coordinator of volunteer and together they make different activities for the centres activities.

Deadline of application


Project begin

febrero 2015


Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)
– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Romania ProVitam”




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